Анализ мотивации к учебной деятельности учеников 5-6 и 10-11 классов - Студенческий научный форум

XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019

Анализ мотивации к учебной деятельности учеников 5-6 и 10-11 классов

Кузнецов М.С. 1
1Тюменский Индустриальный университет
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The purpose of our research is to study and identify the features of students motivation in the transformation of the modern Russian education system, for the subsequent development of measures to optimize the forms and methods of motivation for learning.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were formulated:

- to develop a program of sociological survey, identifying the main criteria of training and motivation of students in grades 5-6 and 10-11;

- to identify the features inherent in grades 5-6 and 10-11 according to the main criteria of the survey.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the theoretical positions of leading domestic and foreign scientists in the field of research of motivational and consumer sphere of personality, orientation of modern adolescents, features of psychological development of students.

The analysis was based on a set of principles, techniques and methods used in sociology and related Sciences, primarily sociology of schoolchildren, sociology of culture, social psychology. Psychological, structural-functional and socio-cultural approaches were used in the course of the research. When analyzing the problem it was used general scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization.

The main method of empirical research was a sociological survey.

The scientific novelty of our research is to study the phenomenon of students motivation in grades 5-6 and 10-11, as the current youth is under the constant influence of the endless flow of information.


Today, school education is implemented using information technology, the latest technology, continuous training of teaching staff. However, the analysis of the activities of the national education system shows us a decrease the motivational activity of students, which cause as caution and concern.

For a more complete analysis of the problems of motivational activity in the school system, a sociological study was conducted among students in grades 5-6 and 10-11.

The beginning of the analysis of the data.

The survey was conducted among the students of 5-6 and 10-11 grades of secondary schools №70 and № 63 of Tyumen in the amount of 100 people. This survey was anonymous, but we have established the gender and class of respondents as statistical data.

List of questions proposed by the interviewees:

1. What grade are you in?

2. Your gender?

3. What are the final estimates for the last year?

4. What is your favorite subject?

5. What is your least favorite subject?

6. Do you like learning?

7. Do your parents monitor your progress?

8. Does your teacher explain the subject well?

9. Have you skipped class this year?

10. How long do you do your homework?

11. Do you attend clubs or sections in your free time?

12. How often do you read books?

13. What do you do in your free time?

14. Would you like to see changes in your school life?

15. Do you communicate with school friends?

In total, the survey was conducted among the students of schools № 70 and № 63. 25 people from each class.

The ratio of respondents by sex in our study was 57% to 43%, where 43% - male students, 57% - female.

Today, education in the Russian Federation is divided into general education, vocational education, additional education and higher education, which indicators the continuity of this process and enables everyone to form a stable system of knowledge and skills, as well as to realize their abilities through the accumulated knowledge, formed competition in the lives. For the effective development of this process the motivation for learning activities is necessary and important.

For a more complete analysis of the problem of motivational activity in the school system, a sociological study was conducted among students in grades 5-6 and 10-11.

Among the causes of the motivation crisis students it can be distinguished:

information overload, therefore, students (partially younger students) independent cognitive activity;

modern society translates to the student a system of values in which the desire to study is not the most important and honorable place;

priority and purpose of educational activity in high school has moved in the direction of the results (final test, exam, etc., only on certain subjects required for University entrance), leaving the process of education outside the interests of students. High school students are focused on the result, and the study itself losses its importance for them, and consequently, the level of motivational activity decreases.

The following steps can improve the situation.

- Remember that the main motivation is the interest for study, understanding the necessity of study process and satisfaction of intermediate results.

- Understanding that the school provides the necessary knowledge that without education you can not find a good job, that it the exact time for the Foundation of the future

- To "tie" the interests of the child to a particular school subject. Make this item a useful tool to help a teenager.


1. Activity. Consciousness. Personality: textbook / A. N. Leontief. - Moscow: Education, 2004. - 304 p.

2. Motivation of behavior and personality formation: textbook / V. G. Aseev. - M.: Thought, 2002. - 344 p.

Просмотров работы: 17