WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE FIRST MUSLIMS? - Студенческий научный форум

XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019


Астафьева А.В. 1, Новикова Л.В. 1
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The first Muslims to appear in Russia are merchants from the Abbasid Caliphate. Basically, it was visits about trade. In Russian cities found Arab gold coins-dinars. Islam came to Russia even before Christianity. It is known that the first mosque was built in Dagestan in the VIII century. And about 1000 years in Russia there were separate Muslim States. Tatars and Mongols were not originally Muslims, they converted to Islam much later. Their Islamic period starts with the 1320's. Muslim States began to be dependent on Russia, starting with Ivan III.

You should start from the tenth century, when St. Vladimir baptized Rus. One of the first States in Russia to convert to Islam was Volga Bulgaria. Formally, it existed in 922-1241. in 922, the ruler of Volga Bulgaria adopted the name of Khan Almush and converted his country to Islam. In 2141, the Volga Bulgaria was captured by Tatars who were not Muslims then.

In 1312 the Golden Horde converted to Islam. This country covered large areas from present-day Siberia to the Black sea. Subsequently, it broke up into several ulus: Uzbek ulus (part of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Western Siberia), Semirechye (in Kazakhstan) and Chagatai ulus. Uzbek and Chagatai ulus were formed in the period of decomposition of The Golden Horde. In 1430 the Golden Horde broke up into the great and Nagai hordes.

In the Middle ages there were a number of States: the Kazan khanate (existed in 1438-1552), the Astrakhan khanate (existed in 1459-1556), the Siberian khanate (existed XV-XVI), the Nagai Horde, the Crimean khanate (existed 1443-1783). Since the XV century attempts of Russian princes to establish control over the Kazan khanate begin. Ivan the terrible conquered Kazan and Astrakhan khanates.

The formation of Islam in the Volga region begins with the creation of Turkic States: the Khazar Khaganate and Volga-Kama Bulgaria. In 737 the Khan of the Arab Khan defeated Khazaria and demanded that the Khazars convert to Islam. The Khazars arrived two vakia, which drew this country into Islam. However, Khazars are not loved by Arabs and in contrast to his adopted Judaism.

Volga-Kama Bulgaria includes the territory of Tatarstan, Ulyanovsk and Samara regions. Bulgaria initially poklonyalis pagan gods. But the Bulgars knew about Sunni Islam. At the beginning of the 10th century, there were mosques and Islamic cemeteries in Bulagria. Khan Alush was familiar with Islam and allied with the Arab Caliphate. He sent an Ambassador to the Caliphate, who asked to send a teacher of Islam to Bulgaria. Caliph in 922 sent to Bulgaria Vakiha, Alush settled him in his summer residence, there also called his princes and demanded that they accept Islam. In 922 Bulgaria became an Islamic country.

Since that time, the flowering of Bulgaria begins. Cities are growing rapidly, numerous mosques are being built, works of art and literature are being created. But with the mid-13 century very much was lost. In particular, the capital, the city of Vilar, was destroyed. However, other religious centers were preserved and integrated into the Horde. The capital of Volga Bulgaria became the great Bulgar, which lasted until 1431.

After the adoption of Islam, the Turkic peoples received not only ethnic but also religious identity. The Golden Horde khans behaved calmly towards the Islamic rulers. Under the protection of the Tatars, the Bulgarian Kingdom developed, and it was in this era that the Bulgars reached its greatest prosperity. And, accordingly, it was in the peaceful coexistence of the Bulgars and the Turks that ethnic closeness played a big role. It is thanks to the influence of Volga Bulgaria that the commanders of The Golden Horde accept Islam. Mongol khans were tolerant.

Foreign policy circumstances forced The Golden Horde to convert to Islam in 1312. They made an Alliance with the rulers of Egypt. Later in the Golden Horde cities begins a major construction of mosques. Masters from Egypt are invited. The largest center of the Islamic East is the Berke Barn. This Uzbek ulus, there are many Cathedral and quarter mosques. Archaeologists estimate the layer of the Saray settlement several times more powerful than in Bulgaria. In madrasah (Islamic school) invite Islamic teachers. On the basis of the Bulgars and formed part of the Mongol Tatar ethnicity.

