Analysis of phraseological units in the work of Agatha Christie " Orient Express" - Студенческий научный форум

XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019

Analysis of phraseological units in the work of Agatha Christie " Orient Express"

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Introduction (author's background and creative activity)

Agatha Mary Clarissa (Lady Mallowan), nee Miller (Miller), better known by the name of her first husband as Agatha Christie. She was born on September 15, 1890 and died on January 12, 1976. English writer. He is one of the most famous authors of detective fiction in the world and is one of the most published writers in the history of mankind (after the Bible and Shakespeare). Christie has published more than 60 detective novels, 6 psychological novels (under the pseudonym of Mary Westmacott or Westmacott) and 19 collections of short stories. 16 of her plays were staged in London. Agatha Christie's books have been published in more than 4 billion copies and translated into more than 100 languages. She also holds the record for the maximum number of theatrical productions of the work. Agatha Christie's play "the Mousetrap" (eng. The Mousetrap) was first staged in 1952 and is still continuously on display. On the tenth anniversary of the play at the Ambassador Theater in London, in an interview with ITN, Agatha Christie admitted that she does not consider the play the best for the production in London, but the public likes it, and she goes to the play several times a year.

During the First world war, Agatha worked as a nurse in a hospital; she liked this profession and she spoke of it as "one of the most useful professions that a person can do." She also worked as a pharmacist in a pharmacy, which subsequently postponed the imprint on her work: 83 crimes in her works were committed by poisoning. Agatha first married Colonel Archibald Christie for Christmas in 1914, whom she had been in love with for several years - even when he was a Lieutenant. They had a daughter, Rosalind. This period was the beginning of the creative path of Agatha Christie. In 1920, Christie's first novel, the Mysterious Stiles incident, was published. There is an assumption that the reason for Christie's appeal to the detective was a dispute with his older sister Madge (already manifested itself as a writer), that she, too, will be able to create something worthy of publication. Only in the seventh publishing house the manuscript was printed in 2000 copies. Aspiring writer received a £ 25 fee. Agatha's mother died in 1926. At the end of the same year, Agatha's husband Christie Archibald confessed to infidelity and asked for a divorce because he fell in love with his Golf colleague Nancy Neal. After a quarrel in early December 1926, Agatha disappeared from her home, leaving a letter to her Secretary in which she claimed to have gone to Yorkshire. Her disappearance caused a loud public outcry, as the writer already had fans of her work. During 11 days on the whereabouts of Kristi, nothing was known.

Despite mutual affection in the beginning, Archibald and Agatha Christie's marriage ended in divorce in 1928. In his novel "unfinished portrait", published in 1934 under the pseudonym of Mary Westmacott, Agatha Christie describes events similar to her own disappearance. In 1930, traveling to Iraq, during excavations in Ur, she met her future husband - archaeologist max Mallowan. He was 15 years younger than her. Agatha Christie said about her marriage that for an archaeologist, a woman should be as old as possible, because then her value increases significantly. Since then, she periodically spent several months a year in Syria and Iraq on expeditions with her husband, this period of her life is reflected in the autobiographical novel "Tell me how you live." In this marriage, Agatha Christie lived the rest of her life, until her death in 1976. Thanks to Christy's trips with her husband to the middle East, the events of several of her works took place there. The place of the other novels (for example, "And then there were none") was the town of Torquay or the surrounding area, the place where Christie was born. The novel "Murder on The Orient Express" in 1934 was written In the hotel Pera Palace (eng. Hotel Pera Palace) in Istanbul (Turkey). In room 411 of the hotel where Agatha Christie lived, now her memorial Museum. Christy often stayed in the mansion of Abney Hall (eng. Abney Hall) in Cheshire, which belonged to her brother-in-law James Watts (eng. James Watts). The action of at least two works of Christie took place in this estate: "the Adventure of Christmas pudding", the story is also included in the collection of the same name, and the novel "after the funeral." "Abni became a source of inspiration for Agatha; from here were taken descriptions of places such as Stiles, Chimneys, Stonegates and other houses, which in one way or another are abni". In 1956, Agatha Christie was awarded the order of the British Empire, and in 1971 for achievements in the field of literature Agatha Christie was awarded the title of cavalry (eng. Dame Commander) of the order of the British Empire, the owner of which also acquire the title of noble "lady", used before the name.

