Phraseological units in Agatha Christie's works - Студенческий научный форум

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Phraseological units in Agatha Christie's works

Сережин Г.А. 1
1Владимирский Государственный Университет им. А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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Фразеологизмы и предложения в которых они употреблены.

Here and there - здесьитам.

I've knocked about here and there, sir.”

Part and parcel - неотъемлемая часть чего-л.

It's part and parcel of the whole business.”

As the devil - чрезвычайно, ужасно, чертовски.

Oh, clever as the devil!”

As mad as a hatter - окончательно спятивший, сумасшедший, как шляпник.

Sometimes, I feel sure he is as mad as a hatter…

Not to mince matters - говорить напрямик, без обиняков, на самом деле.

Look here - not to mince matters - you didn't give her an overdose, did you?”

Not to know smb. from Adam - не иметь ни малейшего представления.

“…my dear child, do you remember that Bassington- ffrench knows you. He doesn't know me from Adam.”

Jack of all trades - мастернавсеруки.

Oh, I suppose she was after your time. She's the mater's factotum, companion, Jack of all trades!

Ghost of a… (smth.) - чутьзаметный (-ая, -ое)

What a white, bloodless ghost of a woman!”

Thedevilofit- самое неприятное в том, что

The devil of it is that that's all probably been provided for.”

A beast of prey - хищныйзверь.

Like a beast of prey, heavy weather fell upon him…

A bad lot - мошенник, непутевый, никудышный человек.

He's a bad lot.”

Foul play - грязнаяигра.

Yes, time is an advantage if - if - there has been foul play.”

Double Dutch - тарабарщина.

It's double Dutch to me.”

To speak one's mind - высказать свою точку зрения.

At any rate,” she burst out, “I've spoken my mind!”

To pull smb.'s leg - морочитьголову.

Poirot, you're pulling my leg!”

At hand - близкий, приближающийся.

The day of judgment is very close at hand.”

In a minute - сиюминуту.

It's nothing. She's fainted, that's all. She'll be round in a minute.”

Under the strain - внапряжении.

Inequalities of temper were easily accounted for out there, where men's nerves were continually snapping under the strain.”

To be hand in glove with smb. - заодно.

Anyone could see with half an eye that the woman was as pious as could be - the kind that was hand in glove with parsons.”

A goose is walking over smb.'s grave - пробираетдрожь, мурашкипоспине.

It makes me feel as if a goose were walking over my grave.”

To make one's mind up for smb. - решить за кого-л., заставить принять решение.

Had great power with a jury - it was said he could make their minds up for them any day of the week.

With a fine tooth-comb - оченьтщательно.

We went over the place with a fine tooth-comb.”

Inabrownstudy - в мрачном раздумье, в глубоком размышлении/

Standing there, he fell into a brown study.”

At any rate - во всяком случае, по меньшей мере.

I shall be getting a free holiday at any rate.”

To have got something up one's sleeve - скрыватьчто-л. допоры, довремени.

If I'm not greatly mistaken, he's got something up his sleeve.”

To keep one's nose to the grindstone - заставлятьработатьбезпередыху.

No, now that he had arrived, he must keep his nose to the grindstone.”

To take smb.'s words out of smb.'s mouth - предвосхититьчьи-л. слова.

Vera took the words out of his mouth.”

To be caught red-handed - бытьпойманнымсполичным.

The man's caught red-handed.

The house that Jack built - рассказсповторениями.

Photo No. 3 represents the highly magnified surface of a tiny bottle in the top poison cupboard of the dispensary in the Red Cross Hospital at Tadminster - which sounds like the house that Jack built!

Tooth and nail - изовсехсил.

She ranged herself passionately on her husband's side, scorning the mere idea of his guilt, and fought for him tooth and nail.

To take smth. With a grain of salt - относитьсяккому-л. иличему-л. скептически.

One might take that with a grain of salt,” I remarked sceptically.

To be in the dark - бытьвневедении.

Perhaps you don't realize that I am still in the dark.

To talk about smb. behind his (her) back - говоритьоком-л. заглаза

Later, he'd had an uneasy feeling that people were talking about him behind his back.

To spill the beans - выдатьсекрет.

Then, last night, some unknown lunatic spills the beans.

To trust smb. a yard - совершенно не доверять.

I don't know - exactly. But I wouldn't trust him a yard.”

Tofeelitinone'sbones - чувствовать что-л. всем существом.

Let's get finished. I feel it in my bones we're not going to find anything.”

Old bird - стреляныйворобей.

I couldn't let the old bird down, could I?”

Go to pieces - обанкротиться.

And if she goes to pieces, his neck's in danger!

Neck is in danger - бытьвопасности.

And if she goes to pieces, his neck's in danger!

Tokeepcool- сохранять невозмутимость.

You must keep cool. This isn't like you. You've always had excellent nerves.”

To do a bunk - сбежать.

He's done a bunk, he has,” he said to himself.

To go wrong - не удаться, провалиться.

The best-laid plans go wrong, as my present predicament shows.”

To play into smb.' hands - игратьнаруку.

However, your young naval friend played into my hands very nicely.”

To throw smth. into smb.'s teeth. - “броситьупреквлицо.

Or throw your poverty in your teeth, or anything like that….”

To be at smb.'s feet - “лежатьуног”.

The world was at his feet.”

To face the music - встречать критику не дрогнув, держать ответ.

This is a tragic business,” he said. “Poor fellow. So, he felt he couldn't face the music. Too bad. Too bad.”

The brand of Cain - Каиновапечать.

The third is symbolical. The manner of my death marking me on the forehead. The brand of Cain.”

Judgment Day - судныйдень.

Why don't we wake up? Wake up - Judgment Day - no, not that!”

Asmadasahatter - окончательно спятивший, сумасшедший, как шляпник.

Sometimes, I feel sure he is as mad as a hatter; and then, just as he is at his maddest, I find there is method in his madness.”

God Almighty - Божевсемогущий.

That is to say, he's played God Almighty for a good many months every year.”

4. СписокЛитературы

1. Agatha Christie. The A.B.C. Murders. 1936. – 221 с.

2. Agatha Christie. Ten Little Niggers. - М.: Издательство «Менеджер», 2002. - 288 с.

3. Agatha Christie. The Mysterious Affair at Styles. - «Triad Panther Books», 1978. - 192 с.

4. Agatha Christie. The Seven Dials Mystery. - «Bantam Book», 1981. - 218 с.

5. Agatha Christie. Why didn't they Ask Evans? - «Pan Books», - 1968. - 192 с.

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