IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Акбасова А.Д. 1, Абсейт А.С. 1
1Международный казахско-турецкий университет имени Х.А. Ясави
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The number of people are continuously increasing. Conversely, regarding the development of intensive soil desertification, the amount of land used for the cultivation of food products is sharply being reduced. Herewith, extensive investigating properties of soils, cleaning fields from toxic compounds of elements, especially from heavy metals and oil products, finding ways to prevent the transition to agricultural products are one of the urgent problems in our century. Heavy metals pollute many amount ofsoil with various ways by means of emissions of toxic gases and wastewater from industry. Annually, in the world as power combustion of coal into the atmosphere together with flying ashes, 60 thousand tons of plumbum, 300 t of mercury and 60 t of cadmium, 30 t of arsenic are ejected [1]. Taking into account the dispersion of concentration of mercury in a ground layer of air is relatively low and doesn't create threat to health of the person, but atmospheric mercury comes back to the earth with rains, snow and dry dust. Appearing in the rivers and lakes, it turns into methylmercury and gets to fish. Consumption on human health, with the maximum risk group are women of childbearing age[2]. Entrance of pollutants in the human body occurs in biological chains: soil-plant-man [3].

Soils with a large reserve of humic acid and humic compounds are able to bind large amounts of heavy metal ions, sometimes several times higher than their MAC(maximum allowable concentrations). The high activity humic acids due to the large range of functional groups such as carboxyl, phenolic, alcoholic, quinone, amine, amide capable of forming electrovalent and covalent compounds [4].

As the object of study taken several objects: gray soil of the surrounding area of ​​Turkestan, heavy metals (Zn, Pb, Cd), gray-filtered waste. The research of process of advance and absorption to a gray soil various volumes of heavy metal and sorbed qualities local a plant was conducted in the town of «Magzhan» on territories of MKTU of K. A. Yasawi and in laboratories "Environmental Control and Chemical Analysis" of Scientific Research Institute Ecology in MKTU. That is, the research was conducted in field and laboratory conditions. And in the course of the study were used special guidelines, defining the voltammetric equipment by heavy metalla (Ta-Lab), chemicals and other equipment [5]. In the study is mainly used methods of bioremediation and voltammetry.

The results and analysis: Ongoing field experiments were carried out in special boxes. In the box was 13 kg of soil and 2 kg of biohumus were taken. The soil in the box contaminated metals Zn, Pb, Cd in the amount of 2, 5, 10 MACs. The contaminated soil planted lucerne. After the end of the vegetative period, the plants were collected, and dried in a laboratory. Dried plants are processed by a special technique. The results of the analysis are shown in the tables below (Tables 1, 2, 3). These MAC tables given size are taken taking into account for Zn - 23 mg / kg for Pb - 32 mg / kg for Cd - 0,03 mg / kg.

Table – 1. The size of the heavy metal accumulated in lucerne plants.

Heavy metals

Serozem soil + biohumus

Initial level pollution on MAC

The sorbed amount of lucerne in mg / kg

Initial level pollution on MAC

The sorbed amount of lucerne in mg / kg

Initial level pollution on MAC

The sorbed amount of lucerne in mg / kg






















Conclusion: Based on the results of field and laboratory research can draw the following conclusions:

  1. It was determined that passability index of Zn at 2-5 MAC will be high.

  2. It was determined that the passability of mercury increases as the concentration of metal increases in lucerne.

  3. It is determined that the passability index of Cd to Lucerne is in maximum level as 5 MAC

To conlude, when we added biohumus to gray soil the amount of Pb and Zn increased by 2-10 MAC and taking the sorbing property as a base we can remove soil from Pb and Zn. It was shouwn that the passability index of Cd to Lucerne is in maximum level as 5 MAC. It was proved that an experiment which added biohumus to Cd the translocation rate of Cd decreases.


  1. Беренгартен М.Г., Евстафьев А.Г. Международное сотрудничество по созданию экологически чистых технологий добычи и использования угля // Открытые горные работы, 2000, № 27 С7 4-5

  2. Carrington C.D., Mortwill B., Bolger P.M. Fn Intervention Analysis for the Reduction of Exposure to Methyl-mercury from the Consumption of seafood by Woman of Child-Searing Age. Presentation at Workshop on Mercury, Brussels, March 29-30 р.

  3. Микшевич Н.В., Ковальчук Л.А. Тяжелые металлы в системе «почва- растения- животные» в зоне действия медеплавильного предприятия // Мат. 2 –ой всесофзной международной конференции по ТМ в окр. Среде и охр. Природы. – М ., 1988. – С. 127-129 .

  4. Орлов Д. С. Гумусовые кислоты почв и общая теория гуминфикации. –М.: изд-во МГУ , 1990. -325 с.

  5. МУ 31-04/04. Количественный химический анализ проб пищевых продуктов, продовольственного сырья, кормов и продуктов их переработки, биологически активных добавок к пище, биологических объектов. Томск. 2004. –С. 5-18.

Просмотров работы: 149