Between 1971 and 1974, Christie's health began to deteriorate, but despite this, she continued to write. Experts at the University of Toronto investigated the manner of writing Christie in these years and suggested that Agatha Christie suffered from Alzheimer's disease. In 1975, when she completely weakened, Christie gave all the rights to his most successful play "Mousetrap" to his grandson. The writer died on January 12, 1976 at her home in Wallingford, Oxfordshire after a short cold and was buried in the village of Cholsey. The autobiography of Agatha Christie, which the writer graduated in 1965, ends with the words:"Thank you, Lord, for my good life and for all the love that was given to me."

In an interview with the British television company BBC in 1955, Agatha Christie said that she spent the evening for knitting in the company of friends or family, and at this time in her head she was working on thinking about a new storyline, by the time she sat down to write a novel, the plot was ready from beginning to end. By her own admission, the idea of a new novel could have come anywhere. Ideas were put in a special notebook full of various notes about poisons, newspaper notes about crimes. The same thing happened with the characters. One of Agatha created the characters was really living the prototype of Mayor Ernst Belcher (eng. Major Ernest Belcher), who at one time was the head of the first husband of Agatha Christie, Archibald Christie. It was he who became the prototype of Pedler in the 1924 novel "the man in the brown suit" about Colonel Reis. Agatha Christie was not afraid to touch on social issues in her works. For example, at least two novels by Christie ("Five pigs" and "the test of innocence") described cases of judicial errors related to the death penalty. In General, many of Christy's books describe the various negative aspects of the English justice of the time. The writer has never made the theme of his novels crimes of a sexual nature. Unlike today's detectives, in her works there are almost no scenes of violence, blood puddles and rudeness. "The detective was a moral tale. Like everyone who wrote and read these books, I was against the criminal and for the innocent victim. Anybody in a head could not come that the time will come when the detectives will be read because they describe scenes of violence, for the sake of sadistic pleasure from cruelty for cruelty..."- so she wrote in her autobiography. In her opinion, such scenes dull the feeling of compassion and do not allow the reader to focus on the main theme of the novel. His best work of Agatha Christie considered the novel " Ten Negroes." Rocky island on which the action of the novel, written off from nature - is the island of Burg in southern Britain. Readers also appreciated the book - she has the biggest selling in the shops, but to comply with the political correctness now it is sold under the name of "And then there were none". In his work, Agatha Christie demonstrates quite typical for the English mentality conservative political views. A striking example is the story of" the story of the clerk "from the series about Parker pine, one of the heroes of which says:"he had some Bolshevik complex." In a number of works - "Big four", "Orient Express", "the Capture of Cerberus" appear immigrants from the Russian aristocracy, enjoying the same sympathy of the author. In the above-mentioned story "the story of the clerk" Mr. pine's client is involved in a group of agents transmitting secret drawings of the enemies of great Britain to the League of Nations. But by the decision of pine for the hero comes up with a legend that he carries jewelry belonging to the beautiful Russian aristocrat and saves them with the mistress of the agents of Soviet Russia.

General characteristics of the novel

In the center of criminal events – proven detective Hercule Poirot! He finds himself in a wonderful "Orient Express". There are going to the most respectable fellow travelers with a pleasant income. But just then the coupe find a dead body. But to move on – no way. The course is difficult because of bad weather - snow drifts stopped transport. The train stopped because of drifts.

Mrs. Hubbard called the conductor, and thought she had a man in the compartment. But there was no one there.

Poirot fell asleep, but was woken by a knock on the door. Looking out, he saw the back of the woman in the red Kim.

In the morning in the dining car all discussed snow drifts and forced Parking. Mary Debenham did not worry so much about the forced delay of the train, as in the train "Tauri".

Poirot was informed that Mr. Ratchett had been killed the night before. The doctor found 12 stab wounds on his body. Attacks were made with different power and, moreover, both right and left hand. There could be two killers.


Пуаро делает вывод, что убийца среди пассажиров их вагона. Мужчина подробно расспрашивает всех пассажиров и проводника вагона.

При осмотре купе отпечатков не было найдено. Под подушкой убитого был пистолет. На ночь он выпил снотворное, поэтому не услышал убийцу. В купе нашли платок с буквой «Н» и ёршик для чистки курительной трубки. Улики указывали и на женщину, и на мужчину. В кармане убитого американца нашли золотые часы с разбитым стеклом. Стрелки остановились на четверти второго. Убийца пытался сжечь записку в купе, но Пуаро смог на ней прочитать запись. Из неё он понял, что убитый сам являлся убийцей маленькой девочки из Америки по фамилии Армстронг. Его настоящая фамилия была Кассети.

