X Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2018


Шарипбаева А.М. 1, Мустафа М.А. 1
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1. Introduction

Both in Kazakh and in English, every sentence is made a certain type of tone. It is a necessary component of oral speech. Intonation of concrete sentences may be different for different people, who pronouncing it and it depends on the individual speaker. Yet from this variety it can be identified these intonation types, that are selected characters and carry out communicative, syntax, logic, evaluation and stylistic functions.

When we speak about the communicative value of intonation (i.e its role in communication), we used four types: narrative, question the motivation and exclamation. Their intonation structure is considered in close connection with the lexical and grammatical features of the sentences.

When teaching English pronunciation in Kazakh school each group of sounds and intonation patterns should be considered separately by the teacher, depending on the difficulty of perception and articulation, as well as depending on the similarity of the sound phenomena of the Kazakh language. This makes it possible to determine, taking into account any difficulties should be based learning English pronunciation in Kazakh schools. For example, learning by students of Kazakhs English sound [a:] is a difficulty. Students are apt to replace the English long back vowel [a:] (in the words of garden, star) qualitatively and quantitatively different from Kazakh vowels (a) (in the words of the kaz. bala – eng. child). Consequently, over the sound [a:] teacher has to work longer and hard to prevent the influence of the corresponding sound of the native language learners.

Comparison of the sound structure, stress and intonation of English and Kazakh languages enable brighter revealing their characteristics, their identity and gives the teacher a basis for methods of working on an English accent for the effective exercise of speech.

2. Discussion

During the last decades there are the technical devices to obtain the objective characteristics of oral speech, in particular, the effects of intonation and described, which it is not given the desired accuracy and credibility by ear. Analysis of speech intonation through technical means and the presentation on this basis of comparison give possibilities of more successful learning of English speech sounds in Kazakh schools.[4]

One of such technologies is intonograph “OFHARS” (a device, which records the basic physical characteristics of the speech signal). This device records the five main physical characteristics, which can follow the main components of intonation, to reveal the connection between physical properties, the perceived quality and the semantic content of intonation.

One indicator is, for example, the frequency of the pitch, it can’t provide enough presentation about intonation, which considers a series of values.

The narrative intonation of the Kazakh language in terms of perception is characterized by low volume, relatively with slow rate and high level of tone. These characteristics are confirmed by the basic physical parameters, which are reflected on the intonogramm.

Declarative intonation in English in terms of perception is characterized by a calm tone, low volume, relatively with slow pace. It is noted steady downward of falling tone, fewer than in the Kazakh language.

The narrative, as in English, so in the Kazakh language it is pronounced with low volume, slow speech rate, high-altitude level, both cases are low, the common intensive level is not big. Considered language differs in movement tendency of main tone (equal low for English and falling and rising tones for Kazakh).

In comparison with other communicative rate of common time of pronunciation in the Kazakh language is more than other phrase in English. The bandwidth of the English phrase takes minimal place, Kazakh takes middle position.

In English the frequency level of the narrative is higher than in Kazakh. To pronounce the English declarative sentence of beginning sound is not important, in the Kazakh same sentence of indicator is the frequency of the main tone, in the design of shock syllable of both languages is involved fundamental frequency tone and time pronunciation, final sound of English phrases is characterized by the frequency of the pitch and time, as in the Kazakh is only the frequency of the main tonel. Interval falling of the final tone is big in both languages.[5]

Intonation questions (general) have the following characteristics in the Kazakh language: average volume of the question, quick temp, medium altitude level, the height of motion has rising-falling-rising directions.

Intonation question in English the hearing differs distinctly from the narrative tone. Pronunciation volume is a reduced, temp and high level is middle, the height of the main tone gets a rising-falling-rising direction with an average intensive interval. On the physical data of the question is differed with the average level of intensity. In the beginning sound design and main syllable is involved fundamental tone and time. Some of the physical characteristics and the issue is the least time of pronunciation.

