COMPUTER LANGUAGES - Студенческий научный форум

XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019


Дегтярев А.Н. 1, Суромкина Г.А. 1
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Programming languages are divided into 2 classes: Machine-or machine-oriented (low-level) and Algorithmic (high-level). The low-level language is focused on a specific processor type and is written in machine code (0 or 1). This language the computer understands, but not human-readable. For example, ASSEMBLY language. High-level programming languages are written using English words and phrases. That is, a language of human-readable but not understandable to the computer. These languages need to be translated into machine code. Translators are used for this purpose. They are divided into: compilers-immediately translate the source code of the program into machine code language. After that a command file (.exe or .com) and the source program itself is no longer needed; interpreters-they translate the source code of the program in steps. And every time you start, refer to the source code. Very convenient when debugging programs.

There is also the concept of "layout" of programs, that is, the collection of compiled elements into a single software module.There are many programming languages in the world. The most common languages are Perl, Java virtual machine, JavaSCRIPT, SQL, HTML and XML , C and its variants, Python, Pascal and Ruby. Each language was created for convenient implementation of different tasks. One of the first languages was Fortran. Incidentally, it was embossed on punched cards.

Another funny story about the Pascal language, widely known in University circles, mainly in Russia and in the countries of the former Soviet Union. It has been and continues to be used surprisingly as an educational language. In the rest of the world it is less common, but it exist.PHP appeared by accident. One person wrote a set of macros for Pearl that were similar to C and called it as Personal HomePage. And people liked it. Then he dropped the case. In General, in the end, this PHP began to live and eventually became much more popular than Perl. But this "birth trauma" (conceived as a set of macros for Pearl) played a pretty cruel joke with him. The language was strange. That is, it developed by itself, no one designed it, no one administered the development process (neither the company nor any person), and there were many groups, each of which sawed what they like. Functions are called differently there even there is no style, all through underscores, in general, as horrible, settings lie here and there, and how it will work is not very clear. But you can sit down and write in two hours in PHP, because it was conceived.

For system programming switch languages are most suitable: C, C++ and Assembler C was invented by engineers. Kernighan and Ritchie loved playing with Asteroids. They had a server on which they played, but there were a lot of people, and the game was slow. And they found out in their office that they had some kind of a computer that nobody uses. But there was a problem — he's a different architecture, but the game was written in Assembly language.They rewrote it. But this has brought them to the idea rewrite for a new architecture every time — it's not very clever. And they decided to write a high-level language that would be suitable for system programming, that is, in which it will be possible to manage memory, in which it will be possible to understand where-what lies and how to access these pieces of memory. And so there was the C language, which had a huge impact on all further.

C++ was created first as a set of additions to the C language, which will facilitate the development. At that time, object-oriented programming became fashionable and people decided that everything can be described in the form of a hierarchy, that is — you have a ball (abstract), you inherit from it a football, a volleyball, another abstract ball.C++ in a sense implemented this object approach — it was not the first object-oriented programming language, but it became quite popular and all sorts of features began to appear in it. At the same time, C++ maintained almost full compatibility (at that time) with the C language, the program written in C in 99% of cases successfully compiled as C++and even worked as well. This was designed to make it easy to switch to C++with C.

Просмотров работы: 3