Nikolai Trubetzkoy - Студенческий научный форум

XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020

Nikolai Trubetzkoy

Семенова П.Д. 1
1Владимирский Государственный Университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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Prince Nikolai Sergeyevich Trubetzkoy. Moscow, April 16, 1890 – Vienna, June 25, 1938) was a Russian linguist and historian whose teachings formed a nucleus of the Prague School of structural linguistics. He is widely considered to be the founder of morphophonology. He was also associated with the Russian Eurasianists.

Nikolai Trubetskoy (1890-1938) was one of the most universal thinkers of the Russian abroad, the largest linguist, philologist, historian, philosopher, political scientist. He was born in 1890 in Moscow in the family of the rector of Moscow University, the famous Professor of philosophy S. N. Trubetskoy. The family, which bore the ancient princely name, belonged to the gediminovich family, among whom were such prominent figures of Russia as the boyar and diplomat Alexei Nikitich (d. in 1680), field Marshal Nikita Yurievich (1699-1767), associate Ni Novikov writer Nikolai Nikitich (1744-1821), Decembrist Sergei Petrovich (1790-1860), religious philosophers Sergei Nikolaevich (1862-1905) and Eugene Nikolaevich (1863-1920), sculptor Paul (Paolo) Petrovich (1790-1860). The atmosphere of the family, which was one of the intellectual and spiritual centers of Moscow, favored the awakening of early scientific interests. Since high school Years N. Trubetskoy seriously begins to engage in Ethnography, folklore, linguistics, as well as history and philosophy. In 1908 he entered the historical and philological faculty of Moscow University, attending classes in the cycle of philosophical and psychological Department and then in the Department of Western European literature. In 1912 he graduated from the Department of comparative linguistics and was left at the University Department, after which he was sent to Leipzig, where he studied the doctrines of the hologrammatic school.

Returning to Moscow, he published a number of articles on North Caucasian folklore, problems of Finno-Ugric languages and Slavic studies. He was an active member of the Moscow linguistic circle, where, along with linguistics, together with scientists and writers, he seriously studied and developed mythology, folk studies, Ethnography, cultural history, closely approaching the future Eurasian theme. After the events of 1917, the successful University work of N. Trubetskoy was interrupted and he went to Kislovodsk, and then for some time taught at Rostov University. Gradually he came to the conclusion that the ancient Slavs in spiritual terms were more closely connected with the East than with the West, where, in his opinion, contacts were carried out primarily in the field of material culture.

In 1920, N. Trubetskoy left Russia and moved to Bulgaria, and began teaching at Sofia University as a Professor. In the same year he published his famous work "Europe and humanity", which brings him close to the development of Eurasian ideology. Further activity of N. Trubetskoy developed in two directions: 1) especially scientific, devoted to philological and linguistic problems (work of the Prague circle which became the center of world phonology, then years of researches in Vienna), 2) cultural and ideological, connected with participation in the Eurasian movement. N. Trubetskoy gets closer to P. N. Savitsky, p. p. Suvchinsky, G. V. Florovsky, is published in the "Eurasian Chronicles" and "Chronicles", periodically makes reports in various cities of Europe. Russian Russian culture, the doctrine of "true nationalism" and "Russian self-knowledge" can be attributed To the main merits of N. Trubetskoy in the development of Eurasian ideas.

Due to his psychological characteristics N. Trubetskoy preferred quiet, academic work to politics. Although he had to write articles in the genre of political journalism, he avoided direct involvement in organizational and propaganda activities and regretted when Eurasianism made a bias into politics. Therefore, in the history of the newspaper "Eurasia", he took a unequivocally irreconcilable position in relation to the left wing of the movement and left the Eurasian organization, resuming publication in updated editions only a few years later.

