X Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2018


Китаев А.В. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых
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The content of the article:

• Design of turret lathe machine

• Classification turning equipment

• List the main technical characteristics

• The advantages and disadvantages of

To improve the performance and quality of lathing using universal equipment. These include turret lathes having a function of performing multiple operations without changing the type of cutting tool.

The design of turret lathe machine

Machine Turret

Modern turret lathe is a multipurpose machining facility capable of perform a number of operations. This is achieved by a special design of the head, in which you can install several types of cutters.

It differs in construction and principle of operation. For increased performance it provides the possibility of mounting cutters of various types. The change is due to the displacement of the working part of the tool on its axis. The improvement in performance can be achieved with the help of the CNC unit is installed in the turret lathes. In this case, human involvement in the operation of the equipment will be minimal.

Turret lathes usually consist of the following components:

• frame. Designed for installation of all items of equipment;

• front and rear headstock. With them is the fixation parts and the transfer of rotational motion from the electric machine;

in the processing unit. Includes caliper and set it on the turret. Their teamwork allows you to perform turning operations across the plane of the workpiece. This part of the design is offset by the coordinate axes and a change speed of the working tool;

• electric part of the machine. Consists of motors and control unit. The latter may be a semi-automatic or automatic complex (CNC), which is managing the functions of the machine.

Additionally, the design must be a mechanism for precise positioning of the incisors. This is due to their different length and configuration. This is normally the system of sensors, data from which are received at the CNC.

Improved performance in some models of machine tools is achieved by setting the two working grandmothers. This enables you to perform machining on two sides, but only if the layout includes two or more of the toolholder.

Classification of lathe equipment

Lathe with turret

Thanks to the versatile design turret type CNC machine can be designed with nearly any configuration. On this basis distinguish the equipment of General purpose and specialized models.

The most important parameter for selection is the location of the revolving unit. Its location will determine the ability to perform one or another type of turning. Depending on this turret lathes can be horizontal, vertical or slanted unit of processing. You also need to pay attention to the design and features of the caliper. Its configuration is determined by the General layout principle of equipment:

• with longitudinal feed. This design characteristic only for horizontal axis machining component. Used in semi-professional equipment. A small set of functionality. But the unit has a relatively simple design, which affects the labor intensity of its maintenance and repair;

• longitudinal and cross feeds. Installed on models with vertical and inclined position of the lathe unit. The possibility of moving the cutting portion along two axes increases the set of operations.

List of main technical characteristics

Operation of the machine with a revolving turret

The parameters for lathes with tool post turrets are virtually indistinguishable from the characteristics of similar equipment with a classical layout. But there is a list of characteristics that need to be considered in detail.

The main parameter of choice are the characteristics of the turret. In addition to the above qualities (the location and properties of the caliper) you should consider the number of installed cutting tools, their configuration and length. Also take into account the ability to connect to the CNC unit. List of commands transmitted to the processing unit, determines the functionality of the equipment.

Other standard features turning installation with a revolving processing unit can be the following:

• minimum and maximum size of the workpiece, the possibility of its mounting in the caliper and in the centers;

• the rate of change of cutters. Their characteristics affect the performance of a particular model and purpose;

• the presence and diameter of the through hole for performing turning operations on the surface of the rod;

• the filing of a caliper – the maximum displacement in the longitudinal and transverse direction, the value for one step;

• precision positioning of the cutting tool;

• the possibility of forming a different thread type inch, metric and parable. In the passport of the equipment, be sure to specify their characteristics.

This is a General list of parameters that can be added depending on the design features of the equipment. Additionally you must consider the maximum and minimum rotation of the spindle head as well as the capacity of the power plant, mounted on a turret lathe.

The advantages and disadvantages of

Multifunction turret block

The relevance of the application turning machines with tool post turret type, is determined only after a detailed analysis of the functionality of the equipment, its technical characteristics. But equally important is the identification of positive and negative sides of their operation.

The undoubted advantage of the use of machines of this type is the high performance. For execution of different turning operations is not necessary each time to perform the replacement cutter. Also worth noting is their automation, which have the turret lathes. But this is true only in the case if you have installed CNC.

The disadvantages can be attributed only to the high cost of models and the increasing complexity and maintenance. Also there are increased demands on the professionalism of the staff. But these factors are negligible and accounted for only at the stage of development the technological scheme of production.


Просмотров работы: 111