X Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2018


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The construction of high-rise residential buildings and business centers from wood is a trend that is gaining increasing popularity in Europe and America. Technologies of wooden construction are constantly being improved, and it becomes obvious that building out of wood is profitable, fast, reliable and safe. Every year there are new records of the erection of multi-storey buildings with the use of wooden panels CLT and glued beam LVL.

Advantages of wooden construction

A tree is a renewable natural resource, from which modern composite materials are produced, characterized by high strength and durability. At the same time low-grade wood, chips and waste can be used for the production of high-tech building materials, in particular panels and timber. Manufacturing and processing of building structures made of wood, as well as their transportation and installation costs are cheaper in comparison with steel and reinforced concrete analogues.

Work with wood is less energy-consuming and laborious due to the use of simple tools and equipment, cranes of lower carrying capacity. At the same time, the installation of wooden structures is highly technological and fast, as blocks and modules of factory assembly are used.

Buildings made of wood meet modern standards of "green" energy-efficient construction. They can be erected in territories with complex engineering and geological conditions, including seismic activity, the presence of mining sub-jobs and subsidence properties.

Carried out fire tests confirm that the tree shows the best results in fire safety in comparison with steel. Strength characteristics and stability of timber structures remain for 45 minutes after the start of the fire, whereas the limit of fire resistance of metal in an unprotected state is 15 minutes. External layers of wood under high temperatures are charred, while internal layers continue to retain their technical characteristics for a long period of time. At the same time, modern building materials made of wood are additionally treated with flame retardants in plant conditions, which makes it possible to reduce their flammability to a minimum.

Wooden multi-storey construction abroad

In developed countries, multi-storey houses made of wood have long been not considered experimental. In the European Union, the state program "Wooden Europe" is actively promoted, in accordance with the provisions of which already by 2020 the volume of construction of buildings from wood should reach 80% of the total number of new buildings, and today this indicator is approaching the planned one. An impressive list of projects implemented and under implementation, embodying bold architectural ideas, is the best evidence of this.

10-storey residential building in Australia

A few years ago in the Melbourne of the composite CLT-blocks was erected 10-story building "Forté". The residential building was designed and built taking into account the requirements of the most modern "green" standards. Including - a system for collecting and cleaning rainwater, installed heat pumps, energy-saving LED lighting. The building was certified by the international Green Star program and received the highest rating of 5 stars.

Other high-rise buildings made of wood, erected abroad

The scale of high-rise construction from a tree abroad is really great. In many large cities, along with traditional buildings of steel and concrete, wooden towers of 8-9 floors appear. Five-story buildings from LVL and CLT of wood have long become the norm in Scandinavia and Canada. The direction of wooden construction is confidently mastered by world-famous architects and builders. In particular, the company SOM, according to the project of which the world's tallest tower Burj Khalif is built, is currently engaged in developing the concept of a real wooden skyscraper with a height of 42 floors.

Famous architect Michael Green developed and presented to the public a pre-project of the 35-storey CLT skyscraper "Baobab". The designer provided for the possibility of installing the building from prefabricated modules, which, upon expiration of their useful life, can be dismantled and reassembled in a smaller storey structure.

The situation in the field of wooden high-rise construction is reflected in the constantly updated interactive map. The resource contains information about all designed and built objects. For each of them there is a brief summary of technical characteristics and a link to the designer's site.

The situation with high-rise wooden construction in Russia

Almost a fifth of the world's forest resource base is located on the territory of the Russian Federation. With competent organization of cultivation and industrial use of wood, its reserves for Russia are inexhaustible. Taking into account the introduction of new wood processing technologies, the cost of such building materials can gradually decrease, while prices for the production of concrete and steel are constantly growing.

However, today the construction of wood in our country is regulated by regulations more than half a century ago. First of all, this concerns the fire safety regulations, which do not take into account the characteristics of modern composite materials CLT and LVL. Therefore, in the established order it is possible to design and build wooden buildings with a height of no more than 5 meters and an area of ​​up to 500 m2.

Any examples of multi-storey construction in Russia are classified as "unique" and "experimental." Nevertheless, they exist. In order to fit into the existing regulations, the combined technology of reinforced concrete and wooden construction is used for the erection of buildings, when the monolithic frame is clad with CLT panels. Under this scheme, five-storey buildings in the Pushkin district of St. Petersburg are implemented. There are examples of such construction in Nizhny Novgorod.

Unfortunately, in the absence of an appropriate regulatory framework, multi-storey timber construction in Russia is not profitable. For each project, it is necessary to receive a lot of approvals and conclusions, to conduct new tests of materials, to justify, to resolve issues with local authorities, various departments and supervisory bodies. There is no standard way of obtaining permits for the construction of wooden multi-storey buildings.

At the same time, in the development of construction technology from wood, everyone is interested: manufacturers of building materials, construction chemicals (glue compounds, impregnations and additives, paints), design and contract organizations. For this purpose, round tables are organized (for example, the congress in Moscow, held by the Akzo Nobel concern in December 2015). Presentations and reports on world trends in wooden housing construction are presented at the meetings, selection of documents that can form the basis of future regulations and norms is carried out.

Просмотров работы: 123