Peculiarities of Blended education - Студенческий научный форум

XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019

Peculiarities of Blended education

Абылкасова Д.Д. 1, Тазбулатова Г.К. 1
1Евразийский национальный университет им.Л.Н.Гумилева
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The present stage of development of the higher school in Kazakhstan,introduction of new educational standards, entry of the country into Bologna Process and other international agreements stimulate formation of new approaches and development of essentially new criteria of quality of education. The increasing development is gained by the new educational technologies based on effective use in educational process of higher education institutions of modern means and methods of transfer of knowledge.


The system of remote education was widely adopted in the USA and Europe. It is caused by presence of good level the Internet of communications and level of computer literacy of the population. Not the small role was played also by hardware of potential students. These three factors complicate development the Internet of education in Kazakhstan - level the Internet of communications is comparable with European only in Astana and the central cities of our country, the level of computer literacy and equipment of potential students rather low. Therefore at the moment implementation of new technologies in remote formation of Kazakhstan in full scale is almost impossible. However, it does not mean at all that the universities should not develop and by that to provide to the students relevant and new knowledge and skills. New technologies in education have to be used and develop. Implementation of the concept of the mixed training (blended learning) as the process assuming creation of the comfortable educational information environment, the system of the communications providing all necessary educational information becomes the mechanism of the carried-out transformations. The mixed model of training gives to students new opportunities for studying of disciplines - it is possible not only to see necessary material online at any time, but also to pass tests, to check the knowledge of a subject, will get acquainted with additional sources which precisely correspond to the passable subjects.

Training in the classroom contains more than one thousand years, the age online of training is measured decade. But now time of the mixed training models - when we connect all the best that is available in the sphere of training and education.

The actuality of research: the urgency lies in the fact that today most capacity of the citizens of Kazakhstan try to find the most effective methods for learning English. The same development allow you to teach children and adults using all sorts of methods associated with high-tech devices.

The aim of research: to compare previous methods and spot peculiarities of blended education in English language teaching. 
The objectives of the research: 
1. To overlook the literature 
2. To identify the meaning of blended education 
3. To choose exact skill in Blended education 
4. To analyze the peculiarities of mixed education

The object of the research: blended learning.

The subject of the research: the peculiarities of blended learning in teaching process.

The methods: survey and experiment.

Characteristic of Blended learning in FLT

1.1 The importance and peculiarities of mixed teaching in Second Language Acquisition

Now it is possible to observe rapid development of modern information and communication technologies in all areas of human activity including in education. The social and economic changes happening in society demand new approaches to process of training of specialists. The highly qualified specialists competitive in the Kazakh and international labor market are necessary for society. Rapid "obsolescence" of technological knowledge causes the need for obtaining information from foreign sources therefore the mandatory requirement to future experts are foreign language skills as means of cross-cultural communication for the solution of professional tasks in the field of activity. As the Head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev noted, the future of Kazakhstan citizens - behind free possession Kazakh, Russian and English languages. [1] However reduction of number of classroom hours on a learning of foreign language in technical college, on the one hand, and increase in specific weight of independent work of students, with another, cause the fact that traditional forms of education are insufficient for the solution of objectives. In this regard there is a need of search of new technologies and forms of education to which it is possible to refer the mixed training.

To characterize a concept of "the mixed training", it is expedient to address the background of its emergence in pedagogy. Within this research we consider a view of foreign researchers of the mixed training as this phenomenon came to a modern educational paradigm from the American pedagogy. It should be noted that the concept "the mixed training" is not absolutely new though many consider it that. In 1920th and 1930th the American schools used electronic correspondence for communication of teachers and pupils, and in the 1970th years such form of interaction of participants of educational process began to practice in most the open world universities. As note Oliver and Trigwell (2005), interest in a problem of the mixed training recently strengthened is explained by active use of information technologies in educational process. [2] We meet confirmation of this idea in the statements of many other researchers. Bonk and Graham (2006) characterize the mixed training as a training combination "face to face" (face-to-face instruction) and by means of the computer (computer-media ted instruction). [3] Cennamo and Kalk (2004) consider that this combination of classroom training to independent work online at that speed and volume which is directly chosen by each student. [4] The same idea is shared by Collis and Moonen (2001), however emphasize that this combination, first of all, of training in the course of personal contact and electronic training, and online training is logical further work in audience. [5]

