Thinking is one of the most important aspects of human psychology. Formed throughout life, thinking is the basis of both spiritual and material life of man and society. In addition to many other features, thinking has plasticity, and is able to change. In many ways, the change of thinking is influenced by professional, special human activities. In this article I will consider the features of thinking of a military specialist.
First, let's define the basic concepts. So, military is a person performing official duties associated with the passage of military service, which is designed to solve problems in the field of security and defense of the state, and in this regard, having a special legal status [1].
Thinking is defined as mental cognitive process of generalized and indirect reflection of reality in its most essential features and interrelations.Its internal source is the needs and motives that encourage a person to set and solve vital tasks. The need for it arises in situations where to meet the vital needs of the subject must take into account the internal, inaccessible to the perception of the properties of objects and phenomena, to forecast the development of events and processes, to plan the best way of behavior. Such situations are critical for the actualization of thinking [2].
Thus, we are talking about the type of professional thinking. Professional type of thinking is characterized by its own features of thinking, inherent to the representative of a certain profession. These features, of course, are determined by the specifics of the work.
The type of thinking for a military commander or staff member is a key characteristic. In fact, everything can be put in a simple logical chain. The type of thinking (mentality) is a "map in the brain" that reflects reality in a certain way.
The commander or staff officer with decision-making and the development of military strategies or the solution of tactical problems gets information of a specific nature, and "imposes" it on his "map". Then he develops a certain picture (model) of events, which "scrolls" in his head. Then he "prepares" the whole picture in a chain of goals and objectives, formulating them in front of their subordinates. At the same time, he seeks to ensure that his orders and instructions are carried out strictly [3].
Thus, a military man is often required to carry out his tasks quickly, often at any costs. It is important to have logical thinking, predictive thinking (prognostic thinking). It is important to think systematically, presenting in your head the most comprehensive picture of possible solutions and its consequences.
To carry out the tasks needed an integrated approach. In addition to logical thinking, a military man should be comprehensive developed, has knowledge from various Sciences and a wide outlook. Also thinking of the military has a considerable influence - his experience, professional competence.
Another equally important aspect is the ability to navigate the flow of information, that is, to keep up with the times in terms of professional activities.
The creative component can also be important, especially when it comes to making the right decisions that have consequences for large masses of the population. After all, it is important not to miss anything and get out of a difficult situation with the least losses.
System thinking is a type of thinking that is characterized by a holistic perception of objects and phenomena, taking into account their relationship with each other. Every material object, subject, phenomenon, process, scientific theory, the artistic image and the other is a system. The elements of each system are organized and interconnected in such a way that the system works in the right direction [4].
Systematic thinking is an indicator of the level of intelligence. On the other hand, certain technologies are a prerequisite for this type of thinking. Systematic thinking is a complex phenomenon, but I will highlight five criteria:
The first criterion is the ability to think "combat units". If the commanders of the lower level (Department, platoon, company, battalion) can visually see their unit in practice, the commanders of higher levels (tactical and strategic units) should already think abstractly, which requires higher intelligence.
The second criterion is the ability to quickly combine and to structure your units and enemy units, to allocate a structural unit, and to operate them correlating with each other, to simulate various combinations, etc. Each commander and staff officer does so in the framework of a familiar model.
The third criterion is the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of «neighbors". This can be called the ability to "synergetic" (cooperation).
The fourth - the ability to predict, i.e. to foresee the consequences of their actions and the actions of the enemy, to calculate further moves, etc.
The fifth is the ability to think in a complex way, that is, when assessing military events and planning operations, to compare purely military factors with
other ones, primarily economic, political and psychological.
Thus, we see that the thinking of the military includes all sorts of different important factors (life experience, level of development, systematic thinking) and has a connection with other subjects, such as logic, psychology, etc.
1. URL:Военнослужащий
2. URL:
3. URL:
4. URL: