Transportation logistics systems - Студенческий научный форум

XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019

Transportation logistics systems

Замятина А.Э. 1, Чумакова А.В. 1
1Тюменский индустриальный университет
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In the 70s of the 20th century, freight transport was combined with the production and distribution process, transforming it into the links of a system "production - transport - distribution - realization".

This approach led to the consideration of the transportation process as a whole: delivery from the shipper to the consignee, including cargo handling, packaging, storage, unpacking and information flows that accompany the delivery. This provoked the creation of special logistics centers, for example, in France there were established distribution centers on railways, which reduced time and money[1].

Transport is presented as a system consisting of two subsystems: public transport and non-public transport.

Public transport is a sphere of national economy that meets the needs of all sectors of the national economy and the population in freight and passenger transportation.

Non-public transport - internal transport, as well as vehicles of all kinds belonging to non-transport enterprises.

Transport logistics - is the transportation of the required quantity of goods to the desired point with the best route at the time requested and minimum costs.

The need for transport logistics arises when optimizing the activities of all links in the logistics chain in the context of a lack of resources and the multiple choice of possible solutions, where minimizing costs is the optimality criterion [2].

Transport is particularly important in the industry as it integrates all its sectors into a single one and ensures transportation of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and passengers.

A significant proportion of operations during the transportation of the material flow from the source of raw materials to the consumer is carried out by using different types of vehicles [1]:

1) water;

2) road;

3) railway;

4) air;

5) pipeline.

The transport system has a number of features. In the course of its operation, the transport system does not form a new product, its product is the process of freight and passengers transportation. Transport products are not interchangeable.

The complexity for the management of the transport system is determined by: the large scale of the industry, the dispersion of its facilities, the dynamic nature of the production process, the influence of a large number of accidental factors [3].

The logistic system is a backbone element of the material and economic sectors. Transport is an integral part of logistics and operates at some stages of the production cycle, as well as it carries out a complex of operations that lead to the distribution, delivery and marketing of the product.

Transport logistics can be implemented only as a joint venture of an enterprise logistician, a transportation coordinator and a carrier.

In the economy of a country transport plays several roles. It is a component in the logistics of supply, distribution and marketing, collection and recycling of waste, production and trade; secondly, transport is one of the branches of the economy[2].

Technological processes occurring in the logistics chains for the delivery of goods to the consumer, have their own characteristics, depending on the transport characteristics of cargo, its quantity, type of transport and carrying capacity, the nature of production facilities.

Thus the principles of logistics can be used during the transportation of bulk cargo (coal, iron ore, petroleum products, etc.) in conditions where stable and powerful traffic flows between senders and receivers have been formed. In Canada and the United States there are industrial railroads for the operation of heavy trains, to deliver raw materials and fuel to consumers. Costly signaling and blocking are not built on such lines, the loading and unloading of trains is fully automated. In Russia, in a number of areas, trains with the most important railway raw materials are transported according to a strict timetable, which precludes the creation of large stocks of raw materials and fuels for consumers.

The structure and functions of the logistic system are much more complicated when wide range goods designed to meet the needs of dozens or even hundreds of consumers are distributed. At the time of delivery of such diversified products, additional operations appear: containerization, packing, subgrouping of consignments, selection of types of transport and type of vehicles, sorting of goods along the way.

In some cases, in areas of significant freight traffic, it is necessary to create large distribution warehouse premises and decide on the choice of rational customer service areas by warehouse distribution centers [3].


1. Balalaev A.S. Transportation and warehousing logistics: studies. manual / A.S. Balalaev, A.V. Kochemasova, S.N. Tretyak. - Khabarovsk: DVGUPS Publishing House, 2008. - 140 p. .

2. Bowersox Donald J., Kloss David J. Logistics: an integrated supply chain. 2nd edition. / [Trans. from English N.N. Baryshnikova, B.S. Pinsker] .- M .: ZAO Olimp-Business, 2008.-640 p.

3. Gordon M.P. Karnaukhov S.B. Logistics of goods distribution. - M .: Center for Economics and Marketing 1998.

Просмотров работы: 84