In September, 2017 during the republican meeting on digitalization with participation of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev, the Digital Kazakhstan Program was presented. The head of state emphasized that a core of the Third modernization which he declared at the beginning of 2017 in the Message to the people of Kazakhstan is digitalization. At the same time the President noted importance of training of highly qualified personnel that it is connected with need of revision of policy for education: "All Kazakhstan citizens – from school students to pensioners – again should sit down at books and to study new technologies. The principle of education for the rest of life becomes requirement, norm". [6]

In these conditions before an education system it is worth mastering an acute problem and in due time to introduce modern technologies of training for continuous education. Here to the forefront there is a technology of the mixed training (Blended Learning) as the instrument of digitalization. It is very important to arm the contemporary with digital skills especially as the demand more and more increases in such skills, taking the increasing circle of professions. [7]

What is in the mixed training? Let's begin with those elements which are familiar to us from traditional education, and then we will add the list with elements which came to the mixed model from training online:

Lecture occupations. Material is issued also, as well as online course material, that is can be easily used and available to each student of a course to independent development.

Seminar occupations (face-to-face sessions). In the mixed training at seminar occupations there takes place discussion of the most interesting and important subjects of a course and also working off of practical skills.

Training materials of a course (textbooks and methodical grants). These materials are presented in printing and in electronic form, and in the last are complemented with various inserts for more successful development of discipline. That is for registration of materials of a course various multimedia applications are used, and it, a course, becomes more attractive to students.

Online communication. It is a perfect new element of process which came to the mixed training from training online. There are various tools - a chat, a forum, e-mail - which give to students of an opportunity to communicate and work together. There is an opportunity to ask questions to the teacher at any time and in the shortest terms to receive the answer.

Projects individual and group online. Such projects develop skills of work on the Internet, the analysis of information from various sources and also skills to work together with group, it is correct to distribute duties and responsibility for work performance. By means of such tasks the student can receive the skills necessary for the future work.

Virtual classroom. This tool allows students to communicate with the teacher of means of various means the Internet of communications. With the advent of an opportunity to communicate with the teacher not only in a physical class and in professor's office, but through new communication means. It allows students to receive a certain share of freedom in the course of training.

Audio and video of a lecture, animation and simulation. These elements of the mixed training make training process easier and more saturated.

Elements of process of the mixed training are that. The main advantage of such approach - flexibility. At the mixed training of occupations in a class to become less - a part of occupations to be postponed to online mode. Moreover, students will have to study a part of material of a course independently. Online classes can be in a forum, a chat or in the virtual classroom. Communication with the teacher and other students by e-mail is also possible. Online classes can be according to the scheme question-answer or the teacher can set subjects for discussion, can suggest students to set a subject. Naturally, for online of occupations independent development of a certain material or performance of tasks is necessary. Tasks are transmitted to the teacher or through built in the remote system of file exchange or by e-mail.

The following advantage of the mixed training is that in the course of this form of training the personal focused approach is implemented. It is that each student has an opportunity individually to choose the speed, the rhythm and volume of a training material necessary for assimilation. It allows it to build an individual educational trajectory.

One more advantage is that the form of the mixed training contributes to the development of educational autonomy of students. It is promoted by development of ability to independently plan and to organize effectively the educational activity, being guided by the end result. [8] Besides, active participation of students in

webinars, online conferences, discussions at forums and group discussions contributes to the development of their educational activity.

We consider important advantage of the mixed training increase in motivation of students and stimulation of their interest in the studied discipline, in particular, to a learning of foreign language. It is promoted by a variety of electronic resources, multimedia and interactivity of the training materials presented in the form by audio, video, a flash presentations, graphic presentation, etc.

Existence of feedback between participants of process of training can be referred to one more advantage of the mixed training. This form of training allows the teacher to carry out monitoring of educational process and to introduce if necessary the required amendments. Students have an opportunity in due time to see results of the activity, to receive assessment of the work and the recommendation of the teacher of its improvement.

We consider one of the most considerable advantages of the mixed training its compliance to the new requirements imposed to all participants of educational process. New functions of the teacher and students who are got by them in the course of this form of training concern them. These functions are presented to us especially important at the organization of educational process for a foreign language as training in a foreign language assumes close interaction both the teacher and students, and students among themselves. As for function of the teacher, he stops being "translator" of knowledge, and becomes the coordinator organizing joint activity of students and inducing them to independent activity. The student turns from the passive consumer of ready knowledge into the active participant of educational process, his independence and the responsibility for results of the activity is increased.

Proceeding their listed advantages of the mixed training, it is possible to draw a conclusion on expediency and need of use of this form of training for educational process in a foreign language.

As well as any new, mixed training has the advantages and shortcomings. the mixed training has also shortcomings which all links of an education system interested in implementation and use of modern technologies face.

