Schneider (2005) suggests, “Most stereotypes have both positive and negative features, and these may vary in terms of how tenaciously they are held and how likely they are to be developed for a given target.”
For example, students from different specializations might differentiate by the following stereotypes:
International Business studying students’ attitude tends to be negative because they do not have a knowledge about the matter of learning a foreign language. Law students are fond of speaking in public,complaining about many things. In addition, Furthermore, Mechanical Engineering and Electronic System students are exceptionally innovative and organized, doing various types of activities before they get bored. Accounting and Business Administration students are good at arranging things.
It is obvious that stereotypes are linked contexts in positive or negative ways by values,age, academic goal, and attitude.As well as stereotypes reflect on people’s thoughts, behavior, and emotions. Hence, Schneider (2005) claims that negative stereotypes are likely to be more difficult than the positive ones. Another important perspective that teachers considered when they shaped generalizations about students was their experience.
Being a good student requires a positive attitude in front of each academic duty. In every day scholarly practices, understudies indicate distinctive social issues (families, friends) that influence their feelings, convictions and approaches to confront the academic difficulties. In spite of their issues, they exhibit uplifting mentality in their scholastic procedure and it is an essential perspective to remember and keeping in mind the end goal to accomplish their purposes. On the other side, language teachers noticed that adapting appropriate methodologies in the process of teaching and learning English as a foreign language will be emerged because every human being has a distinction, because she or he is unique.
For instance, Architecture students are good at drawing when Law students have the ability to comprehend extensive texts easily. It can be seen that cognitive skills and multiple intelligences have an important impact on this context, that not every person has to be good at this or that sphere or get on well with doing something better than others. In conclusion, this aspect demonstrates that stereotypes of language teachers are indeed a crucial issue in learning English as a foreign language.
Students’ Stereotypes in Academic Conditions
This classification demonstrates students’ stereotypes risen in English classes. There are numerous preferences for learning and instructing because English was not fundamental for our lives, for academic issues, so we did not have the need to learn this language, but with the demand established by the Free Trade Agreements and the expansion of the communications the role of English in our country has changed. Nowadays, English is implemented in people’s academic and professional life. For this reason the government is making an effort to improve the skills in this subject. Unfortunately it has shown low results, it is necessary that, from the classroom, English teachers should facilitate students, contribute to the growth of English-speaking society, motivate and improve the proficiency in this language, and investigation is one of the ways to guarantee changes in this field of education.
Firstly, about English methodologies that have been changing for years, students have some difficulties with it.
However, the challenges faced by English teachers - a lack of resources, motivation, access, time, language skills and contextual training - continue to present barriers to positive and equitable English acquisition in formal education. (British Council, 2015)
Furthermore, college students: My experience of English was terrible at school since we just learnt separate words and we could not take part on collaborative tasks using English. English learning depends on a great extent on schools, some tuition based schools have actualized bilingual educational program as an approach to enhance their quality. Some of the students have an argument against it: It was great in light of the fact that my English teacher requested me a considerable measure and it helped me to take in, the issue was that we didn't have enough hours.
Learning English is certain for the improvement of individuals and the nation in light of the fact that there are more conceivable outcomes to movement, work, study, fare and import items; it is additionally seen by a teacher and by students:
The stereotype that people who speak English fluently have more job prospectives and better salaries motivates students to learn, use and improve their English.
In general, the researchers found that students also created stereotypes about English classes in a positive and negative ways bearing in mind their academic experiences they faced in school and nowadays in the university context. Students realize that learning English is essential for their professional majors. According to students’ stereotypes of their English learning process at the university, it can be seen that some of them have a positive attitude.
This research is aimed to consider students’ and teachers’ stereotypes presented in English classes and how teachers react to negative or positive features from students who belong to different academic programs. Likewise, for students it is necessary to avoid sharing negative stereotypes with new language teachers because they might perceive a bad impression about their students before meeting them. The main findings can summarize that stereotypes are always going to exist in the academic context. Even if people do not believe in them, they exist as the culture and tradition of the people.