XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020


Крайнова Ю.Н. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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Light creates the environment, light makes you feel space” - these are the words of the famous French architect Le Corbusier – of a man who changed the face of architecture and became the brightest icon of modernism [1].

When an architect is designing, light becomes an important compositional tool in his hands. A person perceives the real shape of an object due to the reflected light rays that our eyes meet. Light can serve to alter the proportions of a structure optically and to improve its microclimate. It can contribute to the organization of the space and be a means of moving direction [2]. The use of the light properties, the creation of various effects with its help can combine or separate the ambience, select or hide individual elements, organize functional zones [5].

Precisely because of the method of the play of light in the interior, the famous Japanese architect Tadao Ando, in one of his buildings, the Church of the Light, expressed the idea of turning in upon oneself, similar to meditation. The wall behind the altar has two slots intersecting at right angles, going from floor to ceiling and from wall to wall [3]. Sunlight falling into the interior through these slots forms a real cross, symbolizing the spiritual path of faith [3].

It should be noted that only due to the presence of the dark areas, to be more precise, concrete slabs in the background, it was possible to achieve the effect of such a beneficial effect of light. The above-mentioned, as it would seem, is a logical explanation to the condition for creating contrast in the interior. But it requires a more abstractive consideration.

As you know, all illuminated objects and bodies seem to be flat in the absence of shadows, the interior begins to be a bad influence on the human eye, thereby the light ceases to fulfill its main functions. Therefore we perceive this world, the shape, size and mass of objects directly as a result of the interaction of light and shadow. Еffects of light and shade, acting as the main formative factor and giving great expressiveness to the architectural structures, make you feel the space. It has the ability to identify the plastic properties of the premises and the architectural form in the main. For example, in southern countries light is bright, so much attention is paid to decorating the facade and its relief (the more protruding and falling back elements, the more interesting is the play of light and shadow) and in northern countries the play of light and shadow is not so pronounced, therefore more architects emphasize the silhouette [5].

Thus, the shape of any architectural detail is perceived differently depending on the nature and direction of the light rays [4]. And light in its turn is measured only by its counterpart - the shadow and exists outright due to it. If there were no shadow we should have no day and night, there would be twilight, trees would not grow, the wind would not blow, nothing would change. Therefore, the unity of light and shadow is so necessary. Due to them life is going on.


1. Le Corbusier // Interior [electronic resource]. - Access mode: https: //www..ru/design/talk/7207-le-korbyuze-pyat-myslej-o-svobode-svete-i-parizhe.html

2. Light // Architect4u [electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://www.architect4u.ru/articles/article03.html

3. Tadao Ando // The-legends [electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://the-legends.ru/articles/7/tserkov-sveta-ando

4. Lighting // Revolution [electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://revolution.allbest.ru/construction/00259525_0.html

5. Light // Mir.zavantag [electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://mir.zavantag.com/sport/773/index.html

Просмотров работы: 11