XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019


Болотова А.Р. 1, Ермолаева Л.Д. 1
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HRM-systems are designed for personnel management, but their functionality is wider than that of personnel automation systems. Products of this class make it possible to work not only with quantitative, but also with qualitative indicators of personnel. The main goal of these programs is to interest and retain specialists valuable for the company.

HRM-system "AIT: Human Resource Management" was developed from the program for personnel buyout "AIT: Salary", which became the first product of the firm AIT Soft created in 1991. This software package was created based on the study of some Western systems (in particular, modules HR systems SyteLine (SYMIX) and the Personnel module in Oracle Applications (Oracle)), as well as a number of Russian developments (group of companies BIG, ROEL-Consulting, Psychology and Business).

The main product of the firm "AIT Soft" is the software package "AIT: Human Resource Management". It has advanced functionality and is a product of high-quality design and development. This modern automated solution ensures the efficient and convenient operation of all services that are engaged in personnel management.

The program complex "AIT: Human Resource Management" includes 5 modules[1]:

Salary - the salary program provides final payroll and a full analysis of staff costs. "AIT: Salary" is integrated with absolutely all known financial systems, which makes it possible to transfer all the required data on personnel costs with the detail and grouping of information on various parameters.

Frames - the Frames program automates the human resources department’s document flow, which takes personnel management to a new level. The module generates all the output forms required for effective, successful and efficient work of a personnel manager, simplifies the processing of large amounts of personnel information and significantly reduces the labor costs of routine work.

Time Sheet - The Time Sheet program is designed to track work time in an organization. Analysis of working time makes it possible to obtain a structure for the use of hours worked and non-attendance by department, organization as a whole, or random groups of workers, taking into account several levels of analytics.

Competence - a program for developing models of staff competence, creating a center of competences and competency profiles.

The Pension Fund of Russia (hereinafter the FIU) - the personalized pension accounting program fully provides automated reporting for the FIU of the Russian Federation. On the basis of personalized information in accordance with the rules of the FIU, reporting documents are created and text files are formed in order to transfer information to the FIU.

The use of software allows [2]:

To management:

Increase the effectiveness of the organization's work at the expense of the correct placement of employees.

Reduce the time taken to make management decisions and monitor their implementation.

Reduce costs and make their full accounting for personnel management.

To HR managers:

reduce significantly thelaboriousness of work.

Automate human resource document flow and preparation of internal and external reporting.

Increase the efficiency and productivity of work, and executive discipline.

The program complex "AIT: Human Resource Management" has the following advantages [3]:

Ensuring coordinated work of the subjects of personnel management, elimination of potential contradictions and duplication of functions.

The ability to consolidate information about employees in a multi-level and geographically distributed structure of the organization, to transfer data at any quality of communication channels and even at their absence.

Ability to choose the composition of the software package, considering the characteristics of a particular organization and a particular workplace.

Setting up the system in accordance with the characteristics of the organization, the adaptability of the system to any organizational structure, no restrictions on the number of personnel.

Automatic input of bulk data.

Full adaptation to Russian legislation.

Electronic archives that provide reliable and permanent storage of data.

Integration with financial systems and production management systems, maintaining business process continuity, allowing you to use in full the information resources of the organization.

The product is constantly supplemented by new features and is the most dynamically developing complex among its analogues. The program complex "AIT: Human Resource Management" is regularly updated in accordance with the latest changes in Russian legislation. The suggestions and wishes of our users are also taken into account. Most of the changes and additions are focused on reducing the time spent on entering and processing information, increasing the simplicity of work, reducing the number of monotonous operations and obtaining the expected results.


AIT: Human Resource Management [Electronic resource]. - Electron. data. URL:

AIT: Human Resource Management [Electronic resource]. - Electron. data. URL:

Program complex [Electronic resource]. - Electron. data. URL:

Просмотров работы: 36