Challenges and innovations of autonomous gas supply - Студенческий научный форум

XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020

Challenges and innovations of autonomous gas supply

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Autonomous gas supply is an alternative gas supply system in which gas for households or enterprises does not come from the main gas pipeline, but from an independent storage facility.

The simplest example is a gas stove, the gas to which comes from a gas cylinder through a gearbox. A more complex option is a gas holder, a special tank for storing LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) and a piping system for supplying it.

For the end user, outwardly, there is no difference. The same yellow pipe comes into the house, more often private than multi-unit, you can also turn on the gas stove and boil water, But as if the brackets remain the fact that the blue fuel does not come from a common pipe, but from a large gas storage . This is alternative gas supply. Liquefied fuel is refueled at a special plant, and then in the tank, like water or milk, it is transported to a storage facility located away from any gas pipeline. And from there, fuel goes to gas stations, industrial enterprises or to residential buildings.

Gas is delivered to the consumer through road transport in the form of compressed gas in tanks. Then the gas is discharged into gas filling compressor stations.

The gas supply complex in this case consists of a transporter, natural gas storage, reduction unit, gearboxes and fittings.

With this method of gas supply, the consumer installs two container tanks, one of which is connected to the reduction unit or regasifier of the gas supply system of the consumer. After the gas from the connected container tank is exhausted, the gas supply system of the facility is switched to the second container tank, and the first is loaded onto the vehicle’s semi-trailer using a loading and unloading device mounted on the semi-trailer and transported for filling to the nearest CNG production point or LNG

A gas tank is the main part of autonomous gasification, which is a metal tank for receiving, storing liquefied petroleum gas, which is under excess pressure and then distributed through the gas pipeline. Such containers are used in the oil and gas, gas processing and oil producing industries, as well as in autonomous gas supply to industrial or residential facilities.

A few words why people generally turn to this option, and not to the more traditional. Autonomous gasification is needed for those people who do not have the ability to connect Natural Gas. Either connecting this natural gas costs fabulous money.Вариантстемижедровамида, этодешего. Но это вызывает такие трудности как: закупка дров, в ежедневной топке помещения. Опять же зола, которую нужно чистить, убирать. У кого-то возникает дискомфорт от запаха, дыма в доме. Конечно же сейчас уже есть современные котлы, ктр работают на дровах, на пеллетах. Дрова нужно колоть – они часто поставляются в виде круглых чурбаков, требующих рубки. Махать топором в холодную погоду – удовольствие сомнительное (хотя и полезное)

There is also an option with electricity, but the biggest drawback is the cost. And another minus is highlighted - it is a fire hazard. All objects that are heated by electricity are at great risk in terms of fire, because there are large loads and drops in the network

So we touched on the topic of fire hazard, but autonomous gasification is a huge vessel with gas under pressure. The question arises: is it safe, will it explode?

Firstly, the gas tank is equipped with safety valves. And in the event of a pressure drop, for example, during a fire in the house, the gas tank is buried nearby. With a sharp increase in T, the valves on the gas tank operate and the gas burns in the form of a torch, well, the vessel does not explode. Well, in confirmation of these words, I think you have not heard a single case that a gas tank exploded somewhere. That is, the so-called household gas explodes, which is piped to the house, where its leaks are fraught with the consequences that we see on television.

All malfunctions or difficulties in its operation arise due to some household things that are related to maintenance and which can be easily fixed. The gas holder works further

Disadvantages of the gas tank, when compared with other power sources, is the initial high cost of investing in equipment. Because the cost of gasification is about 200 thousand rubles, and to hang the same electric boiler is much cheaper (about 40-50). But the cost of operating on liquefied gas is much lower than on electricity. Therefore, in 2-3 years the difference in the cost of this equipment pays for itself

The main minus is the cost, you must first find somewhere around 200 thousand to install it, and its second common minus, which is often found in the off-season (autumn and winter), it is possible to freeze the gearbox that is installed on this tank and, accordingly, short-term shutdown gas.

Over the past 10 years, the market has shown itself in such a way that it has become in great demand, and demand increases every year, because by and large there is no alternative. Electricity is expensive and unsafe (statistics on the Internet). It is impossible to connect the GHG, but if possible it costs a lot of money. Diesel fuel is a smell, it’s uncomfortable and uncomfortable to live in a house, well, firewood is the same as diesel is uncomfortable.

Gas carrier - a specialized vehicle for refueling gas tanks. It has an installed tank in which liquefied gas is charged. It can fill 2-3 gas tanks depending on the volume.

It has a technological compartment, all valves and all refueling tools, that is, gas valves, drain, control devices (this is a meter, control unit that allows you to remotely control the amount of gas to be drained). All this remains in the memory of the company, and the owner can connect to this system and already see how much gas has been drained and, accordingly, how much gas is in your gas tank.

Pressure sensors, despite the fact that there are a lot of cranes here, you also need to pay attention to them when a gas carrier arrives at you. It is very important to understand what quality the gas has come to you. That is, a good high-quality gas propane has a higher pressure than butane, and for a gas holder it is precisely propane gas that is needed to have more propane in the gas. In summer, it should be no lower than 8-9, and in winter no lower than 5 atmospheres. Well, this is an indirect indicator, but very important. The density meter is used to check the quality of the gas.

We talked about existing issues, but what about innovation? It should be said that Autonomous gasification of LNG by itself is an innovative technology. To protect against electrochemical corrosion, they use innovative active and passive protection containing a magnesium anode element. Such a protection system serves as an earthing switch, which is necessary when refueling, since strong static electricity is generated during gas flow through the hose. Steel grounding leads to deterioration of the anticorrosive properties of the tank. However, the use of an anode as a ground electrode in the activator significantly improves the corrosion resistance of the tank.

In addition to the anode protection, other methods are distinguished: roll waterproofing; the use of bitumen mastic; the use of paints based on epoxy resins.


Оnline resource wikipedia;

English - Russian terminology dictionary of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling. - Moscow: AVOK-PRESS, 2002. - 299p;

Оnline resource SKGAZ Autonomous gasification;

Nekhaev G.A. Design and calculation of steel cylindrical tanks and low pressure gas holders. 2005 – 44p.

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