XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019


Курганова М.С. 1
1Владимирский Государственный Университет
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It is difficult to overestimate the value of researches conducted by the world-famous Russian and Soviet philologists, such as V.V. Vinogradov, A.A. Shakhmatov, L.V. Scherba and S.I. Ozhegov. Despite the peculiarities and ambiguity of the epoch they lived in, they managed to preserve, their personality and the scientific traditions.

The name of Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegov takes a special place on the list of Russian linguists. He studied the history of the Russian language, Lexicology, and also worked as a teacher.

The Dictionary of the Russian language is considered to be one of his largest and most important works. It appeals to the readers due to the vividness and at the same time simplicity of the language.

Sergey Ivanvich Ozhegov was born on the 23d of September, 1900 in a small village Kamennoe, Tver district.

Besides S.I. Ozhegov, the eldest son, there were two more children in the family – his younger brothers Boris and Evgeniy. The father of Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegov, Ivan Ivanovich Ozhegov, was an engineer at a local factory.

Not long before the First World War, the family of S.I. Ozhegov moved to Petrograd, where he graduated a gymnasium. According to the recollections of his relatives, S.I. Ozhegov was a cheerful boy, a member of various sports organizations, and also a football player.

In 1918 S.I. Ozhegov entered the University of Petrograd, the Faculty of Philology. He might have unconsciously followed one of his relatives’ footsteps - the mother of S.I. Ozhegov was a grandniece to an outstanding philologist and professor of the University of St. Petersburg - G.P. Pavskiy (1787-1863).

However, S.I. Ozhegov had to suspend his studies as he joined the army. He took part in battles in the western part of Russia and in Ukraine.

Having been dismissed in 1922, he continued his education in Petrograd at the faculty of Linguistics and Material Culture. After graduation, he started his postgraduate studies where his sphere of interest were languages and Russian Literature. This period is marked by his first scientific researches.

Since late 1920’s S.I. Ozhegov started working on the Dictionary of the Russian Language. This period was extraordinarily fruitful for the famous linguist. His colleagues – G.O. Vinokur, V.V. Vinogradov. B.A. Larin, B.V. Tomashevskiy, and also D.N. Ushakov were of great help.

The opinion of D.N. Ushakov was especially valuable for S.I. Ozhegov – an outstanding Russian scientist and professor. S. I. Ozhegov considered him his main teacher.

It is not complicated to understand the amount of responsibility laid on S.I. Ozhegov who ventured to undertake the publication of the first Dictionary of the Russian Language in the Soviet Union.

However, the Soviet government criticized the work of S.I. Ozhegov. They claimed that the Dictionary lacked the notions “relevant to the epoch” and was “bourgeoisie- oriented”. One of the main characteristics of S.I. Ozhegov was diplomacy, thus, he managed to negotiate all the disputable questions and to restore collaborative relationships with the government.

In 1936 S.I. Ozhegov moved to Moscow and got easily accustomed to the lifestyle in the capital. Nevertheless, the main profit of changing the place of residence was that his most precious friend and teacher - D.N. Ushakov – was now by his side.

From 1937 to 1940 S.I. Ozhegov works as a lecturer in Moscow Institute of Philosophy. During that period, he was greatly interested in poetry, literature and pronunciation norms.

During the Second World War, most of his relatives passed away, including his brothers and his mother. His Brother Boris did not join the army and died of starvation during the Siege of Leningrad. His wife and little son also died because of a bomb attack, with his little daughter being the only survivor. S.I. Ozhegov took care of his niece and brought her up as his own child.

The great work on the Dictionary of the Russian Language was finished before the War – the last volume was published in 1940. S.I. Ozhegov was eager to initiate new researches; however, the war interfered with his plans.

Almost all scientists of the Russian Language Institute were evacuated to Uzbekistan in August 1941. However, S.I. Ozhegov stayed in Moscow and worked as a director of the Russian Language Institute. He also took part in night patrols protecting the Institute from the fascist intruders.

During the war, the colleagues of S.I. Ozhegov, except D.N. Ushakov, resettled to Moscow. D.N. Ushakov had been suffering from asthma, and the climate in Tashkent aggravated his condition. He deceased on April 17 in 1942.

In the post-war period, S.I. Ozhegov was engaged in several activities. He initiated the educational center where they studied the standards of speech. He ran the center, or “Sector”, as it was called, from 1952 until the end of his life.

S. I. Ozhegov also initiated publishing of a new scientific magazine “Russian Speech”, that was his lifework. The first issue was published in 1967 after S. I. Ozhegov’s death.

S. I. Ozhegov passed away on December 15, 1964. His wish was that he should have been buried at the Vagankovskoye Cemetery as a Christian. However, his desire was not fulfilled.

Overall, S. I. Ozhegov was an outstanding lexicographer highly recognized by his colleagues in the Soviet Union. His contribution to Linguistics and the impact of his outreach program on speech standards is difficult to overestimate.


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Просмотров работы: 3