Mentally retarded children (dementia) are considered to bechildren with reduced intellect, learning difficulties, that is, children with special needs.
The development of speech of mentally retarded children is significantly different from the speech of a normal child. The lag in the development of their speech begins with infancy and continues to accumulate in early childhood. By pre-school age they have a poor vocabulary and significant speech underdevelopment, which is accompanied by a large number of phonetic and grammatical distortions. The connected speech is particularly affected.
It is difficult for a mentally retarded child to start communicating with other people and use speech in the course of his activities.
Along with the lack of grammatical formality of speech, violation of phonemic hearing, slowness of perception and General somatic weakness, some lag in the development of the motor sphere is also inherent in such children. It is characterized by poor coordination of movements, uncertainty in the performance of dosed movements, reduced speed and agility. The greatest difficulties are revealed when performing movements by verbal instructions. In this case it is noted insufficient coordination of fingers, hands, underdevelopment of fine motor skills.
The main task of training and education of children with mental retardation is to develop their potential cognitive abilities, to correct their behavior, to instill in them the desire to work, to acquire various skills and abilities. An important role in the correction process is played by visual activity, as a form of assimilation of the child's social experience.
In combination with other educational subjects, drawing develops cognitive abilities of children, has a positive effect on the development of speech of mentally retarded child, affects his intellectual, emotional and motor spheres (mainly hand motor skills), develops personal qualities, contributes to the formation of aesthetic perception, contributes to the development of the need for speech communication, speech and speech enrichment of mentally retarded children. While drawing the child becomes more focused, observant, attentive, he develops creative thinking and imagination.
Why I focus on visual activity in my article?
I am a 2nd year student of the special VlSU (defectology) Department. In addition, I graduated from art school with honors. Based on my experience, I decided to explore the methods of development of speech and motor abilities of children with mental retardation through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques in the classroom on visual activities.
The main purpose of this technique is not only to teach a child to draw, but also to overcome the shortcomings connected with their developmental disorder.
Visual techniques are divided into traditional and non-traditional. I will tell about non-traditional drawing techniques and give an example of several of them.
The advantage of non-traditional drawing techniques is that they allow the child to quickly achieve the desired result.
Unconventional drawing techniques, in my opinion, are easier to use, more close to the game, and allow you to quickly achieve successful results. They include interesting non-standard techniques, instantly attract the attention of children and allow them to feel more free and liberated.
Unconventional techniques images:
Technique "Monotype»
Equipment: a sheet of paper for drawing, brush, gouache of different colors, a jar of water, a stand for the brush.
Drawing technology. A sheet of drawing paper divided into two equal parts, folded in half. On one side one draws half of a symmetrical object. While the paint is drying, apply a clean half of sheet over the image and stroke by palm. Expand (reveal) the sheet and, if necessary, finish the object.
Sample drawing topics:
"Vase for flowers", "Flowers", "Tree", " Butterflies»
The technique of "Drawing to the music»
Equipment: a tape recorder (player), a cassette with a recording of a musical work, paints of different colors, brushes, a stand for a brush, paper for drawing, a jar for water.
Drawing technology. Children listen to music. At the end of its sound a teacher offers children to "draw" the music they have just listened to, and gives the task to come up with the name of his drawing.
The technique of "printing by leaves»
Equipment: leaves of trees or shrubs (not dried), drawing paper, gouache of different colors, brush, water jars, brush stand.
Drawing technology.) Put the leaf of the tree (Bush on the newspaper and paint. Carefully attach a leaf of wood by painted side to the album sheet. Cover the top leaf of wood with a clean paper (newspaper) and stroke by palm. Remove the paper and wood leaf. Print's ready. At will it is possible to finish a trunk that the tree turned out.
The number of leaves may vary, depending on the size of the paper and the leaves themselves.
Sample drawing topics:
"Autumn forest", " Autumn Tree»
The technique of "drawing by hands»
(palm, edge of palm, fist, fingers)
Equipment: drawing paper size A3 or Whatman paper, gouache paint of different colors, saucers for paint with a diameter of 20-25 cm, aprons, towel, bowl of water for washing hands.
Drawing technology. Gouache paint is diluted with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream and is poured into saucers. Palm with widely spaced fingers is lowered in the paint. Then leave a print on the sheet of paper. Previously, the sheet of paper can be painted in a light tone.
Sample drawing topics:
"Autumn forest", "Flowers", "Zoo", "Butterflies", "World of Animals".
To increase the motivation and interest of children in the classroom, you can use puzzles, finger games and other techniques.
Example of a finger game
This finger is grandpa,
This finger - my grandmother,
This finger is daddy,
This finger is mommy,
This finger is me,
My whole family!
(Alternately bend the fingers, starting with the big one. At the end spin the Cam.)
In the process of drawing, children can also pronounce sounds related to the meaning of the depicted. For example, if a child draws an animal (cow, dog), without being distracted from the visual activity, you can ask a child to pronounce the sounds made by a cow ("Mu-Mu") or a dog ("woof"). Complex corrective action gives a greater impetus to compensate for a child’s defects, as in this case not only motor abilities, but phonemic hearing, the pronunciation side of speech are also involved .
Multiple use of non-traditional drawing techniques together with the use of various speech playing techniques allows not only to teach mentally retarded children drawing techniques, but also to develop their motor and speech abilities, to introduce them to the concepts of shape, color, size in a playful way and to express their feelings with the help of color.
All this increases the level of cognitive activity of the mentally retarded child and enhances his opportunities for integration into society.
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5.Web-site [Electronic resource]. - Electron. data. URL:!e-book/book/html/D/ikpp_kkp_Spez_met_dosh_vosp_detey/80.html
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