Intonation question design in the Kazakh and Russian languages have the following similarities: height limit frequency of average level, the movement of the main tone in the frequency scale of rising-falling-rising, the bandwidth is average in both phrases, the overall level of intensity is too minimal. Differences concludes the following, the English phrase volume is reduced, in Kazakh is average, rate of speech is average in the first case, in the second it is quicker, frequency level of English phrases is low, Kazakh is medium. Recovery interval of final tone of English phrase is maximum that is witnesses a large role of intonation in this language, in Kazakh interval it is medium.

The main features of intonation in the Kazakh language is the increased volume of average rate pronunciation, altitude level is low, the basic tone falls steady. Physical properties of different motivation differ average time of pronunciation, a narrow strip of fundamental tone, low level and medium level of intensity.

Intonation motives in English is perceived as expressive, emotional painted; high volume of the intonation, quick temp, altitude level, movement direction tone is falling with big interval.

Physical data, which are involved in the motivation design: the average pronunciation, the middle line, a high level of frequency, high intensity.

Motivations in English and in the Kazakh language pronounced with high volume, which differ average time sounds. Frequency level of English phrases are high, Kazakh is low. The direction of tone movement in English is falling, in Kazakh it is stable. English motivational phrase is characterized by the highest frequency of contrast, the overall intensity of intensity is maximum in the English sentence, in the Kazakh is average.

Pronunciation of exclamations in the Kazakh language differ bright emotional color, high pronunciation, the rate is average, the frequency level is highest, the movement of the main tone obtained rising and falling directions with falling. Physical data of exclamations are: time pronunciation is average. Frequency line is big tone and intensity level is bigger.

English exclamatory sentences are perceived as emotional speech units, their pronunciation volume is average, the temp is slow. Physical characteristics of exclamation are: all the accoustic characteristics, than fundamental frequency of tone (having low numbers), marked with maximum indices.

Exclamation in both languages is across the line width, the level of fundamental of main tone and intensity have high levels of indices, the movement tone is in the falling and rising tone. Volume pronunciation of English phrase is average, Kazakh is high and the rate of exclamation pronunciation in English slow is slow, the Kazakh is medium.

From the above it follows that the types of sentences in the Kazakh and Russian languages differ from each other in the perceived quality and physical properties. Each communicative type is specific number and connection of different signs on perception and acoustic properties.

Intonation is perceived as some holistic sound structure, which has the value of the narrative, questions, motives, exclamations. We usually react to this immediate impression of the intonation in the life, even not aware its perceived quality and the more physical properties.

Described intonation types of sentence of both languages differs with collection and connection of different signs in plan of perception and physical properties. Presence and connection of different signs are registered intonation structure of that and other of communicative type.

The experimental data gives possible to identify the intonation characters, which researched types of sentences and to compare general and specific to these characteristics in the Kazakh and Russian languages.

The expression of communicative types of sentences is existed in the two languages not only with intonation, but also lexical and grammatical and formal grammatical means.

But not other techniques is involved in the expression of communicative type of sentences and its emotional and volitional coloration, the presence intonation is always necessary and its role in communication is very important. In this case, sentences process, intonation plan is imposed on syntactic, as more mobile on a more permanent.

As described above, the differences and common moments in intoning of the main types of Kazakh and English sentences should be kept under constant teacher and help students in learning English intonation, which is an integral part of the communication language. [6]

We have characterized the English vowel sounds that have a particular or other similarities with the vowels of the Kazakh language. As it can be seen from the description, almost all the vowels in English have more or less similar couples in the Kazakh language.

Several Kazakh vowels do not have similar in the English language - (ұ), (ү) and so they usually do not caused influence of assimilation of English vowels. These vowels are specific for the Kazakh language.

Sounds (ұ) and (ү) are brief, incomplete formation, lip, narrow, upper lift. In the formation of sound (ұ) the language takes on the same position, and in the formation of sound (ы). When the lips are rounded and protrude forward, however, mouth hole turns out not so narrow as in formation (ү).

