X Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2018


Гашин А.В. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет
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The history and development of electrification of Russia

Energy, energy science – the science about the regularities of processes and phenomena directly or indirectly associated with the receipt, conversion, transmission, distribution and use of different types of energy.

Electricity is generally regarded as complex, technical education, closely interact with the fuel economy and the basic extractive and processing industries, transport, agriculture, etc.

Electric energy is secondary energy, and does not replace primary, for example, thermal, hydraulic, wind, thermonuclear, solar, tidal, nuclear, but at the same time stimulates their development.

Electricity is the leading sector of energy. The use of electricity, use of electric power – one of the greatest discoveries and achievements of the nineteenth century. This was preceded by the efforts of many people. Now electrical energy is the most convenient form of energy.

Energy system electricity is a form of power stations, electric and thermal networks, connected together and connected by common mode in a continuous process of production, transformation and distribution of electric energy and heat with the General management of this regime.

Energy is a determining factor both for the economy and for the environment. It affects the economic potential of the state and the welfare of the people. She has the strongest impact on the environment, ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole.

The history of the discovery of electricity

The development of power industry is international in nature. In this we see throughout the history of its development. In the creation of energy and its introduction was attended and actively participate people of different nationalities, different countries, different classes.

For example, the first open, scientific and practical developments and laws in the electric power industry was the contribution of Italians, British, Russians, French, Americans, Hungarians, Belgians, Yugoslavs, Danes, etc. you can verify this by reviewing the history of development of electric power industry.

A wide and varied use of electricity in all sectors of the national economy and everyday life due to a number of very significant advantages compared to other forms of energy, namely: 1) the possibility of economical transmission over long distances; 2) ease of transformation into other forms of energy (heat, mechanical, light, chemical, etc.); 3) ease of distribution of any power (many kilowatts to milliwatts) between any number of users.

Great importance is the possibility of using electricity production of local fuels (coal, peat, oil shale), energy of rivers, waterfalls, tides, solar energy and wind energy, geothermal, nuclear etc.

However, in the past, and currently, there are numerous problems of the power industry:

create cost-effective structural sources of electricity generators, electric motors, transformers, factories, electricity (power plants), electric transmission lines (power lines), substations, distribution devices;

laying of wires, cables protection;

insulation of the live wires, parts of the device;

methods of calculation of electrical networks, protection against short circuits;

other issues that were addressed and resolved by scientists, engineers, practitioners, inventors.

Motors, generators, transformers

In the technique of the basic devices using the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, are with electric generators, motors and transformers. Consider their main modern structure and purpose, and then to trace the historical milestones in the development of these devices and specify their authors.

Generator. Consists of a stator and rotor. The massive fixed stator is a hollow steel cylinder, on the inner walls of which are stacked a large number of turns of metal wire covered with insulation and leading the electricity to the external circuit to the consumer.

The rotor is a cylinder with grooves for the wires, which is a large movable electromagnet installed inside the stator.

Under the action of the steam turbine, hydraulic turbine, steam engine or other motor, the rotor begins to rotate, and the wires of the stator through electromagnetic induction, an electric current.

Motor. In electric motors occurs another phenomenon: the electric current flowing through the wires of the stator causes the rotor to rotate. With the help of mechanical devices, the movement of the rotor can be transmitted to the tape transmission machine, escalator metro and other mechanisms.

Transformer. Consists of a magnetic core and two or more coils, which have different number of turns. To sum alternating electric current to the coil with a large number of turns – current of higher voltage, the coil with fewer turns can be removed more current but less voltage.

The creation of electric generators, motors and transformers required to study the properties of materials: non-metallic, metallic and magnetic, creating their theories. By the nature of the current motors were divided into AC and DC; the principle of operation of AC machines are divided into synchronous and asynchronous.

Asynchronous motors are simple design, low cost, reliability. They are the most common type of engines.

In 1888, the Russian inventor M. O. Dolivo-Dobrovolsky (1862-1919), created a three-phase system currents, which are then recognized and spread worldwide as the most convenient and economical.

A rotating magnetic field were obtained by phase shift between currents of the same amplitude of 120°. M. O. Dolivo-Dobrovolsky developed the rotor winding in a squirrel cage and created a squirrel-cage asynchronous motor. Three-phase system consisting of a three-phase generator three-phase motor and three phase transformer, required for the transmission and distribution of electricity only three wires, being at the same time symmetrical, balanced and economical. The cost of metal was 25% less than in the two-wire line single-phase system. Three-phase synchronous generator was built by Dolivo-Dobrovolsky in 1890, the steam engine did not meet these requirements, It had 400-600 Rev/min. Steam machine you pressed the steam turbine, which had a greater speed and higher efficiency. Now power steam turbines reaches 1200 MW. Turbine with electric generator is called a turbine generator

Currently, power stations and substations use decrease and increase, two - and three-winding, three-phase and single-phase power transformers. Current transformers used in AC installations of all voltages for the successive coils of measuring instruments and protection relays.

