XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019


Афонина И.С. 1, Барбашова Е.Э. 1, Кандрушина В.А. 1, Суромкина Г.А. 1
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Proverbs and sayings are an integral part of any language and are a reflection of ancient history and culture. They represent an element of folk art, which allows figuratively to express popular wisdom, to reflect the history and worldview of people, their traditions, customs and values. There are hundreds of proverbs and sayings in English. They were created by many generations of people, developed and improved over the centuries.

The origin of proverbs and sayings is that they arose due to the traditions, customs and beliefs of the English people, as well as that they were created on the basis of various realities and facts of English history. In general, proverbs and sayings in English, as well as in other languages, are the creation of people, a manifestation of their wisdom and linguistic flair.

Examples of such widespread use, created by the people are:

1. bite off more than one can chew “take by mouth more than you can swallow”, i.e. “take on an impossible task”; "Do not calculate their strength"; “it’s not easy”;

2. in for a penny, in for a pound, “I risked a penny, and risk a pound” (cf. “he called himself a load, get into the body”, “he took up his tug, do not say that he was not a lot”).

Statements have a phraseological character, they are classified not only according to the sources of their origin, but also according to spheres of human activity, peculiarities of life, natural phenomena, etc. The following ideological and thematic groups of sayings and proverbs are distinguished:

Biblical proverbs (the laborer is worthy of his hire, a soft answer turned away wrath).

· Money (money cannot buy everything, a bad penny always comes back, he that will steal a pin will steal a pound, money does not grow on trees),

· The traits of people, embodied in the image of animals (curiosity killed the cat, birds of feather fly together, if you want pretense to whip a dog say that he ate a frying pan),

· The positive traits of people (the early bird catches the warm, a friend in need is a friend indeed, honesty is the best policy),

· Attitude to work (a rolling stone gathers no moth, a bad sheerer never had a good sickle)

· Health (an apple a day keeps the doctor away, just what the doctor ordered, laughter is the best medicine),

· Weather (red sky at night; nature abhors a vacuum; if there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun),

· Proverbs about time (time flies, time is the greater healer, other times, other manners),

· Spheres of human activity (to be all at sea, a man who sails under false colors) and others.

The linguist distinguishes sayings and proverbs that sailors, fishermen, and hunters use in their speech, who know the characteristics and conditions of their work. In addition, the researcher recalls groups of words that are associated with the sea and the life of sailors. In English, there are many such sayings and proverbs. Today, some of them are no longer directly related to the maritime theme or to mariners. For example: To sink or swim means to get defeated or win; In deep water - in problem or danger; To be in the same boat with somebody - to be in a situation in which people share difficulties and dangers; To bow the storm - to appear.

Many Proverbs are a huge number of years, their meaning does not reflect the value, as in the Russian language.

- «Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst».

In Russian meaning: Надейся на лучшее, но будь готов и к худшему;

- «Birds of a feather flock together».

In Russian meaning: Рыбак рыбака видит издалека;

- «Keep your friends close and your enemies closer».

In the Russian meaning: Держи своих друзей близко, а врагов ещё ближе.

- «There's no such thing as a free lunch».

In Russian meaning: Бесплатный сыр бывает только в мышеловке;

- «The early bird catches the worm»,

In the Russian meaning: Кто рано встает, тому Бог подает. English proverbs are quite diverse in content. They cover all aspects of the life of the English people.Proverbs help to understand what is essential in the life of the English people, what their traditions and customs mean. And this in turn increases the motivation to learn English and contributes to the acquisition of solid knowledge, which is so necessary in our time.

Proverbs and sayings as part of the culture of the people have always remained relevant, despite the rapid development of society and scientific and technological progress. At any time Proverbs and Sayings will be a characteristic feature of the people, the object of attention and research.

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