It is uneven IT literacy, dependence on the equipment, the broadband Internet, stability online of the mode and unlimited rates, insufficient level of proficiency in technologies, etc. [9]

However, as well as any innovations, introduction of the mixed training in educational process is complicated by the whole group of the factors which are available in the system of higher education. It is possible to refer requirement of the universities for electronic educational content to objective factors. For its creation are required material equipment, temporary and material and resources and also qualified specialists. In many educational institutions of higher education the increased need for professional development of the faculty in the field of electronic training is noted. The appropriate high level of computer literacy not only of students, but also teachers becomes the factor promoting integration of the mixed training into educational process. However authors of many researches note low motivation of teachers, especially with a long-term experience, to development of new methods of work and use of information technologies in educational process.

Now Kazakhstan is in the 50th place in the world on digital development, at the same time the basic digital literacy of the population of Kazakhstan is 77%. And that by 2021 it grew to 80% as it is provided by the Digital Kazakhstan program, it is necessary for all already today including to the private sector to take active part in technical support of all links of an education system. Only this way, joint efforts it is possible to create creative society.

Such association will allow Kazakhstan to achieve common goals – to join the advanced countries of the world where a digital era already came, so to carry out a task of inclusion of Kazakhstan to number 30 of the competitive countries of the world. According to Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan citizens are easily adaptable, and it is necessary to create conditions that the companies invested in education and training of the current and future employees. [10] And the country education system, in turn, will aspire to that a digital era at us came as soon as possible to gain advantage in the conditions of the global competition.

1.2 The models and types of Blended learning

There is a set of models of application of BL at schools, the universities, corporate training. I suggest to consider three main: "The flipped classroom", "Independent group", "Flexible model".

The flipped classroom”

Perhaps, this model - one of the simplest in the organizational and technical plan as its realization does not require the educational office which is specially equipped with computers. [11]

The model is a priori focused on use of resources of the Internet when performing homework: it is offered to students independently (as homework) to master a certain theoretical material, and in educational audience they join in active discussion of problems of an educational subject, specifying key questions; practical work on working off of skills of use of the studied material will be organized, i.e. cool and house works "are interchanged the position".

About homework. Thus, the formal explanation of new material the teacher as an obligatory element of a lesson "dies off", is replaced with viewing of video, the analysis of various information resources, etc. and makes a homework essence. Such homework has to provide substantial training of the student for the subsequent work in educational audience.

In what look does the theory in homework have to be submitted? Optimum - in the form of small videos. It can be screencast on the basis of the presentation, sounded by the teacher, there can be a fragment of the educational movie which is selected by the teacher for this concrete lesson, etc. Selection of video records and others (for example, reference) resources, their adaptation is carried out by the teacher proceeding from the educational purposes that, respectively, demands a certain level of ICT competence and methodical skill of the teacher.

But it is not enough to submit only the theory... It is necessary to give the chance to the student to be convinced that he dealt with it. Therefore a set of practical tasks which are performed by the school student after immersion in theoretical material and instruments of self-checking is extremely important.

The pupil comes to a class... First of all, the teacher has to know what problems arose at school students to carry out corrective actions at a lesson. And it is very important to choose a feedback form: frontal conversation, control test, small independent work, etc. Then the teacher will have objective data by means of which it is possible to build a lesson differentially, having picked up pupils of a task according to their level of training. Time for discussion of more difficult questions, search, research, creative activity, collective interaction is released.

Our conclusions. Of course, the idea of "the turned training" was just revolutionary in the plan:

optimization of temporary resources (perhaps, one of key aspects in the conditions of reduction of class periods!);

uses of didactic potential of the Internet;

motivations of students, inclusions in vigorous cognitive activity and increase in their responsibility for educational results. [12]

"Independent group"

The "independent group" model allows to allocate group (groups) of students with special informative needs and to organize their activity, both in a class, and during consultations (internal and remote), during self-training. [13]

As well as why groups are formed? At first we will consider the organizational and substantial principles of formation of independent groups.

It can be association of school students for:

the organizations of group work at a lesson (in particular, it can be the differentiated training);

organizations of an educational research or joint design activity.

At the same time the group can be organized from:

students in one class;

one parallel studying in different classes;

the different parallels studying in classes;

students at different schools.

The mechanism of realization of the "independent group" model during educational and research and design activity essentially differs in the fact that such type of activity is a priori focused on formation of skills of work in team and creation of collective information products.

What it is possible to tell about a role of students? It is obvious that during implementation they become active subjects of educational process. And, moreover, they can influence formation of educational content.

