XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019


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When we talk about Spain, we come to the memory of bullfights, Torero, sultry dances, rich nature and interesting history. The history of religion in Spain is also of undoubted interest. It is known that more than 2,000 years ago, the rocky shores of the Atlantic Ocean inhabited by the Celtic tribes sailed Saint Jacob, preaching the teaching of Christ. But the locals took it very unfriendly, and only the intervention of the Holy Virgin Mary, the mother of God, helped the Saint not to lose faith in themselves and continue missionary activity. This was the beginning of Christianity in Spain. For a long time Spain had strong influence from the Muslim countries of the east. Christianity on the territory of this country penetrated the border of the 1st and 2nd century A.D. during the Great Migration of peoples. But during the Arab gains (7-8 century) Christianity was banned and only Rekonkista (the conquest of conquered lands by the Muslims from the Crusaders) destroyed the influence of eastern culture. After the separation of Christianity into two branches in the year 1054 in Spain, as in many European countries, established Catholic (world) religion. From 1400 to 1500 under the reign of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, the Spaniards were ordered to accept the Catholic faith, otherwise they could either be executed, or imprisoned for life, in some cases for disobedience expelled from the country. Therefore almost 97% of Spaniards became Catholics. It was here in the 15th century that the Inquisition, the ecclesiastical trial over heretics, witches and sorcerers, was created, which, with the help of the autism (execution without shedding blood), destroyed hundreds of thousands of Protestants.