Он никак не может понять, кто убийца. Все пассажиры подтверждают алиби друг друга, но что-то не сходится. Все показания указывают на постороннего человека, который каким-то образом смог сбежать из поезда.

Но, затем Пуаро выясняет личности всех пассажиров. Они все были связаны с семьёй Армстронгов.

Пожилая англичанка – бабушка погибшей девочки. Жена венгерского подданного является сестрой умершей матери Дейзи. Княгиня – её крестная. Шведка – медсестра, которая работала в семье. Немка – кухарка. Итальянец – шофёр семьи Армстронг. Мисс Дебенхэм – гувернантка. Полковник – друг погибшего отца девочки. Американец – жених погибшей няни. Проводник – ее отец.

Пуаро выяснил, что они все по очереди заходили в купе к Рэтчету и наносили удар ножом. Но, сыщик не выдал мстителей полиции. Им преподнесли версию о постороннем убийце, который пробрался в вагон, а затем сбежал. Так, маленькая Дейзи и её семья были отомщены.

What an egg-shaped head he had! -Ну и голова – ни дать ни взять яйцо!

(Разг. Неизм. Совершенно такой же, как кто-либо или что-либо.

С сущ. со знач. лица или предмета: ни дать нивзять артист, художник, гора, ущелье, пароход…) What

В данном контексте означает что у человека снявшего шляпу не стандартная форма головы

At this time of year? -Вмертвыйсезон?

(Время застоя, затишья в какой-либо деятельности, сфере и т. п. ) Это означало продажу всех билетов в первом классе данного Экспресса.

To look for a needle in a haystack.- Искать иголку в стоге сена.

Упоминание поиска преступника.

Так, что невозможно разыскать.

As like as two peas in a pot. - Похожикакдвекапливоды.

Убеждение по отношению к королевской семье.

Совершенно, очень сильно (похож, схож) (о полном, обычно внешнем, сходстве лиц, предметов, явлений). Обычно с прил. похожий (в кратк. ф. похож, похожа, похожи): как? как две капли воды.

Близнецы были похожи друг на друга как две капли воды.

To kill two birds with one stone. - Убитьдвухзайцев.

Объяснение о поиске преступников и поеданию пирога в ресторане.

Одновременно выполнять два разных дела, осуществлять сразу два разных намерения. С сущ. со знач. лица или отвлеч. предмета: коллега, студент, молодой человек… убил двух зайцев; как? сразу, в один прием… убить двух зайцев.

– To beat about the bush. - Ходить вокруг да около.

Иронично говорить, объясняться не прямо, не говорить о сути дела.

- Мы всё ходим вокруг да около и никак не договоримся до настоящей сути. Вся суть в том, что вы ошиблись и не хотите в этом сознаться вслух.

Like a bolt from the blue. - Какгромсредиясногонеба.

Неожиданно, внезапно (о какой-либо новости, беде).

Беда подкралась к ней неожиданно, грянула как гром среди ясного неба одним невзрачным апрельским днём, и именно в такой момент, когданичего подобного и ожидать было нельзя (Г. Корнилова. Записка). Наперекор старшим они поженятся, издома уйдут, и жить будут, и ребёнка растить. А в вас родная кровь заговорит, внука-то вы всё равнополюбите… И только всё уладится в вашем доме, как вдруг гром среди ясного неба: разводятся!

To cover up one’s traces. - Заместиследы.

Уничтожать то, что может служить уликой вчём-либо.

Заметая следы моего проживания у Филлипыча, я вытравил из домовой книги свою прописку.

– Rara avis. -Белая ворона.

Человек, резко выделяющийся чем-либо среди окружающих его людей.

A phenomenon I have seldom seen,” he said cheerfully.

A Wagon Lit conductor himself puts up the luggage!

It is unheard of! – Где это видано, чтобы проводник сам втаскивал багаж! – заметил он весело. – Сказать – не поверят!

Быть готовым к отъезду. Так решай, решай, Зина!.. Направление у меня в кармане, ребята [из экипажа земснаряда] на чемоданах сидят (Б. Полевой. У самого нового моря).

