HISTORY OF THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY - Студенческий научный форум

XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020


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The Walt Disney Company is one of the largest entertainment industry corporations in the world. The animation studio was founded on October 16, 1923 by the brothers Walter and Roy Disney, and now it is also one of the largest Hollywood studios. The headquarters of Walt Disney Company is located in Burbank, California, USA.

How did it all begin? It all started with the move to Los Angeles of Walt and his brother Roy in 1923. There they create in Hollywood "Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio" (later "The Walt Disney Studio" and "The Walt Disney Company"). The very first stunt film was presented in March 1924, which was called "Alice's Day at Sea", prompted by the heroes of Lewis Carroll's book "Alice in Wonderland." The seriesoffilmsdrawnin1926-1927,thedirectoralsonamedaftertheheroineofthis book (Disney made 56 films about Alice's adventures in total). In 1927, the film “Oswald Rabbit” was very popular, and his hero opens a gallery of famous characters from Disney films, one of them is theMouse

Mickey Mouse. He first appeared in the silent mouse “The Crazy Airplane” (1928), and in the same year he became the hero of the first Disney sound film - “SteamboatWillie,”thefirsteverdrawnfilmwithsynchronoussound.Intheperiod from 1929-1938, Disney began working on the series “Funny Symphonies”, in which over 70 episodes were shot, including such masterpieces as “Dance of the Skeletons”,“TheUglyDuckling”,“ThreeLittlePigs”.Inthesefilmsthereareheroes whohavebecomeworldfamous-funnydogsPlutoandGoofyandducklingDonald Duck in his sailor uniform. After appearing on the screen, these heroes appeared on the pages of comic books and many different objects, and toys similar to Disney heroes appeared in the 1930s. With their help, they advertised different products. Disneyevenbegantosellabroadlicensesthatallowedtheuseofcommercialimages from his cartoons. When Disney was 14 years old, and he earned money by selling newspapers,inKansasCityhesawashortsilentcartoonaboutSnowWhite,which he remembered for his wholelife.

December 21, 1937 on the screens of America was first shown Disney's feature-length animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, based on the Grimm Brothers Tale. He brought Disney a huge success: worldwide popularity, over$8millioninrevenueandenthusiasticresponsesintheprofessionalpress.Soon new feature films appeared, such as Pinocchio, Fantasy, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Dumbo,Bambi,Cinderella,andmanyothersthatalsodeservesomeattention.These films are often called family films, they are based on the unbridled imagination of the authors, magnificent plastics hand-drawncharacters.

The first animated film to be nominated for an Oscar as "Best Film of the Year" is "Beauty and theBeast." In the 1950s, the Disney studio expanded its activities:itbecameweeklyprepareentertainingDisneylandTVshows,andin1955, in Anaheim, near Los Angeles, an entertainment complex with attractions at Disneyland Park was opened, where children, surrounded by characters from their favoriteDisneycartoons,fellintotheatmosphereofanunforgettableholiday.Later, in 1971, Disney World appeared in Orlando, Florida, and in 1992 Eurodisneyland was opened near Paris. Until 2010, The WaltDisney Company owned the MiramaxFilms film company (it, along with its collection of films, was sold for $ 660 million to a group of investors led by Ronald Tutor). At the same time, WaltDisney bought the film studio in 1993 from the Weinstein brothers for $ 80 million, but in recent years Miramax has been financiallyinsolvent.

Walt Disney died December 15, 1966. However, the work he started continues, and the Walt Disney film studio still makes animated and feature films for children of all ages.

I would also like to talk about the work of artists who had a huge role in creating Disney cartoons. Walt Disney artists, before drawing animals, always carefullystudiedthehabitsoftheirlivingprototypes.Therefore,despitethefabulous plot, all the movements on the screen are extremely believable. An example of this approach is the painted animals in the movie Pinocchio. Each regular Disney premiere was accompanied by pre-preparedposters.

Inthecartoons,frame-by-frameoranimatedshooting,whichwaswidespread at that time, was used - this is shooting on film of individual motionless phases of motion, expressed in the figure. The sequential projection of these images on the screenataspeedof24framespersecondcreatestheillusionofmovement,theeffect of "animation" of the characters. Starting with Steamboat Willy, music plays an important role in Disney films. The sound in his films serves not only as a background for dialogs, but also becomes their important component, a musical background, creating the harmony of the entire hand-drawn work. In August 2009, itbecameknownthattheWaltDisneyCompanybuysMarvelEntertainmentfor$

4.5 billion. Disney swallowed Marvel with all the “giblets”, including Marvel Comics, Marvel Animation (which produces animated films), Marvel Studios (full- length movie production) and many others. Walt Disney owns a number of cable television networks, including

Disney Channel, ABC Family, Toon Disney. In 2009, it announced the creation of a new division of Disney Double Dare You, which will be led by Guillermodel Toro. The new unit is engaged production of horror films as part of family cinema.

In 2009, an agreement was reached according to which Disney became the owneroftheMarvelEntertainmentcorporation,whichproducespopularcomicbook series, for $ 4 billion. Disney owns 5,000 comic book characters, includingSpider-

Man and Iron Man, popular among young people. In turn, about 40% of the company's shares went into the hands of Marvel shareholders. Throughout the 20th century, Disney has been a leader in animation and has made its way in almost all aspects of animation techniques.

At present, 55 full-length film studios have been released. And at least half of them were seen by every person who saw a television or movie theater. Tales can begin in different ways, but they must end in the same way - happily. Walt Disney founded The Walt Disney Company, which is now the largest entertainment companyandranks13thonForbes'MostInfluentialBrandslist.Butmoreexpensive than all the measurable material awards, the popular recognition prized by Disney enthusiastic viewers isappreciated.

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