ПИДЖИНЫ И КРЕОЛЬСКИЕ ЯЗЫКИ - Студенческий научный форум

X Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2018


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1Евразийскйи Национальный Университет им. Л.Н.Гумилева
2Евразийский Национальный Университет им. Л.Н.Гумилева
3Евразийский Национальный Университет им.Л.Н.Гумилева
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One of some factors in sociolinguistics that makes language becomes interesting to be investigated is the contact of the people in certain community. The outcome of this contact result new languages, those are Pidgin and Creole language. These languages are spoken between people who do not speak each other's language. When they meet for different aims (trade, plantation work, business) they immediately look for a quick means of communication. These two languages have their own characteristics that are able to be used to distinguish between them. A pidgin is a reduced language resulting from contact between groups with no common language, while a Creole is a pid gin or jargon that has become the native language of an entire speech community, often as a result of slavery or other population displacements.

Primarily, Pidgins and creoles are used in third world nation, occurred in response to changes in the political and social environment of the community where they are spoken in. Today, over one hundred pidgins and creoles are spoken around the world. Actually, most pidgins and creoles are based on European languages, primarily on English, Spanish and French.


Pidgins often serve as the means of communication between two language groups For example, they are often used between immigrants and locals or missionaries and natives in order to be understood by each other without having to leam the language of the other group.

A pidgin is a system of communication which has grown up among people who do not share a common language, but who want to talk to it other, for treading or other reasons. The characteristic of a pidgin is that it is no one’s native language: it is a second language for all its speakers. This is true of a pidgin whether it is still in the process of formation or it has been around in a stable form for hundreds of years as West African Pidgin English has. However, it is possible for a pidgin to become a native language for some or all of its speakers. Pidgins have been variously called ‘makeshift’, ‘marginal’, or ‘mixed’ language. They have a limited vocabulary, a reduced grammatical structure, and a much narrower range of functions, compared to the language which gave rise to them. They are the native language of no-one, but they are nonetheless a main means of communication for millions of people, and a major focus of interest those who study the way languages change.

From the introduction above, we can say that Pidgin is a new language which develops in situations where the speakers of different languages need to communicate but don't share a common language. Pidgin has the following seven qualities:

a. No native speakers no one's native language. Yet spoken by millions as means of communication

b. A product of multilingual-3 languages one is dominant. The dominant language superior (economical or social factor). Two languages involved -> a power struggle for dominance

c. Combined effort of speakers (different language) -> contribute to a new variety ->phonology, morphology and syntax

d. The dominant group more vocabulary (lexifier superstrate) while the less dominant languages grammar (substrate)

e. Reduced grammatical structure, limited vocabulary and a narrow range of functions does not have inflections to mark plural.tenses, -does not contain any affixes

f. Main function trading g.

g.Not used as a means of group identification

Pidgin is a sort of slang, while a Creole is a full-fledged language. Hawaiian pidgin is a dialect that has evolved over the past 200 years from all the mixing ethnicities intermingling in the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaiian pidgin combines Hawaiian, Japanese, Filipino, Chinese, English and Portuguese and is essentially "street" Hawaiian. Pidgin is how local people talk to each other to show they are local. And, true to Hawaii, pidgin is a language that puts across a maximum amount of meaning with minimal words.

Pidgin is a funny, witty, ironic and sometimes beautiful slang when spoken by people who should be speaking it (see Brock Little). On the other hand, there are few things more annoying than someone who is not from Hawaii trying to fit in by speaking pidgin.


The term Creole comes from Portuguese cariole, and originally meant a person of European descent who had been born and brought up in a colonial territory. Later it came to be applied to other people who were native of these areas and then to the rind of language they spoke. Creoles are now classified as English based, French based, and so on- though the genetic relation ships of a Creole to its dominant linguistic sector is never straightforward, as the Creole may display the influences of several contact languages in its sounds, vocabulary and stubby.

A Creole is a pidgin language which has become the mother tongue of a community- a definition which emphasizes that pidgins and Creole are two stages in a single process linguistics development. First, within a community, increasing numbers of people begin to use pidgin as their principle means of communication. As a consequence their children hear it more than any other language, and gradually it takes on the status of a mother tongue for them. Within a generation or two, native language use becomes consolidated and widespread. The result is a Creole, or “creolized” language.

The term Creole comes from Portuguese cariole, and originally meant a person of European descent who had been born and brought up in a colonial territory. Later it came to be applied to other people who were native of these areas and then to the rind of language they spoke. Creoles are now classified as English based, French based, and so on- though the genetic relationships of a Creole to its dominant linguistic sector is never straightforward, as the Creole may display the influences of several contact languages in its sounds, vocabulary and stubby.

A Creole is a pidgin language which has become the mother tongue of a community- a definition which emphasizes that pidgins and Creole are two stages in a single process linguistics development. First, within a community, increasing numbers of people begin to use pidgin as their principle means of communication. As a consequence their children hear it more than any other language, and gradually it takes on the status of a mother tongue for them. Within a generation or two, native language use becomes consolidated and widespread. The result is a Creole, or “creolized” language.