The last years of his life N. Trubetskoy lived in Vienna, where he worked as a Professor of Slavistics at the University of Vienna. After the Anschluss of Austria, he was harassed by the Gestapo. Much of his manuscripts were seized and subsequently destroyed. According To L. N. Gumilev, who received this information from P. N. Savitsky, N. Trubetskoy was not arrested only because he was " a Prince, an aristocrat, but his apartment was repeatedly searched, and very rough, which led to a myocardial infarction and early death." July 25, 1938 At the age of 48 years N. Trubetskoy died.Nikolai Trubetskoy (1890-1938) was one of the most universal thinkers of the Russian abroad, the largest linguist, philologist, historian, philosopher, political scientist. He was born in 1890 in Moscow in the family of the rector of Moscow University, the famous Professor of philosophy S. N. Trubetskoy. The family, which bore the ancient princely name, belonged to the gediminovich family, among whom were such prominent figures of Russia as the boyar and diplomat Alexei Nikitich (d. in 1680), field Marshal Nikita Yurievich (1699-1767), associate Ni Novikov writer Nikolai Nikitich (1744-1821), Decembrist Sergei Petrovich (1790-1860), religious philosophers Sergei Nikolaevich (1862-1905) and Eugene Nikolaevich (1863-1920), sculptor Paul (Paolo) Petrovich (1790-1860). The atmosphere of the family, which was one of the intellectual and spiritual centers of Moscow, favored the awakening of early scientific interests. Since high school Years N. Trubetskoy seriously begins to engage in Ethnography, folklore, linguistics, as well as history and philosophy. In 1908 he entered the historical and philological faculty of Moscow University, attending classes in the cycle of philosophical and psychological Department and then in the Department of Western European literature. In 1912 he graduated from the Department of comparative linguistics and was left at the University Department, after which he was sent to Leipzig, where he studied the doctrines of the hologrammatic school.

Returning to Moscow, he published a number of articles on North Caucasian folklore, problems of Finno-Ugric languages and Slavic studies. He was an active member of the Moscow linguistic circle, where, along with linguistics, together with scientists and writers, he seriously studied and developed mythology, folk studies, Ethnography, cultural history, closely approaching the future Eurasian theme. After the events of 1917, the successful University work of N. Trubetskoy was interrupted and he went to Kislovodsk, and then for some time taught at Rostov University. Gradually he came to the conclusion that the ancient Slavs in spiritual terms were more closely connected with the East than with the West, where, in his opinion, contacts were carried out primarily in the field of material culture.

In 1920, N. Trubetskoy left Russia and moved to Bulgaria, and began teaching at Sofia University as a Professor. In the same year he published his famous work "Europe and humanity", which brings him close to the development of Eurasian ideology. Further activity of N. Trubetskoy developed in two directions: 1) especially scientific, devoted to philological and linguistic problems (work of the Prague circle which became the center of world phonology, then years of researches in Vienna), 2) cultural and ideological, connected with participation in the Eurasian movement. N. Trubetskoy gets closer to P. N. Savitsky, p. p. Suvchinsky, G. V. Florovsky, is published in the "Eurasian Chronicles" and "Chronicles", periodically makes reports in various cities of Europe. Russian Russian culture, the doctrine of "true nationalism" and "Russian self-knowledge" can be attributed To the main merits of N. Trubetskoy in the development of Eurasian ideas.

Due to his psychological characteristics N. Trubetskoy preferred quiet, academic work to politics. Although he had to write articles in the genre of political journalism, he avoided direct involvement in organizational and propaganda activities and regretted when Eurasianism made a bias into politics. Therefore, in the history of the newspaper "Eurasia", he took a unequivocally irreconcilable position in relation to the left wing of the movement and left the Eurasian organization, resuming publication in updated editions only a few years later.

The last years Of his life N. Trubetskoy lived in Vienna, where he worked as a Professor of Slavistics at the University of Vienna. After the Anschluss of Austria, he was harassed by the Gestapo. Much of his manuscripts were seized and subsequently destroyed. According To L. N. Gumilev, who received this information from P. N. Savitsky, N. Trubetskoy was not arrested only because he was " a Prince, an aristocrat, but his apartment was repeatedly searched, and very rough, which led to a myocardial infarction and early death." July 25, 1938 At the age of 48 years N. Trubetskoy died.

List of references

Просмотров работы: 30