The usage of Fly agaric by Indo-Iranian people (II-I millenium BC). According to the Gordon Wasson's 1968 opus: Soma Divine Mushroom of Immortality, Indo-Iranian people considered Fly agaric (Soma) as a god. Only the priest could consumed Soma. The dried Soma was freshened with water and macerated with a stone pestle that brought forth a tawny yellow juice. Moreover Fly agaic could be used in other form - taken in the urine of the person who has ingested A. muscaria. This is the only “plant” that is capable of being passed through the digestive system and maintains its psychotropic properties.
The origin of Judaism and Christianity? In 1970, John Allegro authored the controversial book, The Mushroom and the Cross. The main theme of the book alleges that Judaism and Christianity were based on a secret cult whose god was Amanita muscaria. Eventually, the cult died out, but Christianity and Judaism remained as religions.
Fly agaric in the North of Russia. Consumption of Fly agaric was first rediscovered by a Swedish army officer, Filip Johann von Strahlenberg. His observation of this event was published in 1730. Usage of A. muscaria, in Siberia continued until the 16th and 17th Century, but was discontinued in favor of alcohol, which was introduced by the Russians.
Fly agaric nowadays. Toxicologists are also interested in this mushroom because, unfortunately, the cases of poisoning are not rare due to the frequent attempts to try Fly agaric as a psychoactive substance, which includes ibotenic acid and its metabolites - muscimol and muscazone. Another biologically active substance is muscarine.
Symptoms of poisoning. The symptoms of poisoning are: delirium, spasms and hallucinations (ibotenic acid and its metabolites), hypersalivation, nausea, vomit, light pupillary constriction, increase of peristalsis and respiration disturbance (muscarine).
Amanita muscaria in folk-medicine.Fly agaric is used in folk-medicine in Russia. It is sold as an extraction for internal and external usage. The indications are: convulsions, epilepsy, partial paralysis, rheumatism and swelling as a rub. However this mushroom is extremely poisonous and its selling and uncontrolled usage should be banned.
Amanita muscaria in homeopathy. According to the British Homeopathic Association, Agaricus, which was proved by Hahnemann (the founder of homeopathy), is a lesser-known homeopathic remedy, however it remains an important one. The main principle of homeopathy is Similia similibus curantur, which means Like is cured by like. As the fungus is native to Siberia, it grows in conditions of extreme cold. Due to this Fly agaric is used as remedy from frostbite.
Fly agairic is widely used as a homeopathic remedy abroad at European countries such as Germany (The 10times dilution - Symbol D or X - Concentration 10 ˉ¹²), Сanada (The 10times dilution - Symbol D or X - Concentration 10 ˉ ² ), France (The 100times dilution - Symbol C - Concentration 100 ˉ³º).