XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020


Желудев И.Н. 1, Суромкина Г.А. 1
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Currently, Albert Einstein is famous around the world as a theoretical physicist. But during his life, the scientist also devoted a lot of time to humanist movements and politics, so that at some point he was even offered to become President of Israel. Of course, the main reason that Albert Einstein turned to the topic of politics and humanism was the events preceding the Second World war, and the war itself. When the Nazis came to power in Germany, Einstein and his family had to leave his beloved Germany. The scientist began to receive threats, and his writings were declared "wrong". Einstein went overseas to the United States, where he began working at Princeton University. Seeing that Nazism was gaining momentum in Germany, the scientist even angrily refused German citizenship and membership in the German academies of Sciences. Two of Einstein's cousins who remained in Germany died in concentration camps, so the scientist for a while cut off all contact with his homeland, not wanting to have anything to do with it. However, this was not the first time that a scientist crossed the ocean. In 1921, Einstein was also in America to help raise funds to open a University in Israel. In addition to co-founding the University of Jerusalem (he later lectured there), Einstein, along with Sigmund Freud, also helped to establish the University of mount Scopus and the Technion (Institute of Technology) in Haifa. To some extent, Einstein can be considered the founder of modern Israeli science. Moreover, he warmly welcomed the formation of the state of Israel itself. Had it not been for the German fascists, he might not have attached much importance to the question of nationalism, but circumstances made Einstein an ardent supporter of Zionism. In 1952, the Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion invited the scientist to become the second President of Israel. The proposal was formal and absolutely serious, but Einstein replied: "I am deeply moved by the proposal of the state of Israel, but I regret and regret to reject it." The scientist explained his refusal by the fact that he simply does not have the necessary experience for this position, especially the experience of working with people.

He didn't like the pronoun «we».

He said "I" and wouldn't let anyone say "we." The meaning of this pronoun simply did not reach the scientist. His best friend had only once seen Einstein calm and furious when his wife had uttered the forbidden "we."

Einstein did not study well.

As a child, the famous scientist was not a child Prodigy. Many mocked him, and his mother even suspected the congenital deformity of her child (Einstein had a big head).

At school where the future genius proved to be withdrawn, lazy, slow and almost incapable of anything everyone laughed at him. And the teacher said that Albert never and would never amount to anything.

Einstein never received a certificate of education in the gymnasium, but he assured his parents that he would be able to prepare for admission to the Higher technical school (Polytechnic) in Zurich. But the first time he failed.

When he entered the Polytechnic, the student Einstein very often skipped lectures, reading in the cafe magazines with the latest scientific theories.

After graduation, he took a job as an expert in the patent office. Due to the fact that the evaluation of the technical characteristics of the young specialist often took about 10 minutes, he was engaged in the development of his own theories.

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