XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019


Султанкулова П.У. 1, Тулегенова А.М. 1
1Евразийский национальный университет им.Л.Н.Гумилева
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Today, the school is acutely faced with the problem of active creative perception of knowledge, therefore it is necessary to make the learning process more exciting and interesting, to reveal the importance of the knowledge gained in the school and its practical application in life. Solving these problems requires the use of new pedagogical approaches and technologies in a modern comprehensive school. The activities of learners should be aimed at striving for self-learning and self-improvement through active methods of action. To solve it, learners need not only master the language, but also possess on of a large amount of diverse subject knowledge. Children must possess certain intellectual, creative and communicative skills.

In this article we make an attempt to investigate the project method, exactly I-project method, both in English lessons and in extracurricular activities.

In general, the project method is not new in world pedagogy. It originated in the early 20th century in the United States. He was also called the method of problems and he was associated with humanistic ideas in philosophy and education developed by the American educator Dewey.

At the present stage of development of education, the method of projects can be defined as a set of educational and cognitive techniques that allow solving a particular problem as a result of independent actions of students with the mandatory presentation of the results.[1]

We believe that this method is the most effective in teaching a foreign language and belongs to such an organization of study, in which students acquire knowledge in the creative process of planning and independent implementation of practical tasks. The implementation of project activities makes the learning process interesting, develops the horizons; through such activities, students become creative researchers and get satisfaction from work. I believe that the project activity of schoolchildren is one of the most important areas of student-centered learning.

By completing the project’s tasks, learners are able to practically apply the knowledge of a foreign language; they themselves find the necessary information containing valuable regional geographic, lexical, grammatical material, using for this purpose not only the material of the textbook, but also other sources of information that are now in a rich choice. One of the objectives of the project activity is to increase the interest and motivation to study this subject. Even poorly performing students show interest in the language during the performance of creative tasks.

One of the main features of the project activity is the orientation towards the achievement of a specific practical goal - a visual representation of the result, be it a postcard, a wall newspaper, or making puzzles, crosswords, etc. The guys with enthusiasm begin to work on the project, discuss its content and nature, goals.

The main principles of the project method are:

1.the principle of purpose;

2.the principle of activity;

3.the principle of experience;

4.the principle of social experience;

5.the principle of reality; 6.the principle of freedom;

7.the principle of utility.

The project to be successful must be based on a definite procedure. [2]

Work on the project has the following objectives:

 - formation of respect for the language and culture of native speakers;

 - fostering activity in solving communicative and cognitive-search tasks;

- introduction to the independent performance of tasks, work with reference books, foreign sources of information;

 - initiation of active participation in the dialogue of cultures;

 - the development of language skills and sustained interest in learning a foreign language;

 - development of general educational skills (work with a textbook, a collection of exercises, a book for reading, reference books, a dictionary);

 - formation of skills to analyze and compare information and facts of native and foreign language culture.

Currently there are some criteria for determining the types of projects:

- the nature of the dominant activity: research (to solve a research problem or problem), applied-with a clear result of activity and telecommunication-using computer telecommunications.

- according to the nature of the subject-specific area, mono and metasubject projects

- according to the number of participants - individual and group

- on duration of performance - short-term, average duration and long-term.

Work on any project involves the passage of 5 stages:

Problem - Design - Search for information - Product - Presentation

Sometimes there is a sixth stage project portfolio.


Learners’ activity

Teacher’s activity

1 problem

Choose the topic of interest, the task.

Discuss the subject and purpose of the project.

Specify the subject

Identify the problem and the research objectives arising from it.

If necessary, learn new knowledge that will help determine the problem of research

Requests to justify the relevance of the selected topic

  Introduces the meaning of the project.

  Helps in determining the subject of study.

  Explains what additional knowledge and skills must be mastered so that the project can be implemented.

  If necessary, forms a creative group-team).

2 design

Define the subject of study

Form a task.

Clarify information.

Choose and justify their success criteria.

Determine, specify the existing knowledge and skills that will help in the work on the project




3 searching information

Learn information sources on the topic.

Analyze and find the necessary information

Extract the main and interesting information.




4 product

Analyze the results of the study

Form conclusions

Evaluate the results of the project, compare with the expected results, in case of inconsistencies find out the reasons

Observes, advises, indirectly directs activities.

Participates in the discussion of the results of the project

5 presentation

Protect the project

Participate in the collective assessment of project results

Participate in collective self-analysis and self-esteem.

Directs the process if necessary.


Participate in the collective assessment of project results

In teaching a foreign language, the project method can be used in close contact with the curriculum on almost any topic, develop different types of projects in each class. The themes of the projects are close to the interests of schoolchildren and are related to their life experience. Schoolchildren carry out both short-term and long-term projects. Students under my leadership work on various projects on topical issues that take into account the age and psychological characteristics of development, are aimed at bringing up a harmoniously developed personality and the formation of positive personal qualities of students.

In conclusion, we can say that, the use of the project method in educational activities proved its effectiveness in the practice of learning a foreign language in all activities: reading speed increases, the quality of text translation improves, oral and writing skills improve, the learners' horizons expand, communication skills develop, the desire to independently acquire and use new knowledge. Practice shows that learning together is not only easier and more interesting, but also much more effective. The active involvement of learners in project activities in particular contributed to the achievement of positive educational results.

List of used literature:

Baidukova L. A. Shaposhnikova T. V. “Project method in teaching two foreign languages to the students” Foreign Languages at School (FLS). #1, 2002, p.5

БалтабаеваМ. Ж. The project method in foreign language teaching // Молодойученый. — 2018. — №2. — С. 87-89. — URL https://moluch.ru/archive/188/47779/ (датаобращения: 24.12.2018).

Polat E. S. “Project method at the lessons of a foreign language”, Foreign Language at School (FLS). #2, 2000, p.

Kilpatrick, W.H. (1918). The project method. New York: Columbia University Teachers college. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. (1997). Integrated workplace learning project. Portland, OR: NWREL Education and Work Program. Common European Framework of Reference for Language: Learning, teaching, assessment. Council of Europe, Modern Languages Division, Strasburg, 2001. Cambridge University Press (seventh printing), 2004.

Просмотров работы: 8