Различные виды искусства - Студенческий научный форум

XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019

Различные виды искусства

Халеев Д.А. 1
1ЧУПО "Костромской технологический техникум"
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Цель индивидуального проекта:

1. Сбор, анализ и представление информации об искусстве.

2. Разобрать классификацию искусства.

3. Ознакомится с известными деятелями и их плодами той или иной сферы искусства.

4. Расширить свой кругозор и сделать общепринятые выводы.

Актуальность темы: Различные виды искусства

Актуальность искусства обусловлена возрастанием в условиях постмодерного общества роли культуры и искусства как важнейших механизмов саморазвития и самопознания человека в его взаимодействии с окружающим миром, как средства накопления и усвоения этого познания, как способа порождения и отбора специфических ценностных установок индивидуального и коллективного бытия людей и актуализации этих ценностей путем опредмечивания их в художественных образах. Искусство выполняет также незаменимую и все более значимую функцию, участвуя в социализации личности, введении её в актуальную для общества систему нравственных и эстетических ценностей, моделей поведения и рефлективных позиций, в обобщенный реальный социальный опыт человеческого взаимодействия, а также в искусственно конструированный опыт, выстроенный на основе воображаемых образов и коллизий.


1. Introduction to Art / Введениевискусство……………… 3page

2. The main functions of art / Основныефункцииискусства………4 page

3. Art classification / Классификация видов искусств…………5 page

4. Literature / Литература………………………………………..6 page

5. William Somerset Maugham / УильямСомерсетМоэм……7 page

6. Music / Музыка………………………………………………..8 page

7. Music genres / Музыкальныежанры………………………..9 page

8. The Smiths (music band)……………………………………..10 page

9. Applied (labor) arts/Прикладные (трудовые) искусства……11 page

10. Famous world architecture / СоборПарижскойБогоматери…..12 page

11. Fine arts / Изобразительные искусства……………………….. 13page

12. Great Artists of England (Joshua Reynolds ) / ХудожникиАнглии…14 page

13. Joshua Reynolds Pictures / Картины Joshua Reynolds……………..15 page

14. Spectacular (play) art/Зрелищные (игровые) искусства……….16 page

15. Famous Directors (David Lynch) / Кинорежиссёры……………17 page

16. Images from David Lynch films / КадрыизфильмовДэвидаЛинча - 18 page

1 7. Conclusion / Заключение…………………………………………20 page

18. List of sources/ Списокисточников……………………………21 page

What is art?

The object of art is a set of relations between the world and man. The form of existence is a work of art, the manifestation of which can be a word, sound, color, volume. The main goal of art is the self-expression of the creator with the help of his work, which was created to evoke emotions, experiences, aesthetic pleasure in the spectator. Different types of art, the classification table of which shows their division into types, instead of strict unambiguous concepts, use imagination and illusion. In human life, it serves as a means of communication, enrichment with knowledge, education of values, as well as a source of aesthetic joys.

The main functions of art

1. Aesthetic. Reproduction of reality according to the laws of beauty. Influence on the formation of aesthetic taste, the ability to live and feel emotions. The ability to distinguish the sublime and standard, beautiful and ugly.

2. Social. The ideological impact on society, the transformation of social reality.

3. Compensatory. Solving psychological problems, restoring peace of mind and balance. Removal from gray reality and everyday life by compensating for the lack of harmony and beauty.

4. Hedonistic. The ability to bring positive emotions through the contemplation of the beautiful.

5. Cognitive. The study and knowledge of reality through works of art, which are sources of information about the processes of the public.

6. Predictive. The ability to predict and predict the future.

7. Educational. Influence on the formation of personality and the moral formation of man.















Decorative and applied








Art classification


The material carrier of a literary art form is the word with the help of which artistic images and written texts are created. It can reflect the epic narration about certain events, the lyrical disclosure of the inner world and the experience of the author, the dramatic reproduction of the actions that took place.

The literature is divided into:






English writers in literature

William Somerset Maugham

(January 25, 1874 - December 16, 1965)

British writer, one of the most successful prose writers of the 1930s, author of 78 books, agent of British intelligence.


1908 — The Magician / Маг
1915 — Of Human Bondage / Бремястрастейчеловеческих
1919 — The Moon and Sixpence / Лунаигрош
1925 — The Painted Veil / Узорныйпокров
1930 — Cakes and Ale: or, the Skeleton in the Cupboard / Пирогиипиво, илиСкелетвшкафу
1939 — Christmas Holiday / Рождественскиеканикулы
1944 — The Razor’s Edge / Остриебритвы


There is also an art that is capable of transmitting emotions in an audible form - music. It represents the embodiment of artistic images, ideas, emotional experiences with the help of a specially organized silence and sound. It is an art-based reproduction and musical notation. Music, depending on the functions, is divided into religious, military, dance, theater. According to its performance, it can be: instrumental, electronic, vocal, choral, chamber. The main musical genres and directions are:

• ethnic;
• popular;
• classic;
• rock;
• jazz;
• avant-garde.

Music genres

Alternative - a genre of rock music that emerged from the musical underground of the 1980s and became popular in the 1990s and 2000s. Periodically, the term "alternative" was used as a universal description of the music of underground rock artists who gained mainstream fame, or any other music that was considered a derivative of punk rock.

Ethnic - adapted to North American and European standards for commercial sound recordings, as well as modern “Western” music with extensive use of non-European traditions of scale, instruments, manners, etc., in works of ethnic music. sounds of khoomei, djembe, duduk, sitar, bagpipes, didgeridoo and many other musical instruments. Sampling of folk instruments and singing is common.

Popular - works of various musical genres, aimed at the general public.

