IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Кабиденов А.С. 1
1Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н.Гумилева
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At the present stage of the society of foreign language education is given special attention. The learning process will not produce results unless the following two conditions are met: for the student - an opportunity to ask questions, for training - an opportunity to find out how the student understands the material. No work, no single action can not be performed efficiently without understanding the sufficiency or insufficiency of the result; such understanding is possible only with the appearance of information allowing to assess what has been done. This information is referred to as feedback, the receipt of which contributes to the understanding of whether the training was held. Therefore, at the present stage of development of educational activities teachers need to master various techniques of feedback for effective learning activities. In this regard, the chosen theme seems relevant to us.

Pedagogy is interconnected with many sciences, such as philosophy, sociology, psychology, cybernetics, and many other sciences. Having a common object of study education, they learn it from their positions, that is, have their own subject of study. Man lives and develops in certain natural and social environment. Consequently, science, study them, also have an indirect or even a direct relation to the development and formation of personality. Therefore, pedagogy takes into account and uses them in its development. These sciences are adjacent to it.

The concept of "feedback" it in the pedagogy in the 60 years of the last century from the rapidly developing at the time of cybernetics - the science of control of complex dynamic systems, the ability to perceive, store, and process information and use it to control. On the feedback as a phenomenon of cybernetics first spoke American scientist cybernetics, Norbert Wiener. He believed that through the organization of the feedback it is possible implementation of the activity, to be selective interaction, which is a prerequisite for the stability of the system and brings it to the ordered state. "Wherever we looked at management processes in a living organism, or in their community, in cars, or in society, anywhere they can not be implemented without the feedback» [3, p. 199].

It is known that the relationship between cybernetics and pedagogy is bilateral. The educational process - a complex and specific type of control - is the subject of cybernetic research, which involves the correct conduct of reliance on psychological and pedagogical training and education theory.

Educational psychology - a branch of psychology that studies the psychological problems of training and education. Educational psychology examines psychological issues targeted form of cognitive activity and socially significant qualities of the person; conditions ensuring optimal developmental effect of learning; taking into account the possibility of individual psychological characteristics of students; the relationship between teacher and students, as well as within the academic community; psychological bases of pedagogical activity (professor of psychology). In the context of psychology in general terms by the feedback is generally understood "any kind of return to the source, which is useful in the regulation of behavior" [4]. Feedback performs any information, direct or indirect, immediate or delayed, which the person receives from the recipient (or recipients), their behavior, their appearance, information about itself [2, p.1].

The impact of the teacher in the audience, his guidance information addressed to them - this is a direct link. The audience listens to the words of the teacher perceives and processes them in your mind and in appearance, these processes are not directly manifest. Feedback - a product of analysis, reflection and observations received from the teacher himself and partners in the joint venture. Feedback is a form of interpersonal relationships, our behavior and emotional reactions. Operating results and are used by the trainees to evaluate the joint activities of the results. Thus, the better the teacher and students are able to adjust their decree and speech, using the operating system, the greater will be the results of educational interactions.

We present some cases in which there is a need for the formulation and use of feedback:

planning and analysis;

elaboration of ideas and design activities;

thinking through the content of the activities for the upcoming period;

search, selection, the use of methods, tools and techniques for solving problems (problem);

adjustment activities of individual actions, states, judgments;

interaction, mutual acceptance [1, p.150].

When receiving feedback both parties must comply with certain conditions:

take any opinions, views and ideas;

listen carefully to each;

check understanding and to clarify obscure points and details;

perceive mistakes as opportunities to new and unexpected look at something familiar;

the independence of the participants in the acceptance or rejection of feedback;

necessary to use information in the feedback result, react to it;

encourage the pursuit of new knowledge, interest in the experience of others, to the success of each [1, p. 153].

In terms of educational psychology, feedback - is inherently a model that helps to learn. It allows for different interpretations of knowledge content, events, activities associate this content with your own knowledge, situation, behavior, sensation.

Feedback is an important factor that contributes to the learning process. feedback versatility, its interaction with the psychological phenomena such as communication barriers, communicative influence the levels and direction of transmission of information make it an essential element of the learning process

In the process of writing the following conclusions:

Feedback is the object of study of many sciences related to pedagogy. Every specific science enriches the feedback theory to their specific material;

in terms of educational psychology, feedback - is inherently a model that helps to learn. Feedback allows the teacher to obtain information about the quality of assimilation of knowledge each student;

Feedback allows the teacher to act meaningfully and systematically trained to provide information on the progress of its work;

Feedback allows the teacher in a timely manner to carry out the correction function.


1. TS Panina .. Vavilov LN Modern methods of activization of training: a manual for students. Executive. Proc. institutions / edited by G. Panina. - Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. -176 p.

2. Harutyunyan M. Yu, Petrovskaya LA Feedback system in the human understanding person / MY Harutyunyan, LA Peter // Psychology of interpersonal knowledge / ed. AA Bodaleva. M .: Education, 1981.-89.

3. I. Wiener and Cybernetics Society. M .: Foreign Literature Publishing House, 1958. - 199 p.

4. Malinochka EG feedback Category pedagogy Dis. as scientific. rep. on soisk. scientists. step, Dr. ped. Sciences. - 1998. - 74 p.

Просмотров работы: 222