Коммуникативный подход к чтению - Студенческий научный форум

XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019

Коммуникативный подход к чтению

Батаева Н.Е. 1, Гауриева Г.М. 2
1Л.Н.Гумилев Евразийский Национальный Университет
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The relevance of research. Learning a foreign language is now available and supported by the state. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" states: "The main goal of the education system is to create the necessary conditions for quality education, aimed at shaping, developing and professional development of people based on national and universal values, achievements of science and practice; enrichment of ideas through the development of creativity, spirituality, energy, creating a solid foundation of morality and a healthy lifestyle and creating conditions for personal development. [1]The development of the correct orientation of students to foreign languages, world and national culture, the preservation of national values ​​and access to education are important issues facing the education system and the task of solving them.

A communicative approach to learning involves the creation of an educational process based on the participation of participants in training and active language communication with the participation of all participants and possible equipment and information. His leading method is language interaction. Like any science, the methodology is not the same. The development of learning objectives and teaching methods leads to the emergence and strengthening of new trends in the methodology, the introduction of these and other approaches and the implementation of specific goals. Therefore, the main problem in the method of teaching foreign languages ​​is the problem of consolidating the communicative approach. A distinctive feature of the current educational process and its guidelines is communication purposes, written and oral exchanges, communications and much more. active use of language. The principle of communication ensures the development of practical skills of learning a foreign language for various purposes and increasing the interest of linguists in the discipline. The specific goals and objectives of the communicative approach involve the use of a language used from the earliest stages of learning. [2]

Requirements for special subjects at the level of preparation of graduates of the general educational standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic “Foreign Language”: teacher of a foreign language of an elementary school, direct communication, lexical, grammatical correct perception of words written on magnetic tapes. I can explain narrative films, understand texts, reproduce talk about speech, learn the basic formulas of speech ethics and ask questions, answer, answer questions or answer or answer questions, answer questions, Use dialogues, communicate with familiar relations, speak about future professions, speak oral and written information, express a pragmatic opinion, make a statement on a concrete plan, report on a topic, teach a grammar knowledge base, use articulation of a foreign language, use communicative language, use life in the language development of pupils and students to explain the evolution of scientific thinking seriously, and to be able to use to accelerate innovation, etc. We can say that the communicative direction is the best, most advanced methodology in the methodology, taking into account these requirements and learning objectives.

The aim of the study is to increase the interest of students in the lessons using a communicative approach to teaching foreign languages.

Objectives of the study:

- to determine the theoretical and methodological basis for the use of the communicative approach in teaching;

- identification of the main components of the use of communicative approaches in the process of learning a foreign language;

- determination of the importance and effectiveness of the use of communicative approaches in teaching;

- Consideration of the main aspects and ways of developing the spoken language of students using a communicative approach.

Object of study: the educational process at school.

Subject of research: Communicative approach to learning.

Sources of research: knowledge, knowledge, knowledge of a person and his activity, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education".

Research methods: analysis of scientific and theoretical literature on the subject of the study; acquaintance with periodical printed materials; polls, interviews with students, teachers; organization of experimental work and processing of final results; systematization and replenishment of materials related to education.

The composition of the course work. Course work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion, list of references.

Practical value. Entries in the submitted works can be used by teachers, teachers and students as sources of knowledge.

Communication skills, cognitive skills, cognitive processes, vocabulary accumulation and positive behavior in learning. After that, the pupil's imagination, his thoughts, thoughts and feelings develop. Cognitive abilities, cognitive processes are developed in each technology. And the satisfaction of needs is not to lose direction in different social situations, identify emotional states and features of individuals, choose a balance of relationships with them, introduce them in the process of interaction, control and define them, ability to act, have self-awareness, build psychological relationships and develop a culture speech. And the development of vocabulary develops when working with text, solving a specific problem. Therefore, the use of communicative learning methods in teaching foreign languages ​​is often used to demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in the classroom, since it allows students to communicate with each other correctly and interactively.[3]

In the process of learning a foreign language, it is important to focus on developing such components of the communicative approach.

Speech component

Language component

Socio-cultural component

Compensation component

Reading cognitive components

To achieve these goals, we need to go through the learning stages. You need to perform many different tasks. A wide range of classes requires the right level of work. Thus, achievement can be achieved only during systematic training at all stages of training. The effectiveness of the development of communicative competence and the importance of communication is the achievement of students in learning a language. [4]

The importance of using the communicative approach in the classroom is the only way to create a favorable environment for its effectiveness, which, in turn, will lead to cooperation and human relations. The use of innovative approaches to learning is a great achievement of practical training, and its quality ensures a high demand for quality of life and at the same time achieves the goal of acquired knowledge.

We noticed that in grades 5-6 of the Kazakh schools, a communicative approach is important for using effective methods to create oral skills and to perform various exercises. We have studied the need to follow the principle “from simple to complex” in language teaching. People use language to answer such questions as “What?”, “How?”, “Return?”. Undoubtedly, this will be the best way for a trainer and educator to use it for training. The student can also choose exactly the same language phenomena as the first, and which has an advantage over the structure and meaning of later learning.[5]

It is important to emphasize that the goal of education is not only the preparation of highly qualified professional people, but also the creation of a person who is rich in spirituality and humanity, able to appreciate and develop national values ​​throughout society.[6]


Finally, in the present study, it is necessary to organize the teaching of a foreign language in the modern school process, the need to develop students' competence through a communicative approach, the need to organize student interest in the lessons. The aim of the study was to analyze the role of the communicative approach in the learning process and the importance of the learning method, as well as the concepts and opinions of many foreign and domestic researchers in their research work related to the development of students' communicative skills using this method of teaching English. Currently, we are guided by the principle that it is more efficient to use the communicative approach to teaching English lessons in the learning process.

Communicative learning involves the creation of an educational process based on interaction with active linguistic relations with the participation of all participants in the educational process and all available equipment and information. His leading method is language interaction. The main content of the message is to express relationships, relationships and mutual understanding, such as general communication, communication, communication, communication. In this context, words and concepts “communicative”, clarity began to appear. Communication is the concept of communication, interconnection.

In the context of a comparative analysis of pedagogical, psychological and pedagogical methods of communicative learning, to achieve high results in the development of communicative competence and conversational skills of students in English, the formation of a communicative environment and in accordance with the existing educational concept, systematic, and the need for continuity of language, psychology and pedagogy. The introduction of language, lexical, socio-cultural knowledge and skills that provide simple communication skills, such as the ability to use a foreign language in oral and written situations (speaking, listening, reading, writing) in the process of intercultural communication. studied.


1. Republic of Kazakhstan’s law «About the education». -Almaty, 2008.

2. Library of Sample programs of secondary education. Foreign languages. – Moscow, Enlightment. – 2005.

3.Newsletters of National University , series of Philology ,97p,2006 year..

4. Zimnyaya Y.A., «Psychology of the learning of foreign languages at school».

5. Zhumaeva E.S. The effectiveness of the use of new information technologies in teaching English.. —Kyzylorda: Sanat, 2012. — 20–24-p.

6. Begazova M.Z. Ways of formation of communicative competence of students in foreign language lessons // Foreign languages at school. — 2011. — № 4. — 28–31-p.

Просмотров работы: 9