- …Как твоя, примирилась? Ведь на чемоданах сидела…

— Примирилась, куда ж она денется. Пригрозил разводом, она иуспокоилась, — засмеялся Лелюх (М. Алексеев. Наследники). — Так далеко?

— переспросил водитель, прикидывая, сколько содрать.

— Жена сбежала к родственникам, понимаешь, надо привезти обратно.

— Торчать мне долго придётся?

- Нет. Она, наверно, уже сидит на чемоданах и ждёт меня.

She is extremely rich. -Баснословнобогата.


I прил.


соотн. с сущ. басня 1., связанный с ними


Существующий в басне [басня 1.], в баснях.

II прил.

Такой, который трудно представить, предельный в своём проявлении; чрезмерный, чрезвычайный.

Well, good night, my dear. -Спокойнойночи, дорогуша.

ДОРОГУ́ША, -и, муж. и жен. (разг.). Ласково-фамильярное обращение.

I argue with her. I point out that it is impossible. -Спорю с ней, доказываю, что это невозможно, – все без толку.

Ничего не узнать. Вчера в полночь прохожу через столовую, а там свеча горит. Кто зажёг, так и не добилась толку (Чехов. Три сестры). Корейцы не говорили по-русски, и, как я ни пытался узнать, далеко ли до села Вознесенского, толку не добился

Otherwise delays, annoyances, a million and one inconvenience. -В ином случае нам грозят задержки, проволочки – словом, тысячи всяких неудобств.


[VP] Otherwise


1. Also: ЗАДАВАТЬ/ЗАДАТЬ (ДАВАТЬ/ДАТЬ) ВЗБУЧКУ <ВЫВОЛОЧКУ> highly coll [subj: human]

to beat s.o. severely:

- X задал Y-y трёпку{{}}≈ X gave Y a good beating (thrashing);

- X knocked <beat> the tar (the crap, the shit etc) out of Y;

- [in limited contexts] X whipped (flogged) Y.

[Горецкий:] Глафира Алексеевна, хотите, весь этот забор изломаю?.. [Глафира:] Нет, зачем? [Горецкий:] Как бы я для вас прибил кого-нибудь, вот бы трёпку задал весёлую!.. ГлафираАлексеевна, прикажите какую-нибудь подлость сделать! (Островский 5). [Goretsky:] GlafiraAlekseyevna, if you want me to, I'll break this fence down. [Glafira:] No. What for? [Goretsky:] If I couldthrash someone for your sake, I'd give him a good beating. ...Glafira Alekseyevna, do command me to dosome dirty trick (5a).



Оставалось и Русанову заснуть. Скоротать ночь, не думать - а уж утром дать взбучку врачам(Солженицын 10). All Rusanov, too, had to do was get to sleep, while away the night, think of nothing, andthen tomorrow give the doctors a dressing-down (10a).

3. [subj: human (usu. pl) or collect]

...Фомин предложил Григорию занять должность начальника штаба. "Надо нам грамотногочеловека, чтобы ходить... по карте, а то когда-нибудь зажмут нас и опять дадут трёпки" (Шолохов 5). ...Fomin offered Grigory the post of chief of staff. "We need someone who can read, so that we can go by themap, or one day they'll comer us and give us another bashing" (5a).

He’s a Britisher and, as he calls it, he ‘keeps to himself. -Онангличанини, поегособственнымсловам, «скемпопалонеякшается».

с кем попало не водится –поддерживать дурные знакомства

(ладить с дурными людьми)

Полный список контекстов

What an egg-shaped head he had! -Ну и голова – ни дать ни взять яйцо!

At this time of year? -Вмертвыйсезон?

To look for a needle in a haystack.- Искать иголку в стоге сена.

As like as two peas in a pot. - Похожикакдвекапливоды.

To kill two birds with one stone. - Убитьдвухзайцев.

To beat about the bush. - Ходитьвокругдаоколо.

Like a bolt from the blue. - Какгромсредиясногонеба.

To cover up one’s traces. - Заместиследы.

Rara avis. -Белаяворона.

A phenomenon I have seldom seen,” he said cheerfully.

“A Wagon Lit conductor himself puts up the luggage! – Где это видано, чтобы проводник сам втаскивал багаж! – заметил он весело. – Сказать – не поверят!

