Georg Simon Om (him. GeorgSimonOhm , 1787-1854) - the famous German physicist, who developed and practically confirmed the law, which reflected the relationship between current, voltage and resistance.The authorship of the scientist belongs to the acoustic law, which received wide recognition after his death.
Georg Simon Oh m was born on March 16, 1787 in the small Prussian town Erpagen .
The first school where George studied was private and only one person taught there - its owner, a former hosiery.
In 1805, Om without any problems was enrolled in the University of Erlangen , where he studied without any particular problems.Here he became interested in dancing and billiards, demonstrating success in his new occupations.
In 1811, Georg returned to his hometown and sat down again at the student’s bench.He did it so successfully that during the same year he defended his diploma, wrote his dissertation and received his Ph.D. degree.In 1816 he received an offer to move to Cologne to train students in preparatory classes.
In this city, the scientist will spend 9 years.In the sphere of his interests - the processes occurring in electrical circuits.
Ohm improved the principle of current measurement, focusing not on thermal, but on magnetic action, previously opened by Danish colleague Oersted.
The wording of Ohm's law : from the current silt on the circuit section is directly proportional to the electrical voltage at the ends of the circuit and is inversely proportional to the electrical resistance of this circuit section.
The scientist conducted studies aimed at determining the conductivity values of the conductors.Georg alternately connected thin conductors of similar diameter made of different materials between two points of the circuit.Then he measured their length, seeking to obtain a certain amount of current.Om detailed his conclusions in an article published on the pages of the Journal of Physics and Chemistry in 1826.
By this time, Om had settled down firmly in Berlin, where he worked at a research center with a very modest load three hours a week.In 1829 another article of the scientist was published, in which he substantiated the general principles of operation of electrical measuring instruments, proposing a standard of electrical resistance.A year later, another work saw the light of the day - “An attempt to create an approximate theory of unipolar conductivity.”
Om authored the concept of electromotive force.He formulated his law not only in differential values, but also in finite values, suitable for particular cases of individual circuits , among which the thermoelectric circuit was of paramount importance.
In 1833, Om moved to Nuremberg, where he was invited to the post of professor of physics in the newly opened specialized school.
In 1843 he managed to formulate an acoustic law, named after the author.It is based on the nature of the human auditory system, which is able to differentiate a complex sound wave into separate segments, that is, to certain limits, we perceive individual frequencies that together create a complex sound.Om proved that elementary acoustic sensations cause harmonic vibrations into which the ear separates complex sounds.
In 1852, George was finally appointed an ordinary professor, but by that time his health left much to be desired.In 1854 he suffered a heart attack, after which the Bavarian king freed the scientist from lecturing, but after 12 days Om died.
Georg Om died on July 6, 1854 and was buried at the Old Munich Cemetery.
Sources of information