In the Kazakh education system, a new and promising sphere of knowledge is gaining more and more importance - gender studies. The word "gender" is now firmly embedded in the Russian-language scientific terminology in Kazakhstan. It refers to the social aspects of sex as opposed to biological aspects. For the first time the concept of "gender" in scientific literature in the post-Soviet space appeared in 1992 in the collection of articles «Women and Social Policy».
Research in the sphere of speech sexism is developing in three main directions: the social nature of male and female languages; features of speech behavior; cognitive aspect of differences. One of the first works dealing with gender linguistics was O. Espersen's monograph "The language". In it there is a chapter "The vornan" (woman), and the chapter "The man" is absent, for the female language is considered marked, and the male language - the corresponding literary norm.
The German researcher Tramel-Pletz ,who published the book Women's Language, argues that the discrimination of women by language is expressed not only in speech behavior, where the man is always the leading partner of the dialogue, but also in the use of masculine words for women (author, physician), the use of pronouns of the masculine gender in the generalized meaning (everyone, everyone) and etc.
According to canons of gender science and the degree of its development, the relationship and appeal to a man and a woman in different countries is not the same. Various factors influence this, for example, social status, level of respect in society, ethnopsychology and other.
Speech etiquette is an important element of any national culture. In the language, verbal behavior, stable formulas (stereotypes) of communication, rich people's experience, the uniqueness of customs, way of life, the conditions of everyday life of each people were laid. And this is infinitely valuable.
This research work will examine the relationships and appeals to men and women in America and Kazakhstan. For a basis and a support in practical work are taken: modern American films; and the work of modern Kazakh writers as Aziza Abduraimova; Talasbek Asemqulov.
The culture of the United States is, above all, an open, friendly and smiling American people. The etiquette of the USA says: it is necessary to smile to everyone and in any situation. Etiquette of the US prohibits complaining about life's troubles, sharing their problems with others. Shared in this country can only be positive emotions - it is not permissible to upset strangers with their sorrows. The US etiquette categorically forbids flirting with a woman who is not your girlfriend or wife. If you go to the USA, in any case, do not get acquainted with a woman in a restaurant, on the street, in the metro, try not to look at her feet, etc. An American can calmly sue you in court. American culture of communication refers to so-called cultures with a low level of context. Everything should be formulated briefly and unambiguously. This are the features that made an influence on treatment to man and woman in this country. The English language has its own, special speech etiquette. Having watch this film you can get acquainted with all forms of treatment in English, which are traditionally used in the conversation.
In English there is no distinction between the pronouns "you" and "you", so when addressing the interlocutor it is important to choose not only the intonation, but also the correct form, to use the appropriate words and constructions.
In conversation, you need to consider the style of communication. So, the official language requires the exact observance of all the greeting and treatment formulas, a neutral style of communication (for example, with strangers, or with colleagues at work, neighbors, etc.) can be simpler in expressions. And with friends and close Englishmen often admit familiarity and style of communication, and in it the forms of addressing the interlocutor will be quite different. Appeal to strangers can begin in an apology for concern: «Excuse me, Sorry». Then follows the question, the remark, the request.
to men:
Sir - this form of treatment does not require after himself the name or surname of the interlocutor. So they turn to strangers, to men, equal to or older in age, social position or position.
Mr (an abbreviation for the word Mister) - after this word it is required to name the name or surname of the interlocutor.
Son! Sonny! Boy! - a form of treatment of older people to unfamiliar young people.
Young man, youth - this is how old people address young men.
Guys! - is more often used in the familiar sense.And also, in mixed society
Old boy, old chap, old man - a more familiar form of treatment of men to each other.
Esq- As a synonym for the Mr. in England they sometimes use the form Esq. However, it is not placed before the name, but after it, and, of course, in this case the form of Mr.absent.
to women:
Madam - a polite form of treatment of a man to a woman. Women usually do not treat each other like that, unless it's appropriate to address the hostess if you are a maid or a servant.
Mrs (an abbreviation for the word Missus) is a form of courteous treatment of a woman. After the word Mrs it is required to name the woman's husband's surname.It should be remembered that the words Mr and Mrs are not used without surnames in spoken English, it will sound vulgar.
Miss - a form of treatment for an unmarried girl, a woman. After the word, it is necessary to name the name or surname.
Miss without a name, a surname - the form of the reference to the teacher, and also it became the general form of the reference to attendants.
Dear! Dearie! Love! Ducky! - 6 form of treatment of older people to unfamiliar girls.
