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X Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2018


Кречко Ю.В. 1
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Умный дом-это дом, который имеет передовые автоматические системы освещения, контроля температуры, мультимедиа, безопасности, оконных и дверных операций, и многие другие функции.

Умный дом называется "умным", потому что его компьютерные системы могут контролировать множество аспектов повседневной жизни.

Идея "умного дома" может звучать как что-то из Голливуда. В фильмы показывается научно-фантастическое видение технологии умного дома, которое кажется невероятным. Однако, технология умного дома реальна, и она становится все более изощренной. Кодированные сигналы передаются через проводку в доме, через выключатели и розетки, которые запрограммированы для работы техники и электронных устройств в каждой части дома. Домашняя автоматизация может быть особенно полезна пожилым людям и инвалидам, желающим жить самостоятельно.

Ключевые слова: новые технологии, центральные процессор, энергосбережение, умный дом, охранная система, управление освещением, камера наблюдения.



Vladimir, Russia

A smart house is a house that has highly advanced automatic systems for lighting, temperature control, multi-media, security, window and door operations, and many other functions.

A smart home appears "intelligent" because its computer systems can monitor so many aspects of daily living.

The idea of a smart home may sound like something out of Hollywood. Films show a sci-fi vision of smart home technology that seems improbable.

However, smart home technology is real, and it's becoming increasingly sophisticated. Coded signals are sent through the home's wiring to switches and outlets that are programmed to operate appliances and electronic devices in every part of the house. Home automation can be especially useful for elderly and disabled persons who wish to live independently.

Keywords:new technology, central controller, energy saving, smart home, guard system, electric light control, сamera surveillance.

Last time construction materials, equipment and building techniques have become more energy efficient, need based, economical, environment friendly, user friendly and aesthetically better.

The material and equipment, we choose to construct our buildings should enhance safety, minimize pollution, be friendly to natural environment and in general create healthy atmosphere. The buildings should have good waste management system, water conservation and use less of artificial energy.

The construction industry is one of the largest industry worldwide, that have to face different aspects of challenges and issues to maintain their significant growth.

A Central Processor

Long ago, an Intelligent House stopped being a science fiction writers’ castle in the air. Nowadays, it is a piece of reality, which has well come true, and the benefits of which are being willingly enjoyed by thousands of people, all over the world. It is a building controlling system, which provides people, living in the house, with the most comfortable existence, by means of automation and high-tech devices. The principles of the Intelligent House functioning are quite diverse. This depends, mostly on developers and producers of the system. The latter, on the one hand, can be represented by the only – central processor, which will control the whole room, or can be based on the technology of intellect distribution, on the other. In this case, each unit possesses its’ own intellect, that makes the system more flexible and safe. As to the first case, any crippling of the processor can lead to a real “riot”, during which the house will appear uncontrolled; during the second one, on the contrary, solely some functions in some limited room will be out of order.

Energy Saving

The system of house control might seem an excess; actually, however, its’ main purpose is energy saving. An artificial intellect adapts to your customs: it switches the light off in a bare room, if you have forgotten to; taking into consideration the weather changes, which are going on, it maintains for you the ideal climatic conditions inside your dwelling, and makes a lot of other things. It is an excellent guard and watchman: it, not only blocks your door after you have left, but also creates the visibility of a human presence; in case, if some guests have visited you, it will phone on your mobile. The house control can be connected with a universal control panel, computer, tablet or a telephone.

Greater everyday convenience with Smart Home solutions

Smart Home technology includes countless newly developed products that aim for the future and are setting new standards in their fields. This means there are new solutions to many everyday problems. It all starts with sleep: Thanks to an array of sensors, beds not only collect data about duration, depth and quality of sleep, but the mattress also adjusts to be firmer or softer depending on the personal needs and preferences of the sleeper. Upon entering the bath, music or the news plays quietly to help you wake up. Cameras in the mirror detect how you are feeling based on the color of your face, and a floor mat measures weight, pulse and body fat. The coffee maker automatically prepares your morning cup of coffee – after you have set the amounts of frothed milk and coffee you want with an app. As soon as you leave the house, the thermostat automatically lowers the temperature setting and only begins to heat up again when one of the home’s residents gets closer to arriving there.

