Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck was born in April 23, 1858 in the town of Kilaw.
In 1867 his family moved to live in Munich. Here Max Planck arrives at the Royal grammar school where excellent mathematics teacher for the first time, aroused his interest in natural and exact Sciences. Upon graduation from high school in 1874, he was going to study classical Philology, tried his hand at musical composition, but then gave preference to physics.
Max began to study physics and mathematics at Berlin and Munich universities. During his stay in Berlin plank acquired a broader perspective on physics through the publications of prominent physicists. Familiarity with their works contributed to the fact that the scientific interests of the Strap for a long time focused on thermodynamics – the field of physics, in which, based on a small number of fundamental laws are studied the phenomena of heat, mechanical energy and energy conversion.
A doctorate degree from Max Planck received in 1879, defended at the University of Munich with a thesis on the second law of thermodynamics, stating that any continuous self-sustaining process can transfer heat from a colder body to a warmer.
The following year, Planck wrote another work on thermodynamics, which earned him the position of Junior assistant of physical faculty of the University of Munich. In 1885 he became an adjunct Professor at Keele University, which strengthened its independence, strengthened financial position and provided more time for research.
Planck's work on thermodynamics and its applications to physical chemistry and electrochemistry earned him international recognition.
With 1896, Max Planck became interested in the measurements produced in the State physical-technical Institute in Berlin, and also problems of thermal radiation of bodies. Any body that contains heat, emits electromagnetic radiation. If the body gets hot enough, this radiation becomes visible. With increasing temperature, the body first becomes red-hot, then becoming orange-yellow and finally white. Radiation emits a mixture of wavelengths (in the visible range of the radiation frequency corresponds to the color). However, the radiation of a body depends not only on temperature, but also to some extent from such surface characteristics as color and structure. As an ideal benchmark for measurement and theoretical research of physics took an imaginary absolute black body. By definition, a blackbody is a body that absorbs all incident radiation and reflects nothing. The radiation emitted by a blackbody depends only on its temperature. Although such an ideal body does not exist, a kind of approximation to it may serve as a closed shell with a small hole (for example, a properly designed furnace, which walls and contents are in equilibrium at the same temperature). One of the proofs ternately characteristics of such shells is as follows. Radiation incident on the hole enters the cavity and is reflected from the walls, is partially reflected and partially absorbed. Since the probability that radiation as a result of numerous reflections will come out through the hole and out, is very small, it is almost completely absorbed. Radiation originating in the cavity and coming out of the hole, is considered to be equivalent to the radiation emitted by the ground with a hole on the surface of a blackbody at the temperature of the cavity and shell. Preparing own research, Planck read a paper by Kirchhoff about the properties of such a shell with a hole.Accurate quantitative description of the observed distribution of radiation energy in this case is called the problem of the black body.
As shown by experiments with black body, a graph of the dependence of energy from frequency or wavelength is a characteristic curve. At low frequencies (longer wavelengths), it is pressed to the axis of the frequencies, then at some intermediate frequency reaches its maximum (peak with a rounded top), and then at higher frequencies (shorter wavelengths) decreases. With increasing temperature the curve retains its shape but is shifted towards higher frequencies. Was empirical relationship between temperature and frequency of the peak in the curve of black-body radiation between the temperature of the whole radiated energy, but nobody has been able to bring the curve of the blackbody radiation of the fundamental principles known at that time. Max Planck under the influence of the theory of the electromagnetic nature of light James Clerk Maxwell approached the problem of the black body from the point of view of the distribution of energy between elementary electric oscillators, physical form which does not specify.
In 1900 the young scientist formulated the law of energy distribution in the spectrum of a black body, by introducing a constant with the functional dimension. Formula max-Planck immediately received experimental confirmation. It was a sensation in science. He created the so-called Planck's constant or quantum of action is the one universal constant in physics. And date 14 December 1900, when Max Planck presented the report to the German physical society about the theoretical basis of the radiation law, was the date of birth of the new quantum theory.
In 1901, based on experimental data on blackbody radiation, Planck calculated the value of the Boltzmann constant and using the other known information received Avogadro's number (the number of atoms in one mole of the element). Based on the number of Avogadro, Planck was able with remarkable accuracy to find the electrical charge of an electron.
Also of great importance were the studies concerning Planck's theory of probability. German scientist, one of the first to realize it and persistently supported. His scientific achievements continue – in 1906 Max Planck derived an equation for the relativistic dynamics, having in the course of their research, the formula for determining the momentum and energy of the electron. Thus, the team was completed relativization classical mechanics.
In 1919, Max Planck was awarded the Nobel prize in physics in 1918 "in recognition of his contribution to the development of physics due to the discovery of energy quanta.
In 1928 at the age of seventy years, Max Planck went into compulsory formal resignation, but did not break ties with the Society for basic Sciences Kaiser Wilhelm, whose President he became in 1930. And on the threshold of the eighth decade, he continued research activities.
In addition to the Nobel prize, Max Planck was awarded the Copley medal of the Royal society of London (1928) and the Goethe prize in Frankfurt-am-main (1946).The German physical society was named after him its highest award the medal of Plank, and the plank was the first winner of this prestigious award. In honor of his 80th birthday one of the minor planets was named Plankenau, and after the second world war, the Society for basic Sciences Kaiser Wilhelm was renamed the max Planck Society.
Max Planck was a member of the German and Austrian academies of Sciences and scientific societies and academies of England, Denmark, Ireland, Finland, Greece, Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, Soviet Union, Sweden, Ukraine and the United States.
On the basis of his lectures Planck made a five-volume course "Introduction to theoretical physics" (1916-1930); his other textbooks include "Lectures on thermodynamics" (1897), "Lectures on the theory of thermal radiation" (1906), "Eight lectures on theoretical physics" (1910). All these works have been repeatedly reprinted and translated into different languages .