Transformer is one of the key components of a modern energy system. It converts the voltage to low or high with little loss of energy. Is an important element in many electrical appliances, instruments and devices: chargers, radios, TVs, substations, power plants etc. currently, the functions of the transformers can take on semiconductor devices. However, the transformers will still perform its service for quite long time, effectively and discreetly maintaining the functioning of electric power systems, which determine so much in our modern life.

Interesting facts from the history of the advent of electricity in Russia

When studying the question of electrification of the country, you may encounter a number of interesting and curious facts. Thus, the first European city entirely lit with electric lights became in 1881 the Tsar's village.

Energy development

Power generation, a leading and integral part of the energy. It provides the generation (production), transformation and consumption of electricity, in addition, electricity ryanabrams plays a role and contributes to the optimization of the territorial organization of the productive forces. In economically developed countries the technical means of electricity are combined in automated and controlled electricity system.

The electric power industry along with other sectors of the economy is seen as part of a single economic of the economic system. Currently without electric power, our life is unthinkable. The industry has invaded all spheres of human activity: industry, agriculture, science and space. Without power, the impossible action of modern means of communication and the development of Cybernetics, computing and space technology. To imagine without electricity our life is.

The main consumer of electricity is industry, although its share in total useful power consumption is greatly reduced. Electrical energy in industry is used to actuate the various mechanisms, and directly in industrial processes.

The development of power industry of Russia is connected with the GOELRO plan (1920) for a period of 15 years, which included the construction of 10 hydropower plants with a total capacity of 640 MW. The plan was completed ahead of schedule: by the end of 1935, it was built 40 regional power stations. Thus, the electrification plan established a base of industrialization of Russia, and she came in second place for electricity production in the world.

Currently in the global power industry, significant interest is the generation based on alternative sources of energy. In our country also are working in this direction. So, in the summer of 2013 in the village of jajlju Turochaksky district of the Altai Republic began operation of Autonomous diesel-solar power plant of 100 kW. In the daytime the electricity is through photovoltaic panels, at night, from battery and diesel generator. This project is interesting in autonomy, the experience of which will reliably electrify remote villages.

The biggest solar power plant in Russia is "Caspian", the design capacity of which is estimated at 5 MW. In addition to solar energy use and wind power, in particular, Kulikov (Zelenograd) wind farm, built in the Kaliningrad region, has a capacity of 1 MW and consists of 21 wind turbines.

Modern problems of the industry

The state of the industry is currently characterized by increasing shortage of generating capacity and insufficient development of electric networks.

Today the electrical network are integrated into a system, UES (Unified electric network of the Russian Federation), which is sobstennyh RAO UES. One of the major problems of functioning of the EES is the weakness of intersystem and sometimes backbone links in the network that leads to "locking" of the capacity of power plants. The weakness of the interconnections in the EEC due to its territorial distribution and the inability (unwillingness) of shareholders of RAO UES of Russia to allocate money to modernize the system, but the desire of the Agency, without prejudice to their dividends. From a technical point of view the limitations in the use of links between different ECO and the most important linkages within ECO are basically determined by conditions of static stability; for power lines that provides power output of large power plants, and the number of transit links crucial can be the conditions of dynamic stability. However, this view of technology - exploiter, in the power which only the manipulation of control panels, but not a strategic science-based and innovative solutions. At this level no decision, as the ball is ruled by dividends and the market, not the interests of the country.

Studies revealed that the stability of frequency in the UES of Russia is lower than in the UCTE. Especially large deviations in the frequency occur in the spring and in the second half of the night, indicating a lack of flexible means of regulation of the frequency, which is quite natural when used with obsolete technologies.

Among the accumulated problems of the sector should be highlighted:

insufficient investment in the electricity sector, but only care about the interests of shareholders, and reduced the efficiency of investment, which under the current system of the primacy of profitability of the owner of the network may not be used technically correctly, which led to a sharp reduction in input of new capacities and threatening aging assets, increasing power shortages and unsatisfied consumer demand;

the sharp decline of the scientific and technical potential of energy and power engineering, which of course, when the government gave strategic industry speculators, and did not provide the industry high-performance structure similar to aerospace or military engineering, when development, designing sectoral system is headed by a talented designer General, not a group of speculators;

serious lag in the development, adoption and use of new technologies of production and transport of electricity; the lack of mechanisms stimulating the development and use of new models of equipment, which is natural under the current momentary-Mercantile organizations in the industry;

a significant increase in electricity tariffs: tariff level close to the level of tariffs in the United States, the price of natural gas remains below average (in the structure of fuel supply for power plants the gas is 70%), which is also natural for a speculative market system in which authority got the basic strategic sector of the country;

the low level of implementation of resource saving technologies and equipment, more than 1.5 times increased power losses in the networks, which are also naturally in the existing conditions.


1 http://works.doklad.ru

2 https://www.kakprosto.ru

3 https://mirznanii.com

4 http://www.myenergy.ru

5 https://ru.wikipedia.org

6 http://www.elektroportal.ru

Просмотров работы: 66