"Individual rotation"

How and when transition to the "individual trajectory" model is carried out? One of estimated answers to this question, of course, will be obvious to you. Practically will be pupils/pupils with individual educational requirements in each class: it can be also the "advanced" school students and school students needing correction of the informative sphere.

Most often application of this model is beyond a separate lesson, demands remote maintenance in a format of consultations, collaboration of the student with the teacher. And then there are just irreplaceable technologies of remote communication. Today at the disposal of the teacher the huge choice of means of network interaction. As those can be used: e-mail, blogs, forums, messengers, social networks (which distinctive feature is the multifunctionality) and so forth. Each of ways of communication has the advantages and shortcomings therefore in an arsenal of the teacher there has to be a choice of the means of communication providing synchronous/asynchronous private/public communication (depending on a solvable task). [14]

Primary benefits of model:

the trainee independently works with the training material provided to it by the teacher;

maintenance and process of mastering of a training material adapt to individual opportunities and needs of trainees;

process control of training happens in the mode of feedback coupling to establishment of initial, intermediate and final educational achievements (results) of the student for its orientation to achievement of the educational purposes;

interaction between the teacher and the student is based on a parity basis.

Blending learning models combine the power of teachers with the power of technology to create a new learning dynamic that helps students reach their potential and achieve their academic goals. 

Skilled and experimental part

2.1 The “Flipped class” as a basis of the Blended learning

As all of us know the theory always has to be fixed by practice. For this reason we decided to conduct a small experimental lesson for detection of proofs of good effectiveness of the mixed training. As many teachers consider "The flipped class" the most effective and achievable model of the mixed training, we took it as a basis for our lesson. [15]

In a theoretical part we already spoke about this model and wrote about its features, however, that you fixed complete idea and understanding, we would like to tell about additional details.

So, the turned class is a model of training at which the teacher provides material for independent studying of the house, and on internal occupation there takes place practical fixing of material. Use of vodcast, podcasts, and a pre-vodcasting is characteristic of the turned training.

The podcast is a sound file (audiolecture) which his creator distributes on a subscription on the Internet. Recipients can download podcasts on the devices, both stationary, and mobile, or to listen to lectures online.

Vodcast is approximately the same as a podcast, only with video files.

Pre-Vodcasting is an educational method in which the school teacher or the teacher of higher education institution creates vodcast with the lecture that pupils gained an impression about a subject prior to occupation on which this subject will be considered. The method of pre-vodcasting is an initial name of a method of the turned class.

The flipped class is a model of training in which homework performance, in addition, includes use of technologies of the vodcast:

viewing of a video lecture;

reading educational texts, consideration of the explaining drawings;

passing of tests for initial assimilation of a subject.

The classwork is devoted to analysis of a difficult theoretical part and the questions which arose at pupils in the course of homework performance (no more than 25-30% of time). Also in a class the teachers studying under observation solve practical problems and perform research tasks. After the occupation in a class of the house practical tasks come to the end, tests for understanding and fixing of the passable subject are carried out.

Due to the lack of practice at school in a present semester, we were forced to make an experiment with our colleagues, that is with students of FL-35 group. But it did not interfere with identification of results at all because as it was mentioned earlier, the mixed training to some extent approaches for more adults learning foreign languages.


So, before we conducted lessons with our students, we carried out pass poll by means of the website "Survey Monkey". With its help we wanted to learn the main aims in learning of foreign languages, about preferences concerning traditional and modern methods of teaching whether and also to reveal participants have an idea of the mixed training.

The online survey mentioned above contained 8 questions. (Appendix A) Almost all questions were multiple choices cause it is easier to answer and does not take much time. There was just 1 question that asked to write students own opinion. The next 3 questions had “Yes” or “No” variants. The following 4 were multiple-choice questions.

The first question gave us an opportunity to recognize in which course student learn.

The following questions’ showed us preferences in learning English of the participants.

This poll helped us with creation of the further action plan. Thanks to results which we received we decided to divide participants of poll into two groups. So, the first group was "experimental", the second "control". We created special plans for them. About 8 people took part in each group. (Appendix B)

Experimental group

The main task in work with experimental group was in using model of the turned class, that is a nonconventional method of training. (Appendix D)

A day before carrying out a lesson we gave to the students a task to watch at home a video "Two gifts" by O.Henry and to create a story map according to that tale. Next day all of them came to the university with ready story maps and we started our lesson. For a start everyone read homework. Further to students it was given a task to read the following story O.Henry which called “A service of love”. After the end of reading we took two papers of A3 format, hung up them on a board and drew two adjoining circles that in general were looking like Venn diagram. After execution of the chart, we began to read in advance prepared cards with offers. Each card contained certain information or the fact, and students chose to what history this or that offer belongs. Some sentences contained information relating to two stories, and students placed these cards in the middle of the chart. By means of joint efforts and the assumptions students received a full picture and could make out this information of two stories in the simplified look.