Well, good night, my dear. -Спокойнойночи, дорогуша.

Otherwise delays, annoyances, a million and one inconvenience. -Виномслучаенамгрозятзадержки, проволочкисловом, тысячивсякихнеудобств.

He’s a Britisher and, as he calls it, he ‘keeps to himself. -Онангличанини, поегособственнымсловам, «скемпопалонеякшается».

8559 / 10000


Poirot concludes that the murderer is among the passengers of their carriage. The man asks in detail all passengers and the conductor of the car.

When inspecting the compartment of the prints weren't found. There was a gun under the victim's pillow. He took a sleeping pill last night, so he didn't hear the killer. In the compartment found a handkerchief with the letter " N " and a brush to clean the Smoking pipe. The evidence pointed to both the woman and the man. In a pocket of the killed American found a gold watch with the broken glass. The shooters stopped at a quarter past. The killer tried to burn the note in the compartment, but Poirot was able to read it. From it he understood that the victim himself was the killer of the little girl from America by the name of Armstrong. His real name was Cassetti.

He can't figure out who the killer is. All the passengers confirm each other's alibis, but something doesn't add up. All indications point to an outsider who somehow managed to escape from the train.

But then Poirot discovers the identity of all the passengers. They were all connected to the Armstrong family.

An elderly Englishwoman is the grandmother of the dead girl. The wife of a Hungarian citizen is the sister of Daisy's deceased mother. The Princess is her godmother. Swedish nurse who worked in the family. German cook. Italian driver of the Armstrong family. Miss Debenham is a governess. The Colonel is a friend of the deceased girl's father. American-the groom of the deceased nanny. The guide is her father.

Poirot found out that they all took turns in the compartment of Ratchet and stabbed him. But, the detective didn't betray the Avengers to the police. They were given a version of an outsider who snuck into the car and then escaped. So, little Daisy and her family were avenged.

What an egg-shaped head he had! -Well, the head – neither give nor take the egg!

(Razg. Deism. Exactly the same as anyone or anything.

Sush. with meaning. of a person or item to give newsat artist, painter, mountain, gorge, boat...) What

In this context, it means that the person who took off his hat is not the standard form of the head

At this time of year? In the off season?

(Time of stasis, a lull in any activity, area, etc.), This meant the sale of all tickets in first class for the Express.

- To look for a needle in a haystack.- Looking for a needle in a haystack.

Mention of a criminal search.

So that it is impossible to find.

- As like as two peas in a pot. - Looks like two drops of water.

Persuasion towards the Royal family.

Absolutely, very (similar, similar) (about full, usually external, the similarity of persons, objects, phenomena). Usually with ADJ. similar (in brief. f. similar, similar, similar): how? like two drops of water.

The twins were similar to each other like two drops of water.

- To kill two birds with one stone. - To kill two birds with one stone.

An explanation about finding criminals and eating cake in a restaurant.

Simultaneously perform two different cases, to carry out two different intentions. Sush. with meaning. the person or distraction. subject: colleague, student, young man ... killed two birds with one stone; how? immediately, at once... kill two birds with one stone.

- To beat about the bush. - Beating around the Bush.

Ironic to speak, to explain not directly, not to speak about the essence of the matter.

- We all go round and round and never agree to the real point. The whole point is that you are wrong and do not want to admit it out loud.

- Like a bolt from the blue. - Like a bolt from the blue.

Suddenly, suddenly (about any news, trouble).

The trouble crept up to her unexpectedly, burst like a bolt from the blue one nondescript April day, and it was at such a time when such a thing could not be expected (G. Kornilov. Note.) Contrary senior they get married, izdoma walk away, and will live, and child raise. And in you native blood will speak, the grandson all of you equally love ... and only everything will be settled in your house when suddenly a bolt from the blue: divorce!

- To cover up one's traces. - Tracks.

To destroy something that can serve as evidence inwhat.

Covering the traces of my stay at Filipych, I etched from the house book his residence.

- Rara avis. -White crow.

A man who stands out sharply than any of the people around him.

A phenomenon I have self seen, " he said cheerfully.

A Wagon Lit conductor himself puts up the luggage!

It is unheard of! - Where it is seen that the conductor himself dragged Luggage! he said cheerfully. - They won't believe you!

Be ready to leave. So decide, decide, Zina!.. Direction in my pocket, the guys [of the crew of the dredger] sitting on the suitcases (Field. Have the most new sea).

