X Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2018


Малкова Е.С. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет имени А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых
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Today many people speak about accommodation: its types, prices, availability, comfort and etc. But several decades ago a flat in a multi-storey multifamily house seemed to be the limit of dreams. Private houses were just one of the ways to the question of accommodation, but not the most comfortable one. Nowadays low-rise construction is getting a special relevance in realization a national project “Available and comfortable accommodation for Russian citizens” as it satisfies both criteria: availability and comfort.



I think that in every historical part of the city, you can see old houses, that were built according to the “brick + wood” type – it is when the walls of the first floor are made from brick, and the walls of the high floor are made from wood. There are lots ofdisadvantages of these types of the houses:

  • Small size of the brick (long and hard work to set walls)

  • High coefficient of brick`s thermal conductivity (brick walls should be thick, that much increases a foundation load, therefore its price)

  • A long setting of brick constructions, high value ( the brick and the wood are ones of the most expensive construction materials)

  • Shrinkage of the wood (that leads to the decreasing of the bar volume, therefore the height of the wood walls is changing)

  • The wood can rot fast, or the mold or insects can appear

  • The wood has a low degree of fire resistance, so it can be dangerous for human lives

Despite all the minuses, the wood is the most ecological material. Modern houses are often “concrete boxes”, and the house which is made from the wood, even partly provides “unity with nature”. The air in the building will be clean, with a smell of pine, spruce or larch (depending on the row for bars).

Slightly more innovational are the houses where the first floor is made from foam concrete and the high floor is “carcass + synthetic filler”. Such fillers can be mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, polyurethane and foamglass.

Building houses in such way have many pros and cons:

  • A house from foamblocks must be built only by the wireframe method, that means all the disadvantages of carcass are waiting for you

  • Foam concrete, for example, comparing with the timber doesn`t give serious shrinkage and deformations from humidity

  • Foam concrete as a construction material is demanding waterproofing

  • Foam concrete block can bear the load in the static position, but you can damage it at a sharp blow

  • During the construction from foam concrete blocks load distribution calculations on every element must be done, otherwise the house can be shaky and the roof will be harder than walls

While using synthetic insulation you must know:

  • Houses that are made of mineral wool are not safe for health (a small hole or steam isolation incision and a fine dust can get into the house. And also the usage of mineral wool is prohibited in the buildings of food industry)

  • expanded polystyrene has a low thermal conductivity, chemical inertness, high water resistance, but also it has a insufficient mechanical strength (especially Styrofoam), complete vapor permeability,high flammability

  • polyurethane foam has a good thermal insulation capacity, high adhesion of all surfaces, solidity of the formed layer, easy installation, resistance to the appearance of mold, but it has a low mechanical strength, toxicity of raw materials, high flammability

  • foamglass is durable, resistant to the appearance of mold and to temperature changes, waterproof, but it has a difficult production technology, that means a high price of the material. It damages of sharp blows and shrinkages of the construction

From all above we can make a conclusion that many synthetic heaters are harmful for health, has a high flammability and are not susceptible to mold and fungi, has a low price.

The third type of low-rise houses in this article are “eco-houses”. Nowadays eco-houses are not just fashion from the West. Energy prices are rising higher and higher that makes the problem of energy efficiency relevant. Nowadays in Europe there is an active construction of energy saving houses, and there is also a working out of state programmes of leading building objects to as low as possible level of energy consumption. When you think about building such house, you need to pay attention on next aspects:

  • construction materials ( you should give preference to eco clean materials: stone, wood, glass, concrete and resin)

  • there is a big heat loss through usual windows, so it`s better to set energy efficient windows

  • you should pay attention to the house`s project (constructions should be projected in a way to avoid the existence of “bridges” of cold

  • you should provide an extra basement insulation

One of the variants of eco-house is a construction “wood concrete+carcass with ecological aggregate”. The walls of the first floor are made from foam concrete and the second floor “carcass + wood Styrofoam”.

Panels from wood concrete are novelty in building materials, if we don`t pay attention on the fact that “new is forgotten old”. In 20s years of the last century panels from wood concrete were successfully used. The second attempt in mass production was made in 60s.

The material was finalized, experienced, certified and showed its viability in extreme conditions. I must also notice that the houses on antarctic stations were built exactly from this material.

As a basis of technology of making wood concrete was put the production of adobe and concrete blocks. It means that panel filler is an old chips that is flooded in forms with portlandconcrete. Chips is made on special crushers from woodworking enterprises` wastes, boughs, top of the trees are used.

New –old material , due to its unique structure, have lots of advantages:

  • wood concrete has high heat-insulating properties (30 centimeters plates of wood concrete can replace 2 meters brick wall)

  • wood concrete`s soundproofing is better than brick`s or concrete`s in 4 times

  • environmental friendliness, no fungi and mold formation

  • high fire resistance

  • lightness of panels, that makes walls construction cheaper and in less time

  • strength and elasticity

  • easy to plaster

There are several construction materials on the basis of wood concrete: arbolite, ermalit, timfort.

Production of foam plastic from wood can be called innovational technology in production foam construction materials in 2017-2018. In order to estimate the advantages of novelty, one should remember that usual foam plastic is made from polymers, obtained from oil, that are harmful for human`s health and the environment. As wood considered to bea natural ecological material, foam plastic made from wood, will be more ecologically clean than its analogs, made from plastic.

Besides, “wood foam plastic” needs fully recycling that is the precondition for saving raw materials. In perspective “wood foam plastic”, from which new material is produced, can be used for making innovational heat-insulating materials and packaging.

The technology of making foam plastic from wood means grinding of wood to a viscous consistency. On the next stage this grinding mass diluted with gas for foaming and congealing. Congealing happens due to natural components which are in the wood. Then the process of forming material in sheets of different thicknesses is happening, which depends on further destiny of foam plastic.

New material is liable to mechanical restoration, has satisfactory strength, waterproof, so it is an ideal heat-insulating material.

If you compare some materials by compressive strength, you will get next:

  • brick from 7.5 to 30 MPa

  • foam concrete block from 0.25 to 12.5 MPa

  • arbolite from 0.5 to 3.5 MPa

Arbolite greatly loses to brick by strength. However, if you compare thermal conductivity (brick- 0.88W/(m*K); arbolite- 0.11W/(m*K)) brick loses in 8 times.

If you compare heaters, you will get:

  • mineral wool from 0.3 to 0.45W/m*K

  • foamglass from 0.048 to 0.052W/m*K

  • foam plastic from wood from 0.036 to 0.05 W/m*K

The research of low-rise construction is not a new topic, but due to permanent appearance of new construction materials, every time you can introduce something new in the development of this theme.


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