IX Международная студенческая научная конференция Студенческий научный форум - 2017


Новосельцева И.А. 1
1Новосибирский Государственный Педагогический Университет
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Words of gratitude are of great importance in the English language. British people use these words in every conversation and you can not expect anything good if you ask a British man about any service, you do not "decorate" your request with these words. What are the different ways of expressing gratitude in English and what intonation patterns are used if we want to thank someone in English?

1. Firstly wide spread words of gratitude are «thank you, thanks and so on».

British people use these words to express gratitude and if it is real gratitude, than usually the typical intonation of these words is High Fall.

The typical intonation of phrase «Thank you» is High Fall on the word «thank».

And the typical intonation of phrase «Thank you very much» is High Fall on the word «much».

If we pronounce these words with Rising intonation it sounds formal, casual:

For example, the typical intonation of phrase «Thank you» is Rise on the word «thank». And the typical intonation of phrase «Thank you very much» is Rise on the word «much».

As for «thanks a lot», this phrase sounds normally a bit sarcastic in English. [1]

There are some other ways to express gratitude in English.

For example:

• I am very grateful to you – я очень благодарен вам. This phrase means that you really appreciate what someone has done for you and you want to express your thanks. The typical intonation of this phrase is High Fall on the word «grateful».

• Much obliged to you – очень признателен вам. This is a very official expression of gratitude for what someone has done for you. The typical intonation of this phrase is High Fall on the word «obliged».

• Cheers – can also be used in the meaning - спасибо. It’sanother informal way to thank someone but we can’t use this word in a letter to unknown people or in business correspondence. The typical intonation of this phrase is Rising tone.

• You shouldn’t (have) – не стоило этого делать. This phrase is used when someone gives you a gift and you are very surprised about that. The typical intonation of this phrase is High Fall on the word «shouldn’t».

• That’s very kind of you – очень любезно с вашей стороны. This expression is official, business. The typical intonation of this phrase is High Fall on the word «kind».

• I’d like to thank… - я хотел бы поблагодаритьWith this phrase the British begin to thank someone in official appeals (for example at the "Oscar" ceremony).

For example: «I'd like to thank everyone for coming along and supporting us today».

The typical intonation of this phrase is Low Rise on the word «thank». [2]

There are also words expressing replies of gratitude in English.

For example:

• Not at all – не за что. The typical intonation of this phrase is High Fall on the word «all».

• You are welcome – пожалуйста. The typical intonation of this phrase is High Fall on the word «welcome».

• Don’t mention it – не стоит благодарности. The typical intonation of this phrase is High Fall on the word «mention».

• It’s nothing – не за что. The typical intonation of this phrase is High Fall on the word «nothing».

• It’s a pleasure – было приятно помочь. The typical intonation of this phrase is High Fall on the word «pleasure».



«Not at all»

«You are welcome»

«Don’t mention it»

HF. «It’s nothing»

«It’s a pleasure»

have typical intonation HF.

And such expressions as «Oh, that’s all right» or «Oh, that’s O.K.» have Falling-Rising intonation. [1]

Список литературы:

1. Хорошилова С. П. Фонетика английского языка: продвинутый уровень: учебно-методическое пособие / С. П. Хорошилова. - Новосиб. гос. пед. ун-т. - Новосибирск: НГПУ, 2015. с.176-178.

2. Колыхалова О.А., Махмурян К.С. Учитесь говорить по-английски: Фонетический практикум. - М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 1998. с.59.

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