IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Салова Т.А. 1
1Новосибирский Государственный Педагогический Университет
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Intonation is always a bit of a sticky question for those learning pronunciation. While some people seem to find this part of language learning relatively easy, many find it quite difficult. Intonation is usually described in terms of an analogy with the concept of height in music: high, low, rise fall etc. Therefore, those who play an instrument are at an advantage, as they have already been trained to recognize differences in pitch and do so each time they tune up their instruments.

Conversational formulas include Attracting Attention, Leave Talking, Thanks, Warning, Apologies, Threats, Reproach and Reprimand, Opinion, Agreement, Disagreement and Doubt and so on. Conversational formulas play an important role in communication. They help to establish and to keep contact between the speaker and the listener.

A. Agreement

1. The simplest way to express agreement with a statement is, we use Low Fall.

Yes, it is/ does/ can, etc.

To agree with a negative statement we say, for example:

No, it isn’t/ doesn’t/ can’t, etc.

2. To make the agreement more friendly, we use Descending Scale + Low Fall:

Certainly - may be included for emphatic.

I (quite) agree (with) you.

I think so too.

So do I.

You are (quite) right there.

Exactly. - formal

Quite so. - formal

3. If the statement has strong emotions, we usually use Descending Scale + Low Fall:

That`s just what I think!

I couldn`t agree more!

You can say that again!

B. Disagreement

1. The simplest way to express disagreement is Low Fall:

No, it isn’t/ doesn’t/ can’t, etc.

To disagree with a negative statement we say:

Yes, it is/ does/ can, etc.

3. The above forms are used mainly to disagree with statements of fact. To disagree with an opinion, one of the following phrases is generally to be preferred:

I don’t agree (with you) (there).

I disagree (with you) (there).

I’m afraid I can’t agree (with you) (there). – milder, more tactful.

I’m afraid you are mistaken (here).

I think you are mistaken (here).

4. The above forms are used mainly to disagree with statements of fact. To disagree with an opinion, one of the following phrases is generally to be preferred, as for intonation we use Descending Scale + Low Fall:

Not at all.

Nothing of the kind.

On the contrary. - formal

5. If it is a strong exclamation, we use High Fall. This statements may be very abrupt, possibly rude:



(That’s) ridiculous.

C. Doubt

1. Now here are some ways of softening disagreement. For statements which show reservations on part of the speaker and which might be followed by but or I must admit we use Descending Scale +Fall Rise.:



As a matter of fact,…

2. If the statement is intended as a question, we use Descending Scale + Low Rise. To disagree tactfully, we use Descending Scale + Low Rise, we may also use such expressions as:

Do you (really) think so?

3. For statements which show reservations on part of the speaker and which might be followed by but or I must admit we use Descending Scale +Fall Rise:

I agree with you up to a point (but…)

I see what you mean but…

That may be true but…

Perhaps so.

To sum up I`d like to say that intonation escribes how the voice rises and falls in speech. The three main patterns of intonation in English are: falling intonation, rising intonation and fall-rise intonation. Each kind of intonation is responsible for certain emotion and if we don`t know that, we can`t truly expressed our thoughts.

Список литературы:

  1. Хорошилова С. П. Фонетика английского языка: продвинутый уровень: учебно-методическое пособие / С. П. Хорошилова. - Новосиб. гос. пед. ун-т. - Новосибирск: НГПУ, 2015. - 300 с.

  2. Сайт Дэвида Брэтта http://davidbrett.uniss.it/phonology/

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