МСТЁРСКИЙ ЛИТОГРАФ - Студенческий научный форум

XI Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2019


Макарова О.А. 1, Попкова О.В. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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Golyshev Ivan Alexandrovich (1838 – 1896) was a local historian, an ethnographer, an archaeologist, the owner of the lithography in Mstera. He was born in the family of a serf. He studied at Stroganov’s drawing school in Moscow [1].

«Having a poor health from birth, I [Ivan Golyshev] caused my father much care. Loving to collect herbs and plants and being a little familiar with medicine, he took active measures to save my health; I especially remember when I had an ear disease and measles together with scrofula. For about a year I have not seen the God's world, and the final cure was provided to me in Moscow, in the eye hospital; however, one eye remained incurable and incapable of work for the whole life» [2].

In July 1849, eleven-year-old Vanya’s father took him to Moscow. It was mentioned in the memoirs of Ivan Golyshev: «When I was 11 years old, in Moscow my father met a the lithographer E. Lilye, from whom he bought paintings. Lilye advised my father to send me to study to Moscow and promised to take care of my entering the 2nd drawing school, established by Stroganov, in which lithographer Lilye had studied and was in a close relationship with the director of the school Halftor. My father did not hesitate to take advantage of this offer and took me to Moscowwith him. I willingly went there despite mother’s, sisters’ and relatives’ tears» [2]. On arrival in Moscow, in July 1849, Ivan Golyshev lived at Lilye’s. After this Ivan Golyshev found shelter in a different place – at Glushkov’s and after that at Lavrentieva’s. Lilye took Ivan Golyshev to Stroganov’s school. «At school I was sent to the 1st grade; the charge was 9 rubles a year for a pupil, father paid nothing for my accommodation at Lavrentieva’s as he bought pictures her from and loving me Lavrentieva did not want to take any money» [2].

Golyshev’s being fond of lithography was noticed at school. «At this time, there were very few lithographies; printers and keepers kept secret of this production» [3, p. 85].

Vanya firmly decided that he would sell pictures like his father.

Stopping to attend school, Ivan began to study the art of lithography harder: he bought stones, drew on them, and paid only for printing only a hundred of pictures. He sent pictures drawn by himself and other artisans to his father for sale, and sometimes managed to sell them to other traders in Moscow and St. Petersburg: «Abdul – Mejid», «Cry. A Russian family», «Bombing of Sevastopol», portraits of Alexander III, etc. were distributed briskly [4, p. 69].

Further, Golyshev was a success in his favorite business – he printed ten illustrated albums, wrote articles in the «Governorate Vedomosti» and many others.

In 1856 Ivan Golyshev was eighteen years old, and at the end of summer he decided to go to Mstyora for a short time. «The idea of founding a lithography in the settlement of Mstyora where I often came from Moscow never left me. Countrymen looked at me somehow unfriendly and even with contempt; whether because I was brisker than their children, dressed decently like a townsman or simply because of envy as without having a decent capital I was the first of our peasants to receive education, though extremely tenuous, in Moscow. I was engaged in either drawing from life or tinkered with a self-made electric machine» [2].

In 1858, February 10, A. K. Golyshev was permitted to open a lithography in the settlement of Mstyora as his son was not even 20 years old.

From 1858 to 1860, Mstera lithography produced mainly the images of animals and birds, children, female heads, as well as lubok (popular print) religious themes. The pictures were printed under the title: « A Fierce tiger», «A Lion», «A Crossbill – parrot», «A bird of Paradise», etc. A large part of the plots of this genre could not be found among the products of Moscow lithography [5, p. 82].

In Golyshev's lithography 6 manual presses were installed. Ivan Alexandrovich picked up people from local icon painters as printers and drafters.

Since 1879, after the end of the Russian – Turkish war, the workshop began the last period of its activity. In these years, almost no new popular prints were created. Pictures from the stones of the 1870s are reprinted, prints made in 1858 – 1860 are repeated and varied: «Birds of Paradise», «The Burial of the cat by rats and mice», «In a nasty autumn evening», «A Peasant and death», «Demons of the game» [5, p. 85]. It was the activity of lithography that helped Ivan Alexandrovich to become widely known.

38-year-old activity of Ivan Alexandrovich Golyshev’s Mstyora lithography left a good imprint on the development of the Russian culture.

In the mid-1880s, being unable to compete with Moscow chromolithographies, Mstyora workshop ceased the production of popular prints. It continued to print only illustrations to Golyshev’s scientific works [5, p. 85].

I. A. Golyshev’s life was pretty monotonous.During his last 2 years he mostly lived in his Golyshevka, devoting leisure to the production of albums. In the summer of 1896 he had a sunstroke and hardly reached home; in autumn the consequences of the sunstroke started to go away, he could write letters, and there was hope that he would completely recover soon. In the beginning of December the stroke repeated (for the fourth time) and on December 9, 1896 Ivan Alexandrovich Golyshev died. He was buried in the settlement of Mstyora. [4, p. 103].

Ivan Golyshev fully devoted himself to selfless service to the people. Thanks to Ivan Alexandrovich the settlement of Mstyora became famous, and the opening of the lithography in the settlement contributed to it.


1. Личные фонды русских историков и краеведов XIXXX веков в Государственном архиве Владимирской области / Владимир. обл. науч. б-ка: Архивный отдел администрации Владимир. обл.: Сост. Г. Д. Овичинников; Ред. А. А. Ковзун. – Владимир, 1999. – 49 с. – (Материалы по истории Владимир. губ. Вып.6) [Электронный ресурс: vlarhiv.ru/ReferenceStaff ]

2. Русская старина. Том XXIV. 1879. Выпуски 1 – 4. – Типография В. С. Балашева – Санкт – Петербург,1879. – 888 с. [Электронные ресурс: https://www.runivers.ru/bookreader/book57390/#page/1/mode/1up ]

3. Мстёрский летописец: (Историко – биографическая повесть). 2 – е издание. Пиголицына. Ф. В. – Москва: изд – во «Пиголицына», 2013. – 336 с.

4. Уроженцы и деятели Владимирской губернии, получившие известность на различных поприщах общественной пользы. Вып. 2. / Смирнов А. В. – Губ. гор. Владимир – Типография Владимирского Правления, 1897. – 274 с.

5. Перо жар – птицы: Очерки о декоративном искусстве Владимирского края. Г. В. Латышев. – Ярославль: Верхне – Волжское книжное издательство, 1988. – 288 с.

Просмотров работы: 6