THE DESIGN MODEL OF THE BIONIC HAND - Студенческий научный форум

XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019


Блинова В.А. 1, Чучалина Ю.А. 1, Аржиловская Е.И. 1, Васильченко А.П. 1
1Тюменский индустриальный университет
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The problem of replacing damaged or lost limbs with bionic analogues is rather topical in the modern world. Nowadays people with artificial legs and arms are able to go upstairs, walk, swim and run as well as if they had real limbs. However, such unusual type of prostheses often repels people and cause inconvenience and discomfort to their users.

So, the aim of the project is to create a model of a bionic hand with aesthetic and simple mechanical functions.

The cause of a limb amputation in 48 % of cases is an injury (domestic, industrial, gunshot wounds), in 42% of cases - vascular diseases, in 10% - tumors and inborn deformations.

As a rule, the indications for hand’s resection and amputation are ischemic purulent-necrotic lesions of the fingers involving the hand’s tissues. What kind of hand’s resections should be done (marginal and partial) depends on the lesion’s size. To preserve the function of the hand,atypical resection and amputation schemes are possible.

The indication for hand’s disarticulation is having a gangrene of the hand. The truncation line and the ability to preserve a particular wrist bone depends on the viability of tissues in the amputation zone. If the wrist bones are removed forcedly, the styloid processes of radius and ulna will be resected. The stump is formed in a patchwork way.

We conducted a survey. People were asked 6 questions with the help of a Google form. The respondents stated their gender and measured five parameters of their hand: palm length including middle finger length, palm width, thumb length, ring finger length, palm length without fingers’ length. We used a ruler for all dimensions. Our future bionic hand will be created on the basis of this information.

We interviewed 44 women and 53 men. As a result, we got two main sizes for modeling a male and a female bionic hand prosthesis. As large deviations from the mean value are possible, we decided to model three sizes of prosthesis at once: male, female and "special" (it was derived without considering gender).

The method of creating a bionic hand is modeling, using the program "Solid Works 2018", 3D printing and fitting. The bionic hand will function with the help of hinges that will play a role of the function of ligaments and tendons.

Therefore, the main prospect of this project is creating the aesthetic kind of the bionic hand. Now the main task is modeling of three sizes, as well as 3D printing of the main part of the model.


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Просмотров работы: 3