Обсуждение работы READING TECHNIQUES - Студенческий научный форум

X Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2018

Обсуждение работы READING TECHNIQUES

Спирина А.А. 1, Койкова Т.И. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет
  • Копылова Анна Андреевна 27.02.18 в 09:16 #
    Good and helpful article. Helps you to understand the structure of reading. Also gives some motivation to read original books.
  • Воробьева Мария Сергеевна 27.02.18 в 09:22 #
    A very informative article. I learned a lot of new information about reading techniques.
  • Хубуа Лана Анзоровна 27.02.18 в 09:29 #
    A very useful article. I've learned a lot of how to improve my reading techniques. Very helpful feature for student.
  • Ветрова Екатерина Максимовна 27.02.18 в 09:30 #
    Article is informative enough. It written in an accessible and understandable language, which makes understanding easier. The methods described in the article can also be applied in practice.
  • Тимофеева Маргарита Александровна 27.02.18 в 09:34 #
    A very good article. It is useful for students and everybody who wants to learn something about reading techniques. Gives the essential information on the topic.
  • [email protected] 27.02.18 в 09:45 #
    It really needs to be read. Especially for those who often have to read a lot with little time.
  • Якунина Екатерина Михайловна 05.03.18 в 09:16 #
    Thanks for rhis informative article. It was very interesting.
  • Саркисян Ася Стеановна 05.03.18 в 09:18 #
    Learned a lot of new useful information. Thank you!|
  • Матвеев Дмитрий Денисович 05.03.18 в 09:22 #
    Thanks for this article. This information is very useful.
  • Тимакова Варвара Константиновна 05.03.18 в 09:22 #
    Very interesting article. There are a lot of interesting aspects. Thank you so much.
  • Карпенко Александра Михайловна 05.03.18 в 12:57 #
    A very informative article. I learned a lot of new information about reading techniques.

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