Dear, angel, friend, honey (the last messages mean "dear, sweet") kid, love, lovely, sweet - the most popular words for expressing love to dach other, used for treatment to lovely person.
As it seen from the results of the study of the appeal to the two sexes, there are not so many methods of treatment in America. But the rich ,deep and centuries-old culture of Kazakhs allows us to identify many ways of treatment both to women and to men.
Traditional Kazakh etiquette originates in the archaic, eastern culture of this country. In the translation from the ancient Turkish language, the word "Kazakh" means "a free and independent nomad". For centuries Kazakhstan was a country of nomads and pastoralists, which in many respects affected the national culture of communication of this people. Most often Kazakh people use a rather gentle handshake for greetings, sometimes with the use of both hands, which is accompanied by a smile and eye contact. Closer friends, but of the same sex, can enclose each other in strong embraces. Most of the inhabitants of Kazakhstan practice Islam, therefore the main greeting formula for the Kazakhs, as well as for all other nations professing Islam, is "Assala-glamagaleykum!" (From the Arab "Peace to You!"), With the answer "Uagaleykumassalam!" (From the Arab. "I wish you the same!").
At a meeting, the Kazakhs strictly observe the principle of the order of greetings, originating many centuries ago, - the younger one should greet the elder. And, this applies to both age, as well as social status: the boy greets the old man, and the employee - the chief. In general, the "principle of seniority" is observed by Kazakhs now in almost all etiquette situations. Young people should respect "the elder" and be always ready to help if necessary. Often young people and partly middle-aged people, whether men or women, can pronounce neutral "Salem!". In this case, often speech utterances are accompanied or supplemented with the handshake of one or both hands, and after a long separation - with hugs and kisses. If you take women, then among them the following greetings were most widely distributed: "Salem Berdik!", "Salemetsisbe!" ("Bow to you!").
All these cultural features and traditions influenced the ways of addressing men and women. Having read the works of modern Kazakh writers as Aziza Abduraimova « Once in Astana» and Talasbek Asemqulov «Taltus», the ways of treatment to both genders can be identified. After making an analysis of the book, I decided to demonstrate the richness of Kazakh speech in a visual way, and how can foreigners treat to citizens of Kazakhstan to eliminate absourd situations.
The ways of treatment to man:
1. ata –[ grandfather] - an appeal to an elderly person
2. aksakal - respectful reference to the elderly person'a- treatment to elder brother'ay- appeal to the older man or teacher in middle age.
5.Balam- appeal to son or a way for elderly to treat to younger generation
6. Mirza- official address to men
7.Otag'a- appeal to the head of the family and elder in the family
8.. Mirza- [ sir or mister]- formal and courteous treatment of an adult
9..Qariya- appeal to the respectfull older man.
The ways of treatment to woman:
Bikesh - a form of courteous treatment of the girl.
Bike - a form of courteous treatment of a young woman.
Baybishe - the form of the polite treatment of men of advanced age to the elderly woman.
Khanim- polite treatment of woman
Aje- treatment of elderly woman
6.Apay- treatment of unfamiliar woman or teacher
7. Tate- the way of appeal to unfamiliar woman
8. Qarindas-form of a polite treatment of a male senior in age to a girl
9. Apa - a form of treatment for an older cousin or older woman
10. Qizim- a form of treatment of daughter or the way for elder person appeal to young girl.
11. Boyjetken- the way to appeal to unmarried girl.
Having analyzed the data from two countries and cultures, one can come to the conclusion, that the way of treatment in both countries are fully different, and have own specific. As we understood, the method of appeal someone in Kazakhstan depends on the person's social level, level of respect in society , age level , also, the fact of kinship is taken into account. While in America there are no special distinctions besides the age and fact of single or married. Despite the social level and respect the appeal to them doesn't change.
1.O.Espersen « The language»
2.O.Esperson « Philosophy of grammar»
3. Bradd Shore «Culture in Mind: Cognition, Culture and the Problem of meaning»
4. E.G.Azimov, N.Shukin «New vocabulary of metodical terms and consepsts»
5. Alvanoudi Angeliki «Grammatical Gender in Interaction: Cultural and Cognitive Aspects»
6. Coates Jennifer « Women, Men and Everyday Talk»
7. Coates Jennifer «Women, Men and Language: A Sociolinguistic Account of Gender Differences in Language»
8. Crawford Mary. «Talking Difference: On Gender and Language»
10.Z.K.Temirgazina « Gender Linguistics»