Classic - the concept of "classical music" is often used as a synonym for "academic" or "symphonic" music.

Rock - this is one of the trends of popular music with characteristic rhythmic sensations.

Jazz - a kind of musical art, formed under the influence of African rhythms, European harmony, with the involvement of elements of African-American folklore.

Avant-garde - a kind of modern academic music, some elements of aesthetics of which are radically innovative. It is assumed that such music is aesthetically ahead of its time.

English music

The Smiths

(indie rock, brit pop, post punk, alternative rock)

British rock band formed in Manchester, England in 1982 and subsequently recognized by critics of one of Britain’s most important alternative groups from indie rock from the 1980s.

Applied (labor) arts

Applied arts (the table calls them still spatial) include architecture and decorative arts.

Architecture helps shape the spatial environment. It is used to design and build various structures. It helps to make buildings necessary for people to meet their spiritual needs.

Architecture is closely connected with the development of technology and technology, so it can be used to judge the scientific achievements and artistic features of different eras. Among the most famous historical styles of buildings can be distinguished Baroque, modern, classicism, Renaissance, Gothic. Depending on the purpose of the buildings, architecture is divided into public, industrial, residential, landscape gardening, etc.

Decorative and applied art is a creative activity aimed at creating objects that simultaneously satisfy the artistic, aesthetic and everyday needs of people. The arts and crafts to some extent have a national and ethnic character. Among its main types are knitting, embroidery, lace-making, pyrography, origami, quilling, ceramics, carpet weaving, art painting and processing of various materials, jewelry, etc. Products are made using various materials and technologies.

Famous world architecture

Notre-Dame de Paris

Catholic church in the center of Paris built by Jean de Chelles, one of the symbols of the French capital. The Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Paris. Located in the eastern part of the Cite island, in the fourth urban district, on the site of the first Christian church in Paris - the Basilica of St. Stephen, built, in turn, on the foundation of the Gallo-Roman temple of Jupiter. The Gothic cathedral was erected on the initiative of the Paris Bishop Maurice de Sully in the period 1163-1345.


Photography, sculpture, painting, graphics as an art form using an image, clearly show reality in tangible visual forms of art.

Painting is a color representation of reality on a plane. This is one of the oldest art forms. Depending on the subject of the painting, there are such genres of painting: historical, battle, mythological, animalistic, still life, landscape, portrait, household.

Graphics as an art form is the creation of a drawing line on a sheet or with the help of a cutter on solid material followed by an imprint on paper. This type of creativity, depending on the method of drawing the picture, is divided into the sub-types: engraving, bookplate, poster, woodcut, lithograph, linocut, etching, printmaking. There is also a book industrial and computer graphics.

Sculpture - the creation of three-dimensional three-dimensional artwork. With the help of this art, relief and round images are created. The size is divided into easel, monumental, decorative.

Great Artists of England

Joshua Reynolds


There are few painters in the world who bathed in the glory of life. And at the same time managed to remain in the memory of descendants. English artist Joshua Reynolds was one of those lucky ones.

He knew from childhood that he wanted only to draw. Quickly achieved recognition. Indeed, in addition to talent, he had a suitable character. Sociable and energetic. He easily conquered customers in all respects.

N o wonder Reynolds once became the most influential official in the art world. At 45, he was elected President of the Royal Academy of Arts.

Joshua Reynolds Pictures

Spectacular (play) art

Spectacular arts are directed not only to aesthetic pleasure, but also to entertain people. Just the person is the main object with which entertainment art reaches the viewer. It has several directions.

Cinema is a synthesis of certain types of art - theater, dance, literature, and visual arts. It has many genres (comedy, drama, thriller, thriller, melodrama) and subspecies (documentary, feature, series).

Circus - a demonstration of entertainment performances. Includes clowning, acrobatics, reprise, pantomime, tricks, etc.

The theater, like cinema, consists of combining several types of creativity - music, literature, vocals, visual arts, and choreography. It happens dramatic, opera, puppet, ballet.

E strada - the art of small forms, which has a popular-entertainment orientation. Includes choreography, vocals, conversational genre and others.

Famous Directors

David Lynch

American film director, musician, screenwriter, artist, photographer. Is a representative of the American independent cinema. Winner of the “Golden Palm” award (1990) and the directors award (2001) at the Cannes Film Festival, as well as the “Golden Lion” for his contribution to world cinema (2006). Officer of the Legion of Honor (2007)


1997 – Eraserhead / Головаластик

1980 – The Elephant Man / Человекслон

1984 – Dune / Дюна

1986 - Blue Velvet / Синийбархат

1 992 - Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me / ТвинПикс: Сквозьогонь

Images from David Lynch films

Twin Peaks




Images from David Lynch films

The Elephant Man


Blue Velvet



Throughout his life, man is confronted everywhere with art. It gives admiration, joy, emotions, comfort. These are various pictures, architecture structures, music, design and much more that surrounds us. But few people think about the fact that this is not all features of art. It is able to give knowledge, impart experience and wisdom. Gives knowledge of art. You don’t have to do it yourself, create your own masterpieces. It is enough just to be able to see art, watch it and be interested.
Art meets the needs of man in philosophy, ethics and aesthetics. As well as the inner high needs of the human soul. Gives emotions, the ability to think and reason.

List of sources

1. СьюзенСонтаг. Книга “О Фотографии”. 1977 год

2. Сэм Джейкоб. Книга “Архитектура как воссоздание” . 2017 год

3. Рудольф Арнхейм. Книга “Искусство и визуальное восприятие”. 1974 год

4. Эрнст Гомбрих. Книга “История искусства”. 1950 год

5. Саймон Шама. Книга “Сила искусства”. 2017 год

Просмотров работы: 81