Today in Spain 75% of the population are Catholics, and earnestly meet all the requirements of religion. One of the most important requirements of religion is pilgrimage-worship of holy places, which in the country a great many. Almost every city, town or locality has its saints, who patronize them and holidays, dedicated to them, turn into folk festivities with dances, songs and carnival processions. After persecution on Protestants their number has considerably decreased. But in the 19th century there were new communities of Baptists-evangelists, reformers, Methodists. In the early twentieth century, the first Pentecostal communities appeared, which are now very popular among Spanish Protestants. The number of Protestants in Spain reaches half a million. At the present time, due to migration from the east, the number of Orthodox Christians is increasing, their number has increased to 880-900 thousand since the end of the last century. As a result of the Arab gains Spain was strongly influenced by the spiritual culture of the east. This has been reflected in all areas: education, art, science and religion. Since 771, the country began to spread Islam, in addition, the conquerors were very loyal to the citizens, have agreed to adopt a new religion. During the Rekonista, the Arabs were ousted from the Iberian Peninsula, and Islam lost its influence. At the end of the 19th century, Moroccan workers who were Muslims migrated massively to Spain. When the influx of refugees increased sharply at the expense of workers from North and East Africa, the number of Muslims began to increase. To date, there are autonomous cities in the country, where the proportion of Muslims is 40%.
The total number of professing Islam is 1 million 200,000, although the leaders of the Muslim parties speak of 2 million adherents. Representatives of the Jewish nation occupied a special position in European countries. Basically, they were merchants, bankers and changers, and were doing their business so skillfully that the Kings, and all the know were in their debtors. Arabs tolerated treated Jews, and then their community flourished. However, after the Rekonista their situation began to deteriorate and on the edict of 1492 they were evicted from the country. This was done in order to seize the riches belonging to wealthy Jews and not to pay them debts. The Jews began to leave the country massively. It was only at the end of the 19th century that the Jews who openly preached Judaism began to appear in Spain again. During the Second World War Jews came here from the countries of Europe, caught under the occupation regime of Hitler. And after the war from Latin America, the influx of refugees increased the number of Jews to 15 000 people. Spaniards revere the traditions of their ancestors, and since the Civil War of 1936 the state religion of Spain is Roman Catholic, and up to 95% of the citizens of the country declare themselves Catholics. The 1978 Constitution abolished this paragraph, and Spain became a secular state with freedom of religion. And the state has concluded with all confessions Social contract: The Catholic Church receives annual grants from the government, but at the same time has the right to collect donations and any citizen has the right to transfer up to 0.5% of income Tax or social contributions, or for the needs of the church. In the XXI century there is a tendency of steady growth of donations for these needs, and also the state frees all denominations from payment of taxes on the property belonging to it, used for worship. Although it is not compulsory to teach the law of God in Spanish schools, up to 30 per cent of school-age children are enrolled in private Catholic institutions. Religious holidays are celebrated very widely, and they have a kind of mass festivities with songs and carnival processions. Practically all inhabitants of inhabited localities take part in the Gulans. From all over the world tourists come here to feel the spirit of the real Spanish culture. Among the most interesting and revered holidays can be mentioned: the Day of the Magi, the Day of remembrance of the Dead, Holy Week, during which passes in all cities of Spain cross passages and Easter, as well as the holidays of All Saints-patrons of local people. There is currently no officially approved religion in Spain. For centuries, Catholicism was the official and only permitted religion of the Spanish state up to the Second Republic. After the defeat of the Republic, the Catholic Church regained its former vital role in the Franco-Spanish Spain as one of the pillars of the authoritarian regime. The Concordat between Spain and Vatican, signed in 1953, recorded the monopoly position of Catholicism as the only religion of the Spanish nation. However, as early as 1967, a law on freedom of conscience had been enacted, allowing Spaniards to profess any religion or not to profess anything. In electoral campaigns, the democratization phase manifested the relationship between high levels of religiosity and voting for right-wing and centrist parties, on the one hand, and atheism and the support of leftist parties on the other. At the same time there was another-a scatter of votes-Catholics. Thus, in the 1977 parliamentary elections 87% of the supporters of the ISRP and 55% of the adherents of the KPI attributed themselves to Catholics. The reformed wing of the Church played a very important political role in 1975 – 1978, mediating between the reformist wing of the Frankish elite and the democratic opposition, helping them to reach a consensus, contributing to a significant degree of mitigation Hostile attitude of the conservative part of the right-wing forces and the army to the democratic regime. The direct and unambiguous support of the "Renovans" priests of democracy has seriously influenced the results of the nationwide referendums on the law on Political Reform (1976) and the draft Constitution (1978). In the postwar period, the Spanish State, proclaiming its principles of democracy and pluralism and guaranteeing freedom of conscience in the 1978 Constitution, concluded a number of agreements not only with the Catholic Church but also with other confessions Countries-Protestants, Muslims, followers of Judaism. In 1979, a new concordat was signed between Vatican and Spain. There were unresolved problems in the relations between the church and the state (e.g. education, marriage and birth control). However, they only made a temporary tension in relations with the Holy Throne. The State recognized the important role of the Catholic Church in Spanish society (it is indicative that in 1990 45% of Spaniards, obliged to pay taxes, voluntarily expelled 0.52, 90% From the amount of paid taxes in favor of the church). The Catholic Church adopted the formal principle of non-interference in political affairs as a general norm. The position of the Church has become one of the most important components of national reconciliation and harmony. At present, according to the decision of the Government of Socialists, the Catholic Church does not have public funding, and the authorized amount of voluntary donations of Spanish citizens in favor of the church should not exceed 0.7% of their tax deductions in According to their annual tax declaration. Despite the fact that almost 95% of the country's population is baptized into the Catholic faith, the number of practicing Catholics has decreased significantly in recent years and continues to decline. The Catholic Church strives for active participation in the social and political life of the country, discussing in its leadership such pressing problems of today's Spain as Basque terrorism, separatism, reforms in the field of education, family and marriage Relations. The church Hierarchs took part in the 2008 election campaign. The Spanish Episcopal Conference (Iek) did not conceal its opinion on the most important events in the life of the country, but for the first time she turned to the flock with instructions on voting in the elections. Although none of the parties mentioned specifically, the arguments of the bishops about terrorism, secular nature of the state, the right to abortion, the permitted same-sex marriages, the unity of the country, nationalism, education, adopted the Law on Historical Memory in fact Cases have brought citizens to the sole moral choice of Christians to give their votes to politicians who support traditional family values and do not negotiate with terrorists. In response, the government threatened the church to reconsider issues related to its Financing. It should be recognized that the Spanish church is open for dialogue with believers and atheists, representatives of other faiths and cultures. The current Spanish society was much more tolerant: it dealt with family and marriage issues, contraceptive methods and abortions, and same-sex marriages. Spain and religion are two fairly close notions, almost