STANFORD UNIVERSITY - Студенческий научный форум

XII Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2020


Лысенко А.А. 1, Скрипченко С.Н. 1
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Stanford University is the private research University in the USA, one of the most authoritative and rated in the USA and in the world. Stanford has more than 7,000 undergraduate and 9,000 graduate students from the United States and around the world. The University consists of 2,219 faculties. It trains engineer specializing, lawyers, doctors, musicians and many other specialists. There are part-time students and full-time students study.


The University began it`s work in 1891. From the first days it was practiced joint training of men and women, for that time it was quite unconventional approach. In the 30s, the University encouraged graduates and students to create their own businesses. After that, many students founded their firms near Stanford University, so there was Silicon valley-a huge community of IT companies.

The Institute covers more than 700 buildings, the classrooms of which are equipped with modern computers, 20 libraries with more than 9.5 million volumes, more than 43,000 trees, 25 fountains, shopping center, built in 1955, which has more than 140 stores, more than 19,300 Parking spaces. Clinical research, practice and further work of future specialists are held here. Almost all commercial projects of University specialists become successful and bring millions of profit to owners and creators. In addition to educational buildings, there are halls of residence and laboratories, as well as representative offices of corporations with world names.

Stanford, unlike many other universities, has a system of quarters. There are four semesters in the year: three of them are academic and one is summer. Some take courses for the summer, but this rarely happens. Each quarter lasts ten weeks, passes quickly. There are cool author courses here. For example, the author's course on the Economics of corruption, which was liked by many. Training here is interactive. Students are always working on a project. Moreover, projects are often with real companies and organizations from the outside.

There is another point that strongly distinguishes any University in America from the Russian one. In the Parking lot of the University in Moscow are often expensive cars like Ferrari, you could meet people in branded clothes. And here students practically do not use cars, on campus people move on bicycles. People from different backgrounds study here.

Not only students of different nationalities, but also of different social strata study here. More than 17 % of people who enrolled at Stanford last year were the first in their families to ever graduate. Stanford makes great efforts to be accessible not only to upper-and middle-class families, but also to smart students from poor families. Such socio-economic diversity leads to a balanced culture and opportunities for future generations.

Another feature of Stanford is its culture. Here you are supported and encouraged to take risks. Failure is a badge of honor, not a sign of weakness. In fact, a safe and easy road is not welcome. This leads to a culture of innovators in all disciplines, not just in engineering, which helps produce reforms and progress in other fields such as medicine, journalism and management.

Self-study in the States teaches a lot. Especially soft skills, communication with people, establishing business relations, working at a fast pace, while balancing and combining all this with personal life, sports.

List of sources:; › Education › Colleges › colleges › stanford-uni.

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