Федор Буслаев и его работа в лингвистике - Студенческий научный форум

XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020

Федор Буслаев и его работа в лингвистике

Волкова О.Н. 1
1Владимирский Государственный Университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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Fyodor Ivanovich Buslayev, Russian linguist, folklorist, art historian. He was born April 13, 1818 in the city of Penza in the family of a court official. In 1833 he graduated from the Penza gymnasium and entered the verbal Department of the faculty of philosophy of the Moscow University (graduated in 1838). Lectures of professors S. Shevyrev, M. Pogodin and other outstanding scientists had a great influence on the formation of Buslaev's worldview. As a student, he became a polyglot, mastered Sanskrit and Hebrew.

After graduation Buslaev taught Russian language in high schools of Moscow and gave private lessons. In these years he began to publish scientific works on the methodology of teaching the Russian language (on the teaching of the Russian language, 1844, etc.). Being a home teacher in the family of count Stroganov, in 1839-1841 he lived in Germany and Italy, studied works on linguistics and history of V. Humbolt and J. Grimm, as well as archaeology and history of European art.

In 1847 he was a teacher and from 1859 he was a Professor at Moscow University. Subsequently, he was elected a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In the 1850s he wrote both works on linguistics (Experience of historical grammar of the Russian language, 1858, etc.) and reviews of works by contemporary writers – K. Aksakov, A. Khomyakov, etc. In the center of his scientific interests were the problems of studying dialects, the connection of the history of the language with the history of the country. He published numerous articles on these topics – about the epic expressions of Ukrainian poetry (1850), about the nation in ancient Russian literature and art (1857), Songs of ancient Edda about Zigurd and Murom legend (1858), etc.

In 1861 he published the historical anthology of Church Slavonic and old Russian languages. The Anthology includes 135 works, some were prepared for printing by manuscripts and published for the first time. In the same year the book was published by Buslaev Historical sketches of Russian folk literature and art is a vivid evidence of mythological school in Russian science.

Buslaev referred himself to the Russian school, whose adherents were also A. N. Afanasiev, A. A. Kotlyarevsky and other philologists. In his opinion, people's worldview, people's morality are manifested primarily in language and mythology. Folk poetry, in the understanding of Buslaev, is a moral ideal.

In 1860-1870-ies Buslaev made several trips abroad. He went to the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, where he studied the history of art. The result of these trips was the article General concepts of Russian iconography (1866) and other works on the history of painting, iconography, miniatures, ornament. World fame brought Buslaev book Russian facial Apocalypse.

In 1886 he published the book “My Leisure”, which included articles about contemporary literature - about the works of N. Karamzin, I. Krylov, M. Pogodin and other writers, as well as work on the meaning of the modern novel and its tasks. Shortly before his death, he completed work on his memoir “My memories” (1890-1892), which, having lost his sight, he dictated. In this book Buslaev described his childhood and student years, his great contemporaries N. Gogol, T. Granovsky, p. Chaadaev, I. and P. Kireevsky, etc.

Buslaev died in the village. Lublin near Moscow July 31 (August 12) 1897.

He is a supporter of the comparative-historical method in the research of the history of the Russian language. “Russian Grammar “(1858, from the second edition, 1863 – “Historical grammar of the Russian language”) — the first work on this topic. Originally created as a textbook on the Russian language, under the changed name the book has survived five editions during the life of the author, was republished to the centenary of the first edition — in 1959. Over time, the course on the history of the Russian language, based on this work, began to read in universities and pedagogical institutes.

Buslaev's works on syntax have had a significant impact on the Russian grammatical tradition. The doctrine about differentiation of morphological and syntactic signs of parts of speech in Rusistics goes back to his works. He identified logical and grammatical categories, treating syntax as the embodiment of logical structure.

The classification of minor sentence members and types of subordinate clauses proposed by Buslaev has been preserved in the school teaching of the Russian language for almost a century and a half. The Russian tradition has also proved to be stable in the identification of three types of compositional communication: connecting, opposing and separating. Buslaev introduced the concept of a type of morphosyntactic connection.


Азадовский М. К. История русской фольклористики. — М., 1958;

Азбелев С. Н. Ф. И. Буслаев и его ученики об историко-бытовых основах народного эпоса // Русская литература. — 1991. — № 4.

Буслаев Ф.И. Сочинения, тт. 1–3. СПб – Л., 1908–1930

Кондрашова И. А. Лингвистические труды Ф. И. Буслаева // Семантическая структура слова и высказывания. М., 1993;

Смирнов С. Ф.И.Буслаев. М., 1978

Чурмаева Н. Ф.И.Буслаев. М., 1984

Морозов П. О. Буслаев, Федор Иванович // Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона : в 86 т. (82 т. и 4 доп.). — СПб., 1890—1907.

Просмотров работы: 84