Futurism is a look into the future world, when everything around you does not correspond to your imagination, and you experience something new, something unusual.
Futurism in architecture appeared in 1912 and is connected with the name of the wonderful Italian architect Sant'elia. He was the first who depicted the futuristic vision of urban sketches on paper. In future he continued to create sketches on this topic and wrote “Manifesto of futurism architecture”.
In the Soviet Union futurism had a relatively slow pace of development. Everything seemed to be of the same type and color (usually gray). In the pre-revolutionary period of Russia, and then in the 20s and early 30s, the futurist movement has reached its peak.
Novgorod Academic Theatre named after F.M. Dostoevsky is one of the futuristic constructions which was built in the Soviet Union by V. Somov. Unusual shapes and fascinating symmetry will not let you pass by this building.
The Russian Academy of Sciences was the highest building since 1925 to 1991. Its main feature is its “brain”. The top of the structure is ornamented with a decorative element made of metal and glass. Residents of Moscow nicknamed it “Golden brain”. “There are many legends about their true purpose, including the ideas of the “conspiracy theory” [3].
House of Soviets in Kaliningrad impresses visitors and residents of the city. People refer to it as a “buried robot”. Every detail of the building resembles the silhouette of a robot head. “It's like he's watching over you like a Big Brother” [2].
Architects of modern futurism create even more grandiose buildings. There are new interesting forms and unusual ideas. Fisht Stadium in Sochi was built in 2013. The structure was expected to be made in the form of an Easter egg. At last, the project was approved and the stadium resembles a shell and a snowy peak. The stadium has four stands. Two of them are covered with translucent polycarbonate.
Skyscrapers of the Moscow International Business Center are grandiose, large-scale, fascinating and unique buildings. 23 buildings, the budget of which is 700 billion rubles, rise above the city.
British architect Tsvetan Tashkov has developed a futuristic concept of skyscrapers resembling lotus flowers. The height of this structure exceeds all created skyscrapers in the world. A lot of glass used in the project makes the structure sophisticated and attractive. According to the architect’s concept, these skyscrapers will be so high that even in a huge city you’ll be able to relax and hide away from noise of cars and people.
The futuristic ocean buildings were designed by Belgian architect Vincent Kalbo. These structures will be sunk to 1000 m into the water and resemble jellyfish. These buildings are certain to withstand storms, earthquakes and undercurrents. Some people dream to live in underwater cities and be closer to the ocean. So, their dreams may come true.
Futurism creates our future, exceeding all expectations. Futurism is inspired by movement, beauty, diversity, uniqueness and our imagination.
Список литературы:
1.Футуризм// Miridei [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: https://miridei.com/idei-dlya-doma/interior-ideas/vzglyad-v-buduschee-futurizm-v-arhitekture/
2.Футуризм // Pravda-tv [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: http://www.pravda-tv.ru/2017/03/31/291002/kosmos-kotorogo-net-futuristicheskaya-arhitektura-pozdnego-sssr
3.Футуризм // Fishki.net [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа: https://fishki.net/1216332-grandioznye-i-fantasticheskie-sooruzhenija-vremen-sssr.html
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