At the end of the lesson the test consisting of 10 questions concerning the passable material was provided to participants of an experiment. Results of this test gave the chance to estimate students and also to find out efficiency of the module of the mixed training.

Control group

In control group as well as in experimental, 8 people took part. It should be noted that all of them also passed poll on "Survey Monkey". However the main distinction consisted in a format of an experimental lesson. Unlike experimental group, the plan of this lesson was constructed on a model of traditional method of teaching, without using any modern devices. (Appendix E)

For a lesson with control group we unpacked two histories “Two gifts” and “A service of love” in advance. At the beginning of a lesson two of these stories were issued to each pupil. Then, during reading the teacher, students did marks for storing of some facts. After reading of two stories, it was offered to the wishing participants to retell stories for fixing of information. After the performance of couple of participants, we decided everything to sum up the results concerning two stories together. Each student at the request of the teacher summed up own results. To check the level of development of information of students, we decided to give to participants of control group the same test that there passed the experimental group. After the termination of a lesson, we collected all results and gave an assessment to work of each student.

2.2 Results of the conducted experimental lessons


So, we approached the most important point of a practical part – to results. The result first of all is reflection of any done work. Therefore to sum up the conducted surveys and experimental lessons, we would like accurately and on points to describe the received results.

First of all we conducted survey, with the purpose to obtain information on potential participants, it was offered to them to participate on experimental and control occupations later. In total questionnaire consisted of 8 easy questions, and took in it part of 29 people. Results of poll showed that 93% of percent of participants are students of the 3rd course, other 7% study on the 4th course.

Graph 1

In the following question concerning the approximate period of studying of English students showed absolutely different results. As there were 11% interviewed learn language for 1-3 years, 22% within 4-7 years, 43% there are more than 8-11 years, and the last 24% of participants shared that began studying about 12 years ago.

Graph 2

With the purpose to choose suitable level for carrying out two types of a lesson, we added a question of level of proficiency in language. It was so easier to orient and come to the unanimous decision, concerning complexity of tasks. But because survey was conducted in an anonymous form, we presumably specified levels of students of our group. If to sum up the results, then the bigger number of students that is 45% claimed that it owns the Intermediate level whereas the Upper-Intermediate level owns 38%. The smallest number of participants of poll, only 7% confirmed the Pre-Intermediate level whereas at the remained 10% the level of English reached Advanced. (Appendix C)

It is very important to know for what the person learns foreign languages. Exactly thanks to the purpose, it is possible to achieve good results. The fourth question of poll was asked, with the purpose to learn for the sake of what students of our group learn English. We made a question without options that everyone just wrote the opinion. Relying on the received results, we came to a conclusion that English is necessary for free communication with foreigners, acquisition of an opportunity to live or study abroad, and travel.

The following two questions were about the relation of pupils to traditional methods of training. On a question of whether pupils are satisfied with classical methods of 54% answered in the negative, other 46% answered positively. (Appendix C)

On the sixth question concerning efficiency of traditional methods of training of 68% answered negatively, 32% are positive.

Graph 5

93% interviewed confirmed that they would like to study using modern and nonconventional methods in studying of English. Only 7% answered in the negative.

Graph 6

The last question was asked with the purpose to learn whether somebody heard about the mixed training. The matter was very important, for definition of the subsequent actions and the choice of a format of lessons. As there were 34% interviewed answered positively, other 66% of students answered in the negative.

Experimental group

In an experimental lesson as it was already told earlier 8 students of our group took part. Considering that in Section 2.1. we already provided the step-by-step plan of all actions at the lesson, we would like to describe results which received by the carried-out test consisting of 10 questions. We prepared and carried out this test to check, how well students mastered the obtained information at the lesson, by using the mixed training method. (Appendix E) Have to tell that the received results very much pleased. 5 of 8 gained exactly 10 points, having correctly answered all test questions. Two gained 9 points, and only one student took 8. The result showed that children could remember even fine details from stories. Promoted it:

1. Preliminary preparation of homework with use of video of the book and marks of special details.

2. The discussion held concerning two books.

3. The chart Vienna on which pupils focused the attention at the end of a lesson. The chart and cards perfectly helped to remember and define details of two different stories.




