BODY FEAR CARD - Студенческий научный форум

XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020


Наумова А.А. 1, Гаджиева А.Э. 1, Суромкина Г.А. 1
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"Our body remembers everything." Have you ever heard such a phrase? Let's see what meaning this expression contains in itself. “Our body remembers everything” is one of the basic laws of body-oriented psychotherapy.

Body-oriented therapy is a direction in psychology and psychotherapy that helps to solve problems and treats neurosis through various techniques of bodily contact. Our body can be compared to the attic, it represents the impressions of the lived moments, the body knows about all our sore points and what happened to us from the moment of the merging of the reproductive cells of the parents and takes place throughout our life. Why do we compare the body with the "attic"?

We will analyze this moment with a specific example. Probably, everybody observed such a picture, when cleaning the house the mistress throws all the collected trash into the attic. In the same way the body is compared to the attic, where everything that we don’t want to see is actually sent. In the "attic" of the body we dump all those feelings that our consciousness does not want to recognize in ourselves. This mechanism in psychology is called “crowding out,” which means crowding out painful experiences, fears, thoughts, and memories into the unconscious. Feelings and fears will not disappear anywhere if you do not pay attention to them and study them. Feelings, seeking to return to consciousness, remind themselves through illness. And as a result most bodily ailments are feelings squeezed out of consciousness. In that part of the body where feeling and fear have settled a painful symptom is manifested. There is a pattern of dispersal of feelings throughout the body. And we offer you to explore your own “attic” of the body, to understand where the fears are located on your body and what it is connected with. To do this you will need to draw up your individual body map of fears. Draw on the sheet your whole body, that is the whole figure. And now the most important and important point: listen to your real body. Relax, close your eyes, try to feel your whole body at once. How does it feel? Is it in tension or relaxed? Is it comfortable? Warmly? In the process of feeling your body, ask yourself “Where does fear live in my body?” You can answer this question by recalling those situations from life in which you experienced fear, were afraid of something or someone. And then some parts of the body will attract your attention. Now mark in your drawing those places where fear is present in your body. It can be either one or several sites. The right and left sides of the body may be different. Also fear can be manifested somewhere less, and somewhere more. This can be noted in the figure with different colors. And most importantly remember that the bodily card is individual, the principle of right and wrong options does not exist in it.

And now let's move on to deciphering the bodily fear card, it contains certain laws with which you can analyze your fears and as a result, take some measures to overcome them:

1. Feet. This signals a lack of support and stability in life, of the unconscious sensation “I have no one to lean on”, “I do not stand firmly on my feet.” Not enough stability, no confidence in oneself, in the world, in the future.

2. Eyes.They are the main channel of perception, therefore fear settles there when a person has an unwillingness to see the truth and recognize reality as it is.

3. Belly.Fear for life lives in the stomach, it settles there in situations when something threatens life.

4. Hands and brushes.Hands testify to the fear of contact with the world, since on an unconscious level the world is perceived as danger, hostility and fear of living in world. There is no clear logical explanation, this happens on an emotional level and a person can correct this by working in this zone.

People with such an attitude choose professions where minimal communication with people is required, for example, working behind a computer monitor or working in production, etc.

Brushes talk about communication problems. The internal installation is such that the world is not dangerous, but communication with people causes great fear. The right brush usually shows that the fear of communicating with men is more developed, the left brush – with women.

5. The chest.In the chest is the fear of loneliness, the fear of rejection as a person, in contrast to the fear of fearing society and therefore being rejected. A person believes that he is not worthy of communication and considers himself an inferior and wrong person.

6. Neck.If fear lives in the neck, then this person is scared to express and show his feelings in society. Such people often have throat-related illnesses: soreness, a feeling of constriction. These people can be noticed, they usually have a thin voice similar to that of a child.

This is due to the constant tension in the neck, as a person begins to show his feelings, express his position, thereby begins to be shy, the neck contracts and the person holds his impulses of feelings inside.

7. Face.Fear in the face indicates that such people attach great importance: how they look, what they think about them, how they are perceived. It is very important for these people that they are loved, accepted and approved. They often have to wear masks and be different who they are, because of this they lose themselves in the present and become entangled in themselves.

8. The area of ​​the diaphragm, including the stomach and solar plexus:

There are fears associated with social life. Not to correspond to society, to be rejected by it - these moments are manifested through such qualities as embarrassment, shyness, timidity.

9. The back. In this part, the fear is settled not to live up to expectations, to be imperfect, which is usually inherent in perfectionism. Shoulders express our strength, responsibility, therefore fear settles in them to be weak, not to cope with responsibility.

10.Taz. In this part of the body, fears of the sexual sphere settle, which can lead to diseases if you do not try to eliminate them.

To summarize, fear is an absolutely normal manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation, and it is vital if there is a real danger. Imaginary or neurotic fears are a serious obstacle to a full and happy life. By showing different fears and where they live, you can define your own and correct the situation, after working out this fear, you can come into contact with your body and make it so that our feelings do not control and our mind is above all else.

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