XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019


Лялясин А.Н. 1, Новикова Л.В. 1
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Automation is one of the areas of scientific and technological progress, the use of self-regulatory technical means, economy-mathematical methods and control systems, the release of a person from direct participation in the processes of obtaining, converting, transmitting and using energy, materials or information. It requires additional application of control devices using electronic techniques and computational methods that copy the human's nervous and mental functions.

Automation of the technological process is a set of methods and means designed to implement systems or systems that allow the management of production interaction without direct human participation.


Production processes;


organization, planning and management;

Scientific research;


business processes;

and other areas of human activity.

The main goals of automation of the technological process are:

Increasing the efficiency of the production process

Increase the safety of the production process.

Goals are achieved with the solution of the following tasks of automation of the technological process:

Improving the quality of regulation

Improved equipment availability

Improving ergonomics of process operators

The solution of tasks of automation of the technological process is carried out with the help of:

introduction of modern methods of automation;

introduction of modern means of automation.

Automation allows to increase labor productivity, improve product quality, optimize management processes, remove a person from production that is hazardous to health. How a government approaches the ethical and legal implications of technologies like autonomous vehicles (AVs) would also influence how widespread the adoption of technology and automation will be and the pace of its adoption. AVs present the opportunity to radically redesign mobility solutions and also create new jobs in a new industry, but the autonomy also raises questions about which party should be liable in an accident – the manufacturer, software developer, the owner or the passenger in the AV. Should governments be bold in encouraging innovation, whilst helping the “losers” take part in the broader improvements – or at the least helping to buffer them from the downsides? At times, it may seem as if technology is a force greater than humans, forcing workers and businesses to adapt – or perish. Yet governments play a key role in shaping how technology advances. The sooner governments, in partnership with the rest of society, examine the future impact of this structural shift, the sooner they can act to ensure the shift benefits society.

Today we offer a large selection of software and hardware systems for automating technological processes of production. There is a hope that soon intelligent process control system will occupy a worthy place and it’s management will be optimal.


Cvetaeva S.S., Logachev K.I., Automation of technological processes. M, 2017. – 8 p.

Frey, C., Osborne, M. “The Future of Employment: How Susceptible Are Jobs To Computerisation?” University of Oxford,

Просмотров работы: 320