Akisheva Aksulu

8 – 10


Bakyt Assel

10 – 10


Bayalinova Gulnaz

10 - 10


Zhumabek Zhanel

9 - 10


Yerzatova Moldir

10 - 10


Palmanova Aidana

10 - 10


Sultangazinova Shyryn

10 - 10


Rezhabova Aizhan

9 - 10

Control group

With the purpose to compare results of experimental and control groups, we decided to give at the end of a lesson to students identical tests. It should be noted the fact that with control group the traditional lesson, without use of the equipment and new technologies was conducted. It turns out, we conducted lessons in two groups, giving students identical information, only by means of different ways of training. Thereby deciding to understand what method of training is more effective, and how well students can master information studying on the module of the mixed training and in a traditional method. Of course it should be taken into account that results strikingly differ because of different levels of English, however it does not cancel the fact that participants of a control lesson coped with a task worse than students of experimental. It in turn demonstrated that pupils could master and remember better new information using video, the special sequence of performance of work and a method.




Daurenkyzy Ayana

10 – 10


Chunay Nazgul

7 – 10


Batayeva Naziya

6 - 10


Rashatova Zhanara

7 - 10


Oralbekova Meruert

8 - 10


Mustafa Gainizhamal

8 - 10


Alzhanova Almira

8 - 10


Zhakan Akmaral

7 - 10

Having worked with participants of experimental and control groups, we managed to sum up a number of the results concerning perception of the mixed training.

When we conducted a lesson with experimental group using a method of a flipped classroom, pupils behaved very actively. They tried to answer all questions posed relating to a topic of the lesson. In general the lesson took 50 minutes as well as was supposed. Houses they prepared one text by means of video, and at the university read also the second. Helped to remember material video and notes, and the chart in which accurately and the main details were clearly stated helped to fix in memory. In 15 minutes prior to a lesson, we distributed them the test. After they finished we carried out pass poll consisting of 3 questions. Questionnaire was with possible answers.In the first question we asked about efficiency of the mixed method, and all 8 participants answered positively. They reasoned the answers with the fact that they were happy to receive good marks and to remember a lot of information. In the second question we wanted to learn whether it was pleasant to them to work on with model of the turned table. 8 students answered also positively, but noted what at them can sometimes not arise time for preparation of the house. In the third question we learned that only 6 of 8 students would like to refuse a traditional method.

The second lesson was conducted with control group. At the beginning of a lesson all students had interest in a new subject. The lesson lasted 50 minutes, however we lacked a little time for a discussion. We suggested them to read two texts and to make marks in a notebook for storing. On it a large number of time left. Then we asked volunteers to retell these texts and just to draw a certain conclusion according to them. Only 3 students were active, the others sat and listened without joining a lesson in any way. We discussed everything what they told about and summed up some results. In 10 minutes prior to the termination of couple we distributed them just the same test as well as at experimental group. They coped with tasks slightly worse. According to them they lacked at all time to remember texts for such short term and that the format of a lesson was a little boring. They also noted that lessons with use of electronic devices it is much more interesting.

In conclusion it would be desirable to tell that thanks to the conducted lessons, we could come to the general conclusion. Results of the made experiments demonstrated that the new, that is mixed method of training is much more effective than traditional. Because in difference from traditional in which I am used only books and textbooks modern a method have great opportunities. However, we also paid attention to answers of students concerning training, and came to a conclusion that instead of full refusal of old technology of training, we can just combine modern models of training with old. It can give good result in training in foreign languages.


Today, we live in a very developed time when technologies reach peak of unknown heights. In difference from the previous, twentieth century, people have made break in development of all scientific spheres and every day try to bring more and more novelty for improvement and simplification of human life. If in the past for people books and various manuscripts were the main source of knowledge, then today a source of information is the Internet. And as all of us know the Internet represents boundless opportunities, knowledge and data on everything on light. Internet connection is also not a problem, we have the most different types computers, laptops, smartphones and further according to the list. People use all these benefits for own development and for receiving a different type of information. Presently as well as in the last centuries knowledge is the main value for all and everyone. 

Noticing all changes and improvements in the equipment and the environment, we also shouldn't forget about an English role. English is official in 54 countries. For more than 335 million people he is native. English is an integral part of our society, today 85% of new information appear on the Internet on him.

Thus studying of English is one of the main priorities for people, this knowledge gives everyone boundless opportunities, namely: to obtain information in the initial version, to go the abroad without being afraid to be at the same time misunderstood, to study something new by means of opportunities of the Internet.