Vowels (ұ) and (ү) mainly differ from each other only in hardness and softness: (ұ) is solid, i.e back row, (ү) is soft, i.e of front row. The presence of these sounds is a distinctive feature in relation to each other is confirmed by the following comparison: ұн (flour) - үн (voice), тұр (stand) - түр (sort, kind), ұш (fly) - үш (three). These sounds is used, mainly, in the first syllable of the word.

Requires special attention from the teacher to introduce students to new concepts for them, reflecting the phonetic system of the English language. One of these concepts is a complex vowel (diphthong). Each diphthong in the English language is a separate phoneme and is part of the vowels: [ai], [ei], [ei], [au], [ou], [iә], [εә], [uә]. Part of the English diphthongs can be likened to some combinations of vowels in Kazakh: ай (moon) қой (sheep), aу (network). But such English diphthongs as [iә], [εә], [uә], [ou] does not have similar combination in the Kazakh language.

Above shown of the Kazakh vowels differ from diphthongs, they sound like two separate sounds, while top (nucleus) of the English diphthong pronounced quite clearly, then followed by sliding in the direction of the second sound. The main difference of English diphthongs from these similar of Kazakh vowels is that the latter falls easily into two syllables and can be separated by a morphological boundary (e.g тай, та-ый; бой, бо-ый; бау, ба-уыр). In English, such phenomenon is excluded. English diphthongs can not apart into two syllables. They are always pronounced together, i.e one effort with an emphasis on the core.

Each diphthong has lax, fading end. That is, the second element of the diphthong is a weak, sliding, extremely brief faint sound. His voice may not be identical to the sound of corresponding isolated vowel, as it is in the Kazakh language.

Although the transcription of the second element is transferred by sign of the vowel complete formation, it should be noted that this sign indicates only the movement of the speech organs to this vowel.

1) 3 diphthongs with a glide to [i]: [ei-ai-ei]

2) 2 diphthongs with a glide to [u]: [ou-au]

3) 3 diphthongs with a glide to [ә] [iә-εә-uә].

In setting up the pronunciation of diphthongs [ai], [ei], [ei], [au] is necessary to consider the inherent common patterns and contrast with the Kazakh diphthongs (aй), (ей), (ой), (ay). In the final position before pausing English diphthongs pronounced drawl, before a voiced consonant is some shorter, and before voiceless consonants is very briefly.

3. Conclusions

Nowadays, English is taught in many schools and high schools in the Kazakh Republic. Since the students will eventually learn English on the basis of mother tongue, there is a need for a number of research tools based on a comparison of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar of English and Kazakh languages. This article is considered the issues of teaching English pronunciation in attracting of such comparisons. In the practice of language teaching are mainly distributed two ways of teaching pronunciation. The first is based on imitation, i.e. by unconscious assimilation of phonetic phenomenon. On the basis of second is a meaningful learning. This means that teaching pronunciation skills can not be mechanical. ‘Students need to maintain awareness of the linguistic features of foreign speech to the development of skills, and not vice versa, so this information is not given at all”. This method of teaching pronunciation is called analytical and imitative. For example, learning English sound by students of Kazakh [a:] is a difficulty. Students are inclined to change the English long vowel [a:] (in the words garden, star) qualitatively and quantitatively, it’s different from Kazakh vowel (a) (in the words of the ball-child). Consequently, over the sound [a:] teacher have to work longer and more laborious, to prevent the influence of the corresponding sound of the native language of students. On the other hand, the pronunciation of the English sound [һ] are very easy to digest to Kazakh students, as the same sound is also in the Kazakh language (қaһarman - hero, aһ!, - Interjection).

Comparison of sound structure, stress and intonation of English and Kazakh languages allows brighter identify their characteristics, their identity, and provides a framework for teacher techniques work on English pronunciation, for effective speech exercises.



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Просмотров работы: 47