X Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2018


Карпов В.С. 1
1Владимирский государственный университет
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Autonomous gas supply is an alternative gas supply system, in which gas for households or enterprises comes not from a gas trunkline, but from an independent storage facility.

The device of autonomous gas supply system

By installing an autonomous gas supply system (AGS), you can connect all systems running on gas: heating, lighting, including emergency, hot water, air conditioning. With the help of gas many household appliances can work: a stove, a fireplace, a convector, a boiler, a water heater.

The AGS system consists of several basic elements: a tank of liquefied gas (gasholder), which is necessarily equipped with a lightning rod and anti-corrosion protection; From this reservoir, the pipeline leaves the distributor head, and from it, in turn, the outlets go to the points of consumption. The capacity of the liquefied mixture of natural gases (propane and butane) from a special tanker truck is filled.

The reservoir can be horizontal and vertical, ground and underground. The best option is a horizontal underground gasholder, which provides better operation safety, better performance (as it has a wider "evaporation mirror"). In addition, the underground reservoir can be located at a closer distance to the house, and it will be provided with better protection against severe frosts.

The volume and the type of the gasholder are determined depending on consumer needs: what area will need to be heated, how many and what devices it is neccessary to connect.

The elements of the system of autonomous gasification using the example of a private house

Typically, the autonomous gasification system includes the following elements:

1A gasholder - a tank of an underground installation, equipped with:

• safety valve;

• a valve for the selection of the vapor component of LPG;

•a valve for liquid component of LPG;

•a level gauge;

•a filling valve;

• Two-staged pressure regulator with safety shut-off and safety relief valve.

2. The reinforced concrete solid plate on which the gas holder is installed. It plays the role of an anchor, prevents the possible emersion of the reservoir.

3. Anodic-cathodic protection. The system consists of a group of anodes (magnesium alloys). They are installed near the gas holder and connected to it using a wire. In the process of protection, magnesium is oxidized, and the iron contained in the gas reservoir is restored. As a result, the life of the reservoir increases to several decades.

4. Steam trap. It is a small container - a "pot". At low outside temperatures,the part of the gaseous butane in the gas pipeline passes into the liquid phase and flows into the condensate trap. From there, its gradual evaporation takes place.

5. External gas pipeline (low pressure). For its installation, low-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes are used.

6. Steel basement entry into the building with a case, equipped with:

•a ball valve "for welding";

• bellows expansion joint. This element serves to protect the wall and the pipeline from destruction during seasonal soil movements and the draft of the house.

7. Internal layout of the gas pipeline.

A quality gasholder is the key to the success of autonomous gasification. The effectiveness of the system of autonomous gasification depends on the quality of its main component - gasholdera. Choosing a gasholder you should pay attention to the following points:

• The most secure type of tank installation is underground. In addition, this option does not require additional costs for the insulation of the tank;

• The horizontal gasholder is preferable to the vertical one, as the mirror of evaporation of liquefied hydrocarbon gases in the first case is much larger than in the second one

•a gasholder with a high neck makes it possible to damp it below the freezing level, which protects from getting into the neck of groundwater;

• the presence of stiffeners in the design of the reservoir protects it from deformations under the influence of ground masses;

• Experienced users advise acquiring gasholders of domestic production, as they are the most adapted ones to the realities of the Russian climate;

• the most durable are gasholders, made of corrosion-resistant steel with a high-quality coating. They cost more than low-carbon steel, but in this case, the user wins to reduce the costs of maintaining the gasholder in proper condition.

Advantages and disadvantages of the system of autonomous gas supply

Becoming the owner of the system of autonomous gasification, its owner receives a number of advantages:

• Autonomy

The vapor pressure of LPG is always constant, its fluctuations do not occur, as it often happens in the case of the connection to centralized gas pipelines. Gasification system is the property of the customer, and that is why in everyday life there is another name - individual gasification.

• Cost-effective

From an economic point of view, autonomous gasification is very beneficial - the price of generated energy is lower by 25-30% than with diesel fuel. Liquefied gas contains less sulfur compounds, so the consumption of haThe gas consumption and its combustion are more effective. The cost of energy is cheaper only when methane is heated.

• Individual project

Design and installation is made taking into account the requirements and wishes of the customer.

•The increased resource of boiler equipment

Low content of sulfur compounds in LPG and the stability of its pressure at the burner inlet prolongs the life of the boiler equipment and smoke extraction systems. Gas boilers are not as susceptible to such corrosion as boilers operating on other fuels, and overgrowth with soot less

• Universality

The possibility of connecting additional gas-using equipment for individuals without agreement. At the same time, you can provide your house with heat, hot water, connect a gas power station, and install a gas stove in the kitchen.

• High security

Autonomous gasification includes safety equipment located both on tanks and pressure regulators, as well as in a boiler room or in another gasified room.

• Simplicity and low maintenance costs

The equipment does not require constant monitoring of operating modes, and it is sufficient to inspect it once every three months.

• Installation in a short time

High unification allows to install independent cottage gasification "turnkey" within 1-2 days, industrial facilities - 3-4 days from the receipt of custom equipment.

• High environmental friendliness

LPG is an environmentally friendly fuel, as when it burns, no ash, soot and various toxic substances are formed.

• Lack of bureaucracy

All issues are resolved bilaterally between the customer and the contractor, and this also determines the fact that the autonomous gasification "turnkey" is installed as soon as possible.

Disadvantages of autonomous gasification

• On the one hand, this system allows you to get rid of the need to regularly refuel fuel tanks, as required by liquid or solid-fuel options. However, this entails other duties, in particular, the owner must constantly monitor the state of the gas holder in order to avoid the occurrence of a gas leak. It is also necessary to track the remainder of the gas so that at the most important moment the system does not shut down due to a shortage of fuel.


This is easily accomplished thanks to modern telemetry modules, the modification of some of them can transfer data even remotely through the Internet or GSM communication.

• In the process of evaporation condensate forms on the walls of the gas holder, if hits the reducer, can cause malfunctions in the system.


To avoid this model, gasholders should have increased insurance against such manifestations.Qualified specialists will help to make your choice who are well aware of the definition of parameters, taking into account the operating conditions, the type of soil and the technological features of the gas-consuming installation.

• Gas fuel is intended for combustion, whereby it is considered explosive and its use must be carefully monitored.


When creating an autonomous gasification system in a country house, it is necessary to trust the performance of works only by an official company that has the appropriate approvals and certification.

Просмотров работы: 87