Automatic lights scenario

The electric light control helps to save electricity and create a room light design, which ideally fits to your pastime and forms a unique dwelling atmosphere. The scenario illustrates a ability of Intelligent Houses to automatically switch on and off lights in the house. After dusk, when an inhabitant is going from one room to another within a house, he or she switches on the light in a room that he or she enters and in the same time switches off the light in the room that he or she leaves. The house observes the habits of switching on and off the lights so later the lights can be switched on and off automatically.

One more thing is worth to be mentioned, that is the curtains and jalousies control – this will protect your house from daylight, when you wish. The light, as well as the climate indoors, is automatically controlled, depending on a season and the weather outdoors.

Intrusion detection scenario

The first being paid attention to by well-to-do people, is, often, a high level guard system, which, according to your demand, can be well adapted, in addition. The house constantly monitors all inhabitants. Different sequences of sensor inputs are stored and used in a search for some patterns that can be used afterwards to facilitate the life of inhabitants. However, the stored data can also be used to detect scenarios that greatly differ from the ones stores in the database. The house detects the movement in the middle of the garage next to the car. All scenarios that are stored in the database are completely different. Always the sensor before the garage entrance or the sensor in the corridor detect some movement first. Then the video camera in the garage detects a person next to one of the entrances. As the current situation is different and the garage during the night is treated as a security area, hence the house classifies the situation as an intrusion. Then the video camera starts recording and the video stream is send to the Police station.

The ‘Intelligent’ House of the Future

The “smart” home is now a reality. There are prototypes of automated homes, plagued by electrical and electronic equipment capable of communicating with each other and controlled by a PC or a PBX: devices that raise and lower the blinds according to the weather outside; appliances, air conditioning and heating, which are programmed according to the customs of the inhabitants of the house; ovens and coffeemakers sending e-mails; microwave where you can watch TV or refrigerators with Internet access. One example of the modern house is that of Bill Gates, which incorporates the latest advances automation

Prospects of development

Even conservative estimations suggest that sustainable growth will cause the number of Smart Home households to exceed one million in 2020. Smart Home installations and services make powerful broadband connections more and more interesting to the consumer market. In addition, Smart Home's benefits for energy-saving, comfortable and elderly-friendly living are of high social relevance.


These days it seems everyone is talking about the Smart Home. That’s no surprise, since new Smart Home solutions are packed with ways to improve our quality of life in every way: They offer greater security, save precious time, and reduce energy costs. Smart Home technology automates everyday tasks, while appliance settings such as heating, lighting and loudspeaker volume can be adjusted quickly via computer or smartphone to individual preferences. Thanks to WLAN and Bluetooth, devices can not only receive information but can also send it and thus communicate with each other.

The list of sources
  1. Е. Тесля, «Умный дом» своими руками. Строим интеллектуальную цифровую систему в своей квартире. – М.: Питер.

  2. Р.К. Элсенпитер, Т.Дж. Велт. "Умный Дом строим сами". Пер. с англ. – М.:Кудиц - образ, 2005.

  3. The ‘Intelligent’ House of the Future. It will make life easier: [Электронный ресурс]//SEEKYT. URL: https://www.seekyt.com/. (Дата обращения: 22.09.2017).

  4. Smart Home – the intelligent house of tomorrow: [Электронный ресурс]//Voestalpine. URL: https://www.voestalpine.com/blog/en/innovation-en/. (Дата обращения: 22.09.2017).

  5. What Is An Intelligent House?: [Электронный ресурс]//LIMEX. URL: https://www.limexbcn.com/en/intelligent-house/. (Дата обращения: 22.09.2017).

  6. Intelligent House: [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.imm.dtu.dk/. (Дата обращения: 24.09.2017).

  7. An intelligent house: [Электронный ресурс]//My e-shop.2015. URL: http://www.ifm.com/ifmmy/web/newsletter/news_021503.html. (Дата обращения: 22.09.2017).
  8. Архитектурная физика: Учеб. Для вузов: Спец. Архитектура/ В.К. Лицкевич, Л.И., Л.И. Макринский, И.В. Мигалина и др.; Под ред. Н.В. Оболенского. – М.: Стройиздат, 1998.

  9. What are the Growth Prospects of Construction Industries?: [Электронный ресурс]. // The Constructor. URL:https://theconstructor.org. (Дата обращения: 23.09.2017).

Просмотров работы: 122