There was no antagonism between Islam and Orthodoxy. Horde khans provided significant assistance to Russian princes in the war with the Polish king Kazimir. Clashes on religious grounds occur after the battle of Kulikovo. And in these conditions, When the Golden Horde weakened, and Muscovy grew, the struggle of two ethnic groups for hegemony on The Russian plain begins. Of all the cities in Eastern Europe, Kazan was second only to Moscow, Novgorod and Vilna. In the Kazan Kremlin there were 5 big Cathedral mosques, here there was a main madrasah (her pupils were among the most resistant defenders during storm of Ivan IV). It was in the Kazan period of development of Islam begins its spread among the Finnish people. Kazan khans were very tolerant. The capture of Kazan caused irreparable damage to Islam. In Kazan and the district was demolished all the mosques and madrassas, expelled all the inhabitants are Muslims. There is a new Kazan inhabited by new people, Christians. However, Ivan the terrible did an important thing – he did not destroy the clergy. Their task-to increase the flock, because they continued to preach among the inhabitants of Siberia. Thus, there are serious layers of Muslims in the Omsk, Tyumen and Tomsk regions. And in Kazan begins the Christianization of the region. The Kazan diocese headed by Archbishop Guri is allocated. There were facts when Christian priests resorted to disputes, where Muslims were invited.

In 1593 the decree of Tsar Fyodor about demolition of mosques of the areas attached to Russia was published. But these actions had no total character, Islam was not burned in Russia. There were also facts of religious tolerance: some Muslim rulers, without changing their faith, swore allegiance to the Moscow princes.

Along with the service, Muslim nobles received land. Those who received it without changing their faith United to protect their faith.

The 16th century was a difficult time for Islam in Russia. But at the end of the 17th century in Russia begin to build new mosques, mainly where they moved the Kazan Tatars. In the future, Russia and the Russian Empire behaved patronizing towards Muslims, and there was no equality. So that the Muslim know is not intensified, against it were taken political and economic measures.

In 1628, serving Muslims were forbidden to have Orthodox servants. In 1713 the rights of Tatar princes to own lands without the adoption of Orthodoxy were annulled. Those who converted to Christianity, reduced taxes and recruiting taxes. However, when Peter made the first attempts to study Islam. In 1716 the Koran was translated into Russian for the first time. In the XVIII century begins the confrontation between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, because to know the enemy in the face, and the translation,

In 1731, a Commission for the baptism of Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod citizens and other Novgorodians was established in the Kazan province. In 1736 it was forbidden to build new mosques in Bashkiria, because this office received powers of violent nature and coercion.

Within the Kazan province during the operation of the office of 536 mosques was destroyed 418. There are only a little more than a hundred mosques left, and only in the villages. Under Catherine II Islam almost in distress and Lona, he patronized. In 1762 she issued a decree on the tolerance of all religions, i.e. on religious tolerance. In fact, it meant two important things:

1) the End of forced Christianization;

2) lifting the ban on the construction of mosques.

In 1766 Catherine visited Kazan, and then gave permission to merchants Yunusov to build a stone mosque in the city. By 1771 the mosque was completed. After it was built other Apanaevskaya mosque in the style of European Baroque. The most significant monument of Muslim art is the mosque in the Caravanserai in Orenburg. It was built in the middle of the XIX century.

Thanks to such measures, the number of Russian citizens of Muslims has increased. Under Catherine II, Crimea was annexed to Russia. Under the Statute of accession, Catherine II pledged to protect the temples and the natural faith of the Crimea. Begins the process, which was interrupted under Peter.

In 1784 Tatar murzas were granted the rights of Russian nobility, including the rights of ownership of inhabited estates. Benefits were also given to Muslim merchants who traded with Muslim countries. In Ufa in 1782 was founded the clutch – the Union of Muftis. Thus, Muslim priests declare themselves as a separate class and receive their own confessional organization. It was created by the Orenburg Mohammedan spiritual Assembly with the stay in Ufa. It was repaired all Muslim congregations in Russia, with the exception of the Crimea. There was created the Tauride management of the Crimean Tatars.

In fact, the Muslim community in Russia received an organization similar to the Church. Although in Islam the Church as an organizational structure is absent.

In the twentieth century, Muslims gained a lot of weight, the Emperor even feared them. After the February revolution, Muslims were inspired. They gathered a Congress, elected unified Russia mufti, the political organs of leadership. And after the arrival of Soviet power, all Muslim spiritual associations were closed.

Of all the peoples of the Caucasus, the peoples of Dagestan were the first to adopt Islam. The Arabs have enough of Derbent, and it was the struggle for the faith. Then the Avars and Lezgins converted to Islam. The real Islamization is connected with the Ottoman Empire and its vassals. Islam was finally established in the XIX century during the Caucasian war.

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