Creoles typically arise as the result of contact between the language of a dominant group and that of a subordinate group, as happened as the result of European trade and colonization. The earliest reference to a creole language is to a Portuguese-based creole spoken in Senegal. When a pidgin develops into a more complex language and becomes the first language of a community, it is called a creole.The word creole has racial applications, which are not addressed in this article.The vocabulary of a typical creole is supplied for the most part by the dominant language, while the grammar tends to be taken from the subordinate language.

A pidgin is nobody’s natural language, a creole develops as a new generation grows up speaking the pidgin as its main language. The grammar of a creole usually remains simpler than that of the parent languages, but the new language begins to develop larger vocabularies to provide for a wider range of situations. Because of its distinctive use of verb tenses and other grammatical features, Black English is considered by many to be an English creole having British and American varieties. Haitian is a French creole .Unlike pidgins, creoles are complete natural languages that differ from standard dialects of the dominant parent language in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.Some more examples of creole languages:

French-based:Louisiana Creole,Mauritian Creole

English-based:Gullah (US Sea Islands),Jamaican Creole

Theories to describe Creole phenomenon:

l. The monogenetic theory of pidgins and creoles. A single origin for these languages, deriving them through relexification from a West African Pidgin Portuguese of the 17th century and ultimately from the Lingua franca of the Mediterranean.

2. European dialect origin hypotheses The French areoles are the foremost candidates to being the outcome of "normal" linguistic change creoleness to be sociohistoric in nature and relative to their colonial origin though.

3. The Domestic origin Hypothesis Proposed by Hancock for the development of a local form of English in West Africa. Towards the end of the 16th century, English-speaking traders began to settle in the Gambia and Sierra Leone rivers as well as in neighboring areas such as the Bullom and Sherbro coasts. These settlers intermarried with the local population leading to mixed populations and as a result of this intermarriage, an English n was created. which in tum was learned by slaves in slave depots, who later on took it to the West Indies and formed one component of the amerging English Creoles.

4. Foreigner talk or baby talk A pidgin or Creole language forms when native speakers attempt to simplify their language in order to address speakers who do not know their language at all. Because of the similarities found in this type of speech and the spoech which is usually directed at children. One class of creoles might sat as pidgins, rudimentary sccond languages

Differences between Pidgin and Creole languages.

"Pidgin" describes a blend of several different languages spoken by a multicultural population into one mutually understood language. These multiple languages are combined in communication on a regular basis. hit none of the languages of the population have primacy over the others. This often occurs when multiple societies trade together or where slave populations from multiple locations have been brought into one area. The speakers create a mutual language

using words from the speakers' mother tongues and flexible. simplified grammar.

A creole language is also a compound of multiple languages, but in this case, the new mixed language becomes the native language for the majority of its speakers. Vocabulary is extensively borrowed from other languages, but the grammar. Grammar and syntax are as fully developed as any other long-established tongue.


1. Have no native speakers;

2. Are the results of extended contact between groups with no lamguage in common.. They are used mostly for trade ;

3. Have simple grammatical structures;

4. Are not used for group identification.


1.Have native speakers;

2. Develop from pidgins, they are learnt as a first language by a large number of speakers;

3. Are more complex in structure, they also have a wider range of vocabulary to express a wider range of meanings;

4. May take on national and official functions.


The purpose of this work was to determine the characteristics of Pidgin and Creole in general English. Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the main theoretical positions that formed the basis of the research were identified and formulated. One such language is Pidgin English, characterized by its own, very unique structure, as well as actual usage standards Theoretical study of the problem, practical experience allow us to say that the role of Pidgin and Creole is very important from both sociolinguistic and psychological points of view, for example, Pidgin emphasizes the general dynamics of the linguistic ststem of communicative means of English used by people at the present time. When the pidgin becomes Creole, he can change his character somewhat. However, we can say that where there are differences between pidgin and Creole, they will be related to the new functions that Creole took upon itself. lt no longer serves as a means of communication between adults who do not have a common language; now it is a language in which children experience the world, develop their knowledge and mental abilities and grow. The purpose of this work is to consider the general concepts of pidgin and Creole languages, their evolution and the features of their origin.


Those languages, Pidgin and Creole, are often considered simplified languages uncounciously born from a practical situation of interlinguistis communication. They have their own characteristics that make them to be unique to be investigated and learnt. By comparing them, we will perhaps finds some information that useful for language development

Key words: Pidgin, Creole, language contact.

References Deal, Amy Rose. 2011. Modals without Scales. Lichtenberk, Frantisek. 1995. Apprehensional epistemics. In: Modality in grammar and discourse, ed. by J. Bybee & S. Fleischman, 293–328. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Munro, Jennifer. 2005. Substrate language influence in Kriol: The application of transfer constraints to language contact in northern Australia. Armidale: University of New England PhD. Romaine, Suzanne. 1995. The grammaticalization of irrealis in Tok Pisin. In: Modality in Grammar and Discourse, ed. by J. Bybee & S. Fleischman, 1-39. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

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