Because of the aspiration of people to learn language, teachers and philologists throughout several centuries try to create and reveal the best methods for his fast training and development. All of us know that methods of teaching as “Direct method”, “Grammar-translation method”, ”Audio-lingual method” etc. have been created on the basis of previous in avoidance of mistakes and the vulnerable parties in training. Thus each of them has been used at a given time. However we in turn would like to consider option of use of all positive sides of these methods in total, thus creating the mixed training of English as the fastest and strong way of his development.

It seemed that technologies will strangle traditional model of training. Why to spend time for the road to school if it is possible to listen to a lecture online? Why to sit in library if any information can be found in two clicks in Network? Why to speak at a seminar if everything can be discussed in a chat?

But it did not happen. Neither teachers, nor pupils are ready to refuse real-life communication. How there was conveniently electronic training, it does not give that level of development of speech and sociocultural skills what gives internal education.

For this reason in the West actively develops, and in Kazakhstan blended learning — the mixed training only arises.

Blended learning is the educational concept combining traditional training with remote and online methods.

These are not ordinary occupations in a class: a part of material the pupil develops houses with gadgets in hands at the speed, convenient for himself. It not remote education where the student practically does not receive the help from the teacher and appears at school only for examination. And it is not study in private with the computer: it is necessary to be a part of group and to develop together with it..

In conclusion it should be noted that even relying on results of the given practical training it is possible to tell with an accuracy that the mixed training quite effective method concluding in itself a set of pluses. It is interesting that it includes use of modern gadgets and services that allows students not to feel any infringement. Also this method gives good effectiveness in studying of English, promoting good storing and development of new information.

Of course the greatest advantage is that blended learning - not refusal of all previous methods, and the mix of traditional and electronic education which absorbed the best of both forms.


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Author: Адамбекова Б. М. BLENDED LEARNING. Дата обращения 02.02.2014 URL:

Appendix A

Consisted of these eight questions there was a sozdna poll for students by means of the website “Survey Monkey”.

What course do you study?





When did you start to learn English?

1-3 years ago

4-7 years ago

7-11 years ago

12 years ago

How do you think, what is your level of English?





Can you explain your main goal in learning foreign languages?

Are you satisfied with traditional method of teaching?



Do you think that traditional methods are quite effective?



Would you like teachers to use modern non-traditional teaching methods?



Have you ever heard about Blended Learning?



Appendix B

List of the students of experimental group:




Akhmetova Dariga



Bakyt Assel



Bayalinova Gulnaz



Zhumabek Zhanel



Yerzatova Moldir



Palmanova Aidana



Sultangazinova Shyryn



Rezhabova Aizhan


List of the students of the control group:




Daurenkyzy Ayana



Chunay Nazgul



Batayeva Naziya



Rashatova Zhanara



Oralbekova Meruert



Mustafa Gainizhamal



Alzhanova Almira



Zhakan Akmaral


Appendix C

Results of poll concerning English level at participants

Results interviewed concerning traditional methods of training

Appendix D

Plan of the lesson by using “Flipped classroom” model of Blended learning.

Using Advance Organizers: Compare and contrast “Two gifts” and “A service of love” by O.Henry using a Venn diagram.
Time Estimate: Home: 35 minutes, Class: 45-50 minutes
Covered TEKS: The learner will:
• ask and respond to questions about texts read aloud. 
• identify and use words that name actions, directions, positions, sequences, and locations; 
• identify elements of a story including setting, character, and key events; 
• discuss the big idea (theme) of a well-known folktale or fable and connect it to personal experience; 
• recognize sensory details; 
Brief Description of Activity:
After watching a video at home and then coming to class and reading “Two gifts” and “A service of love”, the teacher and students will create a Venn diagram together comparing these two stories. Several elements of Bloom’s taxonomy are touched upon with this lesson. Students will be:
• Creating—making story maps, building a Venn diagram
• Evaluating—what are the key events in each story?
• Analyzing—which story elements describe “Two gifts”? Which story elements describe “A service of love”?
• Applying—students will need to apply their knowledge of characters, setting, and key events toward dissecting each story into its separate elements.
• Understanding—creating individual story maps of each fairy tale will lead to greater student understanding.
• Remembering—the tactility of physically creating a Venn diagram that compares and contrasts these two stories will help students remember the key events in both tales.
Materials Needed by Students at Home:
1. Internet access to watch “Two gifts” (this is a Youtube video)
2. Printable Story Map. 
Materials Needed for Teacher in Class:
• Printable Story Map Graphic Organizer
• Internet to access “Two gifts” an online version of the book
• The “A service of love” by O.Henry
• Chart paper
• Assorted markers
• 2 papers in A3
• 10-15 index cards with story elements prewritten on them. 
At home:
Students will watch “Two gifts” YouTube video at home the day before the lesson. After watching this video, students will print out and complete a story map about the fairy tale. Students will bring this story map to the school next day.
At university:
“Hi friends! Did everyone get the chance to watch “Two gifts”at home? Did everyone get to work on his or her story map? Today, we are going to share out about the characters, setting, and key events that we saw in the book “Two gifts”. Raise your hand if you would like to share what you put on your story map. 
Great job! Everyone did a really wonderful job with his or her story maps. Today, we are going to read the book “A service of love”. While we are reading, I want you to think about what characters we meet in the story. I also want you to think about the setting and stuff that happens in the story, too. After we finish reading, we will make a story map together on chart paper about “A service of love” just like how we did for “Two gifts”.

