IDENTIFYING WATER USERS - Студенческий научный форум

XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019


Таскенбай Молдыр 1, Изтлеуов Гани Молдакулович 1, Абдуова Айсулу Алшынбековна 1
1Южно-Казахстанский Государственный Университет им.М.Ауезова
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To develop an effective strategy, wastewater management professionals need to fully understand how each manufacturing process uses water and generates wastes. The best way to collect such information is to discuss and diagram facility operations with the production manager and shift supervisors. The result should be accurate facility drawings showing the locations of various processing units and their rela­tionship with water supply and wastewater generation and associated collection sys­tems. Then, each wastestream should be analyzed to determine its frequency, dura­tion, flow rate, and pollutant types and concentrations. If possible, flows should be measured and samples collected via permanent monitoring stations; otherwise, tem­porary data-collection points should be used. The frequency, extent, and type of monitoring and sampling needed depend on each wastestream's nature and vari­ability. To ensure that each wastestream is characterized appropriately, a sampling and analytical plan shouldbe prepared[1-2].

Identifying Categorical Wastestreams. The standard industrial classification (SIC) code is typically used to determine applicability to industrial cate­gorical effluent standards. Any wastestreams covered by federal categorical effluent standards should further be identified as subject to concentration limits, raw mate- rials-based standards, or production-based standards. Production-based standards, for example, directly relate the allowable mass rates of specific pollutants to the appropriate process's production rate. If categorical and noncategorical wastewater sources are combined before compliance sampling, the combined wastestream for­mula is used to determine compliance with the categorical limits [3-4].

Identifying Wastewater Generators. The in-plant survey should identify wastestreams from both production processes and pollution-control efforts (e.g., wet air scrubber blowdown, sludge dewatering, product change washouts, site cleanup, yard drainage, noncontact cooling water, boiler blowdown, or secondary containment spillage). Although some of these wastestreams may be small and dis­charged infrequently (e.g., slugs), they could seriously affect the overall wastewater's treatability. Many industrial facilities consider treating hazardous wastes onsite because of the restrictions and costs associated with offsite disposal.

Surveyors should categorize wastestreams according to pollutant types. Doing so may reveal incompatibilities that must be resolved before the wastestreams can be combined. For example, plating shops may generate both acidic and cyanide-laden wastestreams that would be dangerous to combine until after the cyanide has been removed. Categorizing wastestreams also may reveal some that only contain conven­tional pollutants (e.g., BOD and suspended solids) and so may simply be discharged to a publicly owned treatment works (POTW) or a biological treatment plant onsite without additional treatment.


1. Climate Change 2001. Synthesis report. ,Cambrige University Press, UK, 2003.

2. G. I. Marchuk, Mathematical Modelling in Environmental Problems ,Nauka, Moscow ,1982.

3. G. I. Marchuk, Adjoint Equations and Analysis of Complex Systems Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1995.

4. V. V. Penenko, Methods of Numerical Modelling of Atmospheric Processes, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 1981.

5. V. V. Penenko and A. E. Alojan. Models and methods for environment protection problems Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1985

Просмотров работы: 7