From a sociological point of view, Ireland is usually considered a Catholic country. According to the findings from the Central Statistics Office, an overwhelming proportion of Irish belong to the Catholic Church. In the latest decades, the proportion of Catholics diminished from around 93 percent to the present 87 percent. This has been due to two primary factors: first, a general trend in society to more non-religious attitudes; and second, a dramatic increase in immigration. On the one hand, there are increasingly less differences between the “Catholic Irish society” and continental countries, although the Catholic background is more easily perceived here than in other countries.On the other hand, the inception of minority religious denominations, almost absent until now in the Island, ensued from immigration. However, there has not been a radical alteration in the religious pattern of Irish society, as far as Catholics are still a large majority. We could better say that there has been a change in lifestyle rather than a reshaping of the religious map.
A 2012 survey of Irish Catholics undertaken by the Association of Catholic Priests found the weekly mass attendance rate to be 35% on an all-island basis, while daily mass attendance was reported at 3%
Other religions of Ireland
The history of the Jews in Ireland extends back nearly a thousand years. Although the Jewish community has always been small in numbers (not exceeding 5,500 by religion since at least 1891), it is well established and has generally been well-accepted into Irish life. Jews in Ireland have historically enjoyed a relative tolerance that was largely absent elsewhere in Europe
The Republic of Ireland currently has four synagogues: three in Dublin, one in Cork. There is a further synagogue in Belfast in Northern Ireland.
The documented history of Islam in Ireland dates to the 1950s. The number of Muslims in Ireland has increased since the 1990s,mostly through immigration. According to the 2016 Irish census the number of Muslims resident in the Republic was 63,443.
The earliest mention of Ireland in Muslim sources originates in the works of Al-Idrisi in his Tabula Rogeriana mentioned Irlandah-al-Kabirah(Great Ireland).
The population of Buddhists in Ireland is 9,358 (0.2%). Irish Buddhists such as U Dhammaloka are recorded from the late nineteenth century on, with numbers growing particularly in the 21st century. Beyond formal membership in Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana and Western Buddhist groups, there is increasing syncretism, with self-identified Christians and others using Buddhist meditation techniques, Buddha images, texts by figures such as the 14th Dalai Lama and so on. Reputed links between Buddhism and Celtic religion have long played a role in Irish literature. The first Irish Buddhist Union was formed in 2018, with representatives of five Buddhist schools coming together to form the body
Hinduism in the Republic of Ireland is one of the fastest-growing religions by percentage. Despite this, there are only a small number of recognised temples in the country. The 2016 Irish Census recorded 14,300 Hindu residents in Ireland, making up 0.30% of the population. In 2011, the Irish Census reported 10,688 Hindu residents in Ireland, 0.23% of the population. This was more than triple the number of Hindus in Ireland in 2002(when 3,099 Hindus were recorded) and more than 11 times the number of Hindus in 1991.
Neo-paganism in the Republic of Ireland
Many Neo-pagan religions such as Wicca, Druidry and Celtic Polytheism have active followings in Ireland, although the number of declared adherents is likely quite small.
New Age
New Age religious movements are becoming increasingly significant in Ireland, often as a form of syncretism for members of established religions. Participation is strongly gendered, with a high proportion of women. A typical example is A course in miracles.
Garcimartin Carmen. Religion and the Secular State in Ireland //URL: (Дата обращения:22.12.2018)
Bernice Martin Religion, Secularity and Cultural Memory inIreland. State, religion, and church (2014)1 (2) : 112 – 134.
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Kuhling, Carmen, "New Age re-enchantment in post-Celtic Tiger Ireland". 201 - 219 in Olivia Cosgrove et al. (eds), Ireland's new religious movements. Cambridge Scholars, 2011; ISBN 978-1-4438-2588-7
Jackson Noble, Ruth, "The changing face of Irish Christianity". 131 - 146 in Olivia Cosgrove et al. (eds), Ireland's new religious movements. Cambridge Scholars, 2011