After I finish reading the story, the students and I will work together to make a story map about “Two gifts” . Then, I will put papers in format A3 on a board and draw Venn diagram with two sides.
“Okay, friends, now we are going to work together to build a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the two books that we just read. A Venn diagram is a tool that helps us organize and put our thoughts in order so we can see what we have learned. I have some cards with sentences on them (pre-prepared story element cards). I will read them and then you guys will help me decide where the cards go in the Venn diagram. This part of the circle is for anything that happened in “Two gifts”. This part of the circle is for anything that happened in “A service of love” . This part in the middle is for anything that is the same in both stories. Let’s work together and see if we can figure this out!”
Next, I will read the cards and pick students to come and place them in the Venn diagram. I will review and guide students as necessary to help them complete the diagram.

Appendix E

Plan of the lesson for the control group.

Topic of the lesson: Stories by O.Henry.

Lesson purpose: to ompare and contrast “Two gifts” and “A service of love” by O.Henry.

Aims of the lesson (informative):

to read two texts “Two gifts” and “A service of love”;

to understand and carry out the analysis;

to write out and remember new words;

to be able to retell a story.

Aims of the lesson (developing):

to develop skills of speech activity: speaking, reading, letter;

to develop independence, cognitive interests.

Lesson type: lesson of assimilation of new knowledge.

Equipment: printing options of stories “Two gifts” and “A service of love”, cards for notes, test tasks.

Lesson time: 45-50 minutes

Further sequence of actions:

To learn a subject, the purposes and problems of a lesson.

To repeat and generalize material of the previous lessons of subjects: "One thousand dollars" and "My financial career".

To enter into a new topic of the lesson. To practice speaking.

To get acquainted with texts by O.Henry , to develop skills of the translation of literary stories.

To form skills of a written language by making notes during the reading.

To retell texts and to define the main thought. To arrange a discussion concerning a topic of the lesson.

To generalize a topic of the lesson:

material generalization;

estimates for a lesson;


Appendix F

Quiz for participants of two groups.

At the beginning of the story, what is Della upset about?

The thought of parting with her hair.

The thought that Jim can not afford to buy her a nice gift.

The idea that she would not have a suitable gift for her Jim.

Della’s hair and Jim’s watch have always been a source of:




Jim reacts strangely to the news of Della’s hair being sold because:

He knows that he has bought something she can not use!

He is upset that she did not consult him about her hair first!

He is ashamed that he could not provide better for his family.

At the end of the story, Jim puts his present from Della away because:

It is too valuable to use on a daily basis.

He has no use for it at the moment.

It is gaudy and sticks out like a sore thumb!

Plot is the _________of_________ in a story…each leading to or causing the next to occur.

Absence, action

Cast, characters

Sequence, events

How did Johnsy and Sue meet?

They were groupmates at the university.

In a restaurant and they had the same style and interest.

They were neighbors and worked together.

Odds of her living will be 1 in 5 is she wants to live and the medicine will work half as well

What makes the setting authentic give 5/5

What does the doctor say about her illness

What is direct description for Mr.Behrman 3/3

3rd person omniscient

What type of narrator.

What is the inciting incident.

What does the doctor say about her illness.

She lies to Johnsy by saying she has a 10 in 1 chance of survival which shows she is willing to lie to her friend even though she might be mad at her, she lies to save her life

What is the story’s exposition

How does Sue react

Portrayal of behavior for Sue

He paints a leaf on the wall where the ivy vine was and it causes him to get pneumonia and die. Johnsy think that if the leaf can stay alive then so can she and that it is a sin to want to die

During the storm what is Johnsy planning

On the night of the storm what does Mr.Berman do

During the storm what is Johnsy planning and why issue


Answer key:











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