inextricably linked. With the beginning of the Rekonista-expulsion of the Moors from the territory of the state, passing under Christian banners-Begins an active displacement of Islam. And at the end of the expulsion of the Arabs, Spain fell under the influence of another religion-Catholicism. Since that time, church reforms are beginning to take place. Among them is the approval of the Church court, and the Holy Inquisition, which pursues heretics throughout the country. All remaining Muslims and Jews in the Iberian Peninsula are forcibly forced to accept Christianity. Spain for almost five hundred years was in the grip of this religion, participated in the counterreformation, not giving the Protestant spirit to manifest on its soil. Almost all spheres of life controlled the church. All the attempts of the nineteenth century to proclaim freedom of religion ended in utter collapse. The time of the thirties of the twentieth century was tragic for Spanish Catholicism. The civil war of these years called to burn temples, even there were rumors about poisoned sweets for children of priests. The time of cruel and bloody terror began, during which almost seven thousand priests were killed, churches were burnt and destroyed, unique religious works were destroyed Art. After the left terror, the church spoke in support of the Franks. In turn, Franco, after coming to power gave the good of the Catholic Church, proclaiming Catholicism as the only and legitimate religion. All this has led to the church being able to print books, to have property and to take part in legislative activities relating to the sphere of civic life: laws have been enacted that recognize church marriages as the only possible prohibiting Divorce, abortion and the use of contraceptives. Spaniards could be sent to jail for homosexual intercourse. Religious teaching was necessarily taught in every school. The life of a woman was fully controlled by religious canons. The church and Franco, during the nationalist regime, fought in a single rhythm. Of course, so much long Catholic influence on the development of the country could not fail to give certain fruits-and today 80 percent of the population is Catholic. However, the church has practically no influence in the state sphere of life. With the fall of the Nazi regime in Spain, a new constitution was adopted. According to the set of these laws in the country proclaimed freedom of religion, proclaiming Spanish society secular. At last every Spaniard could choose for himself any religion, divorce was legalized, and in schools religious courses became obligatory, and optional. At the time of the socialist government of Radrigees Sapatero, disputes between the power structures and the church intensified dramatically. The adopted laws on legalization of divorces and abortions and some scientific areas irritated the Church guard of the old hardening. The abolition of religious education and the authorization of same-sex marriages finally undermined Church authority. Today the Catholic Clerics have to exert a lot of effort to replenish their ranks. According to statistics, the number of those who left the church service exceeds the number of people who have replenished the ranks of the clergy. And yet the state supports the church: when paying taxes, payers who do not indicate the purpose of channelling funds, partly pay for the costs of church needs. Although in the Eighties of the last century such a wish was abandoned, the system is functioning today, providing a religious sphere. Still it is difficult to break so much strong Spanish-church connection, in fact in a heavy and sad hour the person turns to the help to the god. But today the church continues to be associated with the regime of the dictator Franco, so even less than thirty percent of Spaniards are constantly visiting it. Although Catholicism remained the predominant religion: Eighty percent of the population consider themselves Catholics. About 2 percent fall on other religions, most of which are Islamists. And about eighteen percent do not belong to any of the denominations, they call themselves atheists. Catholicism remained the main religion in Spain, many traditions and events have inseparable connection with religion. Of course, baptisms and weddings are the most important events that are closely related to the church. But many holidays in the country are religious in nature. Almost every day is a day of a saint. Spaniards with great joy are going to celebrate the name of their relatives, noting them almost as their own birthday. Peculiarities of those or other holidays related to religion, in each district of the country, but all of them accompanied by an abundance of wine and food, and often arranged processions. However, Semanta Santa (passionate Week) for all Spaniards goes the same way. Sinners dressed in high caps, red and eye slits take part in street processions. During the feast they show the scenes of Christ's crucifixion and torment themselves. Thus, the Spaniards mourn the son of the Lord and try to repent of their sins by cleansing the soul. But, of course, the most revered religious holiday in the country is Christmas. The main symbol, which is not the tree, and Belen, in literal translation denoting nursery. In its essence, it is a mock birth of a baby of Christ. Even the famous Fool's Day, celebrated usually on April 1, the Spaniards have a religious subtext. The day when it is customary to make fun of loved ones and friends falls in Spain for the twenty-eighth of December. It's called the Day of innocent, holy babies. Religion is one of the most controversial aspects of Spain's life, and the Spanish attitude towards it is appropriate. Catholicism remained the main and practically the only religion throughout the history of the country. Christianity appeared on the Iberian peninsula from the first century of its existence and quickly conquered for itself followers-already since the 2nd century AD in the territory of modern Spain arose Christian communities. The Arab conquest of the VIII century played a very important role in the development of the Spanish religious consciousness. The Moors established Muslim rule in Spain for several centuries, some of the locals converted to Islam, but many did not obey the new faith and preserved the Christian way of life, defending it in the fight against the Arab domination. The Spanish martyrs, who died from tortures and persecutions of Moslems, today are considered one of the most important heroes in history Country. The victory of the Rekonkista, the struggle of Christians for their lands, meant the triumph of Catholicism. In addition, the period includes the formation of the infamous Spanish Inquisition, which brutally punished anyone who was suspected of heresy. The confrontation between the state and the church began only in the XIX century, and during the Civil War of 1936-39 years the Catholicism lost its influence: at that time mass arson of churches, murders of monks and priests, destruction of religious Works of art and church utensils. The Civil war ended, Catholicism was named the state religion. In 1978, the new Constitution proclaimed Spain a secular state, but Catholicism continues to play a significant role in the life of the country. Today, statistics show that 94% of Spaniards are Catholics. This figure means the number of baptized people, in fact believers consider themselves about 73% of the inhabitants of the country, the rest-atheists and undecided with religion. In any case, the percentage is quite large for the secular state, as Catholicism is one of the most important parts of the national-cultural identity of the Spaniards. People call themselves Catholics, even if they have never been to church and disagree with the Christian teachings. However, they honor the patron saints of the cities, call their children in honor of the Catholic Saints, scale celebrate religious holidays-fiestas, organize weddings, funeral and other Christian rituals. And this does not prevent them from having some of the most liberal views in Europe. The country has a huge number of churches, cathedrals and monasteries. In Spain, the Institute of Pilgrimage is very developed, here is the famous pilgrimage road to the tomb of the Apostle Jacob, located in the city of Santiago de Compostela. This small The mountain town is the third most important Catholic shrine after Jerusalem and Rome. There are special days for the collective pilgrimage. About 2% of the inhabitants of Spain profess other religions-Protestantism, Islam, Judaism.


1. Religion in Spain. Religious beliefs and organizations. URL: (дата обращения: 20.12.18)

2. Religious Beliefs and Spirituality in Spain. URL: (датаобращения: 20.12.18)

3. Religion in Spain. URL: (дата обращения: 20.12.18)

4. Religion, Religiousness and Fertility in the U.S. and in Europe. URL: (дата обращения: 20.12.18)

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