- How's yours, reconciled? After all the bags were sitting…

To become reconciled, where did she go. Threatened divorce, she has calmed down — - laughed lelyukh (M. Alekseev. Heirs.) - That far?

- the driver asked again, calculating how much to tear off.

- The wife ran away to relatives, you understand, it is necessary to bring back.

- How long do I have to stay?

- No. She's probably already sitting on her suitcases waiting for me.

She is extremely rich. -Fabulously wealthy.


I Annex.


soon. n. fable 1. related to them


Existing in the fable [fable 1.], in the fable.

II Annex.

Hard to imagine a limit in its manifestation; excessive, extreme.

Well, good night, my dear. - Good night, sweetheart.

SWEETHEART and husband. and wives. (razg.). Affectionately-unceremonious appeal.

I argument with her. I point out that it is impossible. - I argue with her, prove that this is impossible – all to no avail.

Nothing to know. Yesterday at midnight I pass through the dining room, and there the candle burns. Who lit, and did not achieve sense (Chekhov. Three sisters.) Koreans spoke no Russian, and no matter how I tried to find out how far it was to the village of ascension, nothing achieved

Otherwise delays, annoyances, a million and one inconvenience. -Otherwise we are in danger of delays, delays – in short, thousands of any inconvenience.

ASK/ASK <to GIVE/to GIVE a> SPANKING highly coll

[VP] Otherwise

= = = = =

1. Also: ASK/ASK (to GIVE/GIVING) SPANKING <SPANKING> highly coll [subj: human]

to beat s.o. severely:

- X gave Y-y a thrashing{{}}≈ x give Y a good beating (thrashing);

- X knocked <beat> the tar (the crab, the shit etc) out of Y;

- [in limited contexts] X whipped (flogged) Y.

[Gorecki:] Glafira Petrovna, you want all this fence broken?.. [Glafira:] No, why? [Gorecki:] if I have to kill someone, that would be bashing asked fun!.. Gloveralleni, order some sort of trick to do! (Ostrovsky 5). [Goretsky:] GlafiraAlekseyevna, if you want me to, I'll break this fence down. [Glafira:] No. What for? [Goretsky:] If I couldthrash someone for your sake, I'd give him a good beating. ...Glafira Alekseyevna, do command me to dosome dirty trick (5a).

= = = = =

2. Also: ASK/ASK <to GIVE/to GIVE a> SPANKING <a SPANKING> highly coll [

Remained and Rusanov sleep. Pass the night, do not think - and in the morning to give a thrashing to doctors(Solzhenitsyn 10). All Rusanov, too, had to do was get to sleep, while away the night, think of nothing, andthen tomorrow give the doctors a dressing-down (10a).

3. [subj: human (usu. pl) or collect]

...Fomin suggested Grigory to take a position of the chief of staff. "We need a literate person to walk... on map, and the someday will clamp us and again would give bashing" (Sholokhov 5). ...Fomin offered Gregory the post of chief of staff. "We need someone who can read, so that we can go by themap, or one day they'll comer us and give us another bashing" (5a).

He's a British and, as he calls it, he ‘keeps to himself. - He is English and, in his own words,"with whom horrible not to hang out."

anyone not found to support bad experience

(getting along with bad people)

Full list of contexts

What an egg-shaped head he had! -Well, the head – neither give nor take the egg!

At this time of year? In the off season?

- To look for a needle in a haystack.- Looking for a needle in a haystack.

- As like as two peas in a pot. - Looks like two drops of water.

- To kill two birds with one stone. - To kill two birds with one stone.

- To beat about the bush. - Beating around the Bush.

- Like a bolt from the blue. - Like a bolt from the blue.

- To cover up one's traces. - Tracks.

- Rara avis. -White crow.

A phenomenon I have self seen, " he said cheerfully.

A Wagon Lit conductor himself puts up the luggage! - Where it is seen that the conductor himself dragged Luggage! he said cheerfully. - They won't believe you!

Well, good night, my dear. - Good night, sweetheart.

Otherwise delays, annoyances, a million and one inconvenience. -Otherwise we are in danger of delays, delays – in short, thousands of any inconvenience.

He's a British and, as he calls it, he ‘keeps to himself. - He is English and, in his own words,"with whom horrible not to hang out."

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