XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020


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The architecture of Russia in the 19th century is characterized by great diversity. The architectural styles of the 19th century are vividly represented in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Baroque architecture in Russia at the end of the XVIII century was replaced by classicism. Classicism is an artistic (including architectural) European style, which appeared in France in the XVII century. It is based on the ideas of rationalism. According to classicalists, any work of art or structure should be based on strict canons, emphasizingconsistence and harmony of the entire Universe. Only eternal and immutable things are significant for classicism. In any phenomenon, classicism tries to highlight its typological, essential features without considering individual and random ones [3, p.34-36].

Architectural classicism derived its forms and proportions from ancient architecture which was considered as a standard of simplicity, rigor, harmony and logic. Besides, classicism is characterized by a symmetrical composition, restraint of décor and regularity in urban planning.

The centers of classicism in Russia are Moscow and St. Petersburg. Its main representatives are Giacomo Quarenghi and Ivan Starov (Appx., fig 1-2). Stratov designed typical classical buildings – the Tauride Palace and Trinity Cathedral in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra (Appx., fig 9-11). According to Quarenghi's project, the Alexander Palace, the Smolny Institute and the Academy of Sciences (Appx., fig. 12-14) were built. These architectural monuments are the main symbols of St. Petersburg classicism [1, p. 76 – 89].

The architecture of the first half of the 19th century in Russia is characterized by a gradual transition from classicism to Empire style. Empire is a style belonging to late or high classicism. It was also represented in France during the rule of Napoleon I and had been developing for the first thirty years of the XIX century. Then it was replaced by historicism. In Russia this style emerged during the reign of Emperor Alexander I. The XIX century Russia was much influenced by France and its culture. Alexander I invited a French architect Auguste Montferrand (Appx., fig. 3) who was just at the very beginning of his career. The Emperor entrusted him the construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Later Montferrand became one of the fathers of Russian Empire style. Russian Empire was divided into two directions: Moscow and St. Petersburg ones. The main principal of this division was the degree of variations from classicism. The most prominent representatives of this style in St. Petersburg are: Andrey Voronikhin, Andreyan Zakharov, Vasily Stasov, Jean Thomon, Carl Rossi (Appx., fig 4-7) [2, p. 65-97]. Osip Bove, Domenico Gilardi, Afanasii Grigoriev are considered the masters of the Empire style in Moscow.

In Russian architecture the Empire style was the leading one until 1840s. Empire is often referred to the Royal styles due to its theatricality in design of both interior and exterior. Its characteristic features are columns, stucco cornices, pilasters and details of ancient sculptures like sphinxes, griffins, lion's paws. The appearance and development of the Empire style in the 19th century architecture in Russia is closely connected with Voronikhin Andrey Nikiforovich and one of his best works – St. Petersburg Kazan Cathedral (Appx., fig. 8).

Список литературы:

1. Пилявский В.И. История Русской архитектуры . 1984 г., С. 53-91.

2. Аркин Д.Е. “Образы Архитектуры и Образы Скульптуры”, 1990 г., С.60-120.

3. Иконников А.В. “Тысяча лет Русской архитектуры”, 1990 г., С. 25-68.


Рисунок 1. Рисунок 2.

Рисунок 3. Рисунок 4.

Рисунок 5. Рисунок 6.

Рисунок 7. Рисунок 8.

Рисунок 9. Рисунок 10.

Рисунок 11. Рисунок 12.

Рисунок 13. Рисунок 14.

Просмотров работы: 58