XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019


Даниленко А.М. 1, Крылова Г.Ф. 1
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The road industry is very important in Russian economics. Now Russia has a road network with total length of 1.4 million km and takes 5th place in the world. It causes many difficulties with diagnostics, repairs, upgrading and it forces to use advanced technologies. In the order of Russian Ministry of Transport number 150 from 2009 rights of road diagnostics are defined. Measured parameters include:

ups and downs length

longitudinal and transverse slopes

straight length, number of angles and radius values

longitudinal profile and International Roughness Index

The second important task is creating of modern databases and electronic document management. In the document 2.10-2015 Russian state company “STO AVTODOR” set the requirements to road passport which contains all above parameters. For example longitudinal slope is needed for traffic management and installing road signs. Transverse slope is provided to eliminate water accumulation.

For all these reasons the task to develop a device to measure geometric parameters of road is now actual. The figure shows proposed structural scheme of this device.

The main measuring unit is multifunctional inertial sensor GKV-11 which is produced by «ООО Laboratoriya micropriborov». It includes 3-axis gyroscope and accelerometer, GNSS receiver and computational core. Sensor can measure up to 20 parameters at the same time including angles, angular velocity and acceleration with speed up to 24 kHz. It also can correct results by GNSS data. Second sensor is laser triangulation distance meter RF-603 which is produced by Belorussian company «RIFTECH». It’s necessary for build the road profile. Measuring range is from 125 to 625 mm at speed up to 9.4 kHz. The sensors are connected to MCU through RS-485 drivers. Odometer data is also read to increase accuracy. MCU provides primary processing and sends data to personal computer or laptop which is installed in laboratory-car. Any high speed MCU from family STM32 can be applied.

To measure the sensors performance a test board has been created. It consists of STM32F103 evaluation module, ENC28J60 network controller and ADM485 drivers. This configuration provides at least 1 kHz sensor polling speed and allows getting road profile and geometrical data with interval 2.5 centimeters at car speed 90 km/h, that is more than enough for IRI calculation (profile must be built with interval 25 centimeters and less) and another data. Polling speed can be increased using faster MCU (for example STM32f4 series) and another network controller.

Next step of this developing will be profile building algorithm and IRI calculation implementation, which has been described in document STO MADI 02066517.1-2006. It is also necessary to create PC software with user-friendly GUI which will provide configuration, measurements and data storage. The final result of measurement will be two data sets in file format of table processor (Microsoft Excel and others). The first file contains geometrical and navigation data measured with interval 5 m. The second one contains IRI calculated for each kilometer of the